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Izuku pov
I can't believe they haven't hit me yet, it might be because I'm new. There probably giving me a chance, there nice "Izuku, Shinso it's time for bed, Izuku since you don't have a room yet you will have to sleep in Shinso's room" I nod and get up following Shinso to his room. I sit down in the corner of the room while Shinso gets changed "Izuku this is my favourite plush you can sleep with it" he hands me a plush fox "w..why he you favourite w..why give me?"

I say looking up at him, he smiles "it's because dad said your my brother now and sharing is caring wait...your looking up at me for once!" he hugs me and I look at the fox 'brothers huh I like that' I hug back for some reason I feel safe with him "hey I said time for bed-"

We look up to Aizawa staring at us "what are you tow doing?" "Hugging" Shinso reply's getting up and dragging me to his bed "night sleep tight" Aizawa turns off the lights and shuts the door behind himself "night Izu" "night Sh..Shinso" I get under the blankets and go to sleep with Shinso and the fox plush.

I'm sitting in front of Aizawa holding a fork with salad on it it looked like rabbit food to me "Izuku I want you to eat this ok then we will be done 'I don't want to throw up again' I shook my head no he sighed and put it closer to my mouth "Izuku open" his tone of voice scared me a bit he really wanted me to eat rabbit food.

So I slowly opened my mouth and ate it I could feel that I'm going to puke again but I held it in as best as I can the loud one came over with a bucket probably just in case after a bit the feeling went away and I looked up "good job Izuku" i shot my head right back down and looked to the side embarrassed and happy he said that I did good.

It's probably the first time that someone said that to me "thhh thanks" he just chuckled and got up "come on Izuku let's go out today you need new clothes and maybe some toys" "HEY is my toys not good enough" I see Shinso get off the couch run up to us and pull me beside him in a hug he's taller than me so his head was just on mine "no but he might want his own Shinso now do you want to come" He nodded and ran off probably to get changed after awhile he came back in a black shirt with light grey shorts "I'm ready now zawa" Aizawa smiled and walked us out to the car.

At the mall

We were looking around when I saw a shirt that I liked it said I'm good enough on it I smiled and thought maybe I should ask for it I mean we're shopping for me so I went up to Aizawa and taped him on the leg because he's tall "yes Izuku you found something you like" I nodded and pointed to the shirt he looked at it but a sad face went on hid face.

"you know Izuku you don't need a shirt to tell you your good enough because you will always be good enough for me" I looked him in the eyes for once he was telling the truth I couldn't help but start to cry from happiness "Izuku what's wrong!" He got down to my level and pulled me up to his chest "th...thank you" I hugged him back "hey zawa I found this cat shirt-"

Shinso just ran up and hugged us back "don't have a hug party without meee" after people started staring we split and looked for more thing to get "zawa can we get Izu a cat onesie like mine" I turned around to see Shinso holding a light green cat onesie I smiled I love cats I hand one before father killed it in front of me I really do miss Moon she helped me threw a lot.

"please" they turned to me and I put my head down in response "you want this then" I nodded also handing Aizawa pants and another shirt that said scars don't heal Aizawa looked at the shirt and then back at me "Izuku I'm not buying this" I nodded in response 'I went over the line' I went to take it from him but he held on to it "fine I will get it" I nodded but I couldn't help but smile he was really going to get it for me.

Back at home

"Now say my name is Izuku Aizawa" I thought about it for a bit Aizawa was trying to get my reading and writing back on track with other students so I could go to school with Shinso in a couple of months "my na i..is Izu..ku Aiz zaw za" "try again" "me map is Ku za za"

"Izuku I feel like your doing worse then when we started" Aizawa went to go get a drink of water then he came back "Izuku since you can't say my name what would you like to call me" I thought about it for a bit before something popped into my head "dad" *cough* he was choking on his water before he said something back to me "you want to call me dad?" I nod my head yes "ok...thanks" I looked up at him with a confused look on.

"w..why" "because I'm happy to know you think of me as a dad and not some care taker" he started to cry a bit I flinched when the first tear fell "y.you o..k" I said worried for him "ya you just made me really happy" he said wiping his tears away "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO CALL ME!" I turned around "the l..Lou..loud one" Aizawa and Shinso started laughing I didn't know why though.

I wake up put on shorts and a shirt that says perfect on it for some reason I like wearing these types of shirts I go out look at dad (Aizawa) waiting for me with a fork turn around but getting grabbed back to the kitchen by the loud one "Izuku you need to eat" I just shake my head no but I get put on a char next to Aizawa "open" *shake* "open" *shake* this goes on for a bit before dad tickles me so I laugh but then I get food out into my mouth.

"Izuku swallow it" I do as he said and swallow it actually tasted good so I took another bite then another but after the third bite I could feel my self going to throw up so I stoped "good job Izuku" I look down to see Shinso waiting for me to play so I get off then he pulls me away to the living room "what do you want to play Izuku" "wh...what is pl..pay" "it's when you have fun with toys like the fox plush" I nod and run to get the fox plush from the room.

I come back and sit down "n..now wa..what" "do what you want" I nod again looking at the fox "m..my name is ..fox th..the plush" I look up to see if I'm doing it right Shinso smiles "well my name is hope the bunny" he moves his bunny toy so I move the fox one 'this is fun' I think playing with my brother Shinso I look over his shoulder because I herd something.

The TV was on then I see a face on the news it was father he was caught but he had a smile on it was a smile of a evil man planing something I couldn't here Shinso call my name everything went black around me only me and the TV was here I started to hyperventilate.

It was getting harder to breath I could feel tears come down my cheeks 'I'm not safe I'm not safe I'm not safe' this repeated over in my head before I herd a loud crash this brought me back to reality I was still hyperventilating but I looked around to see Shinso in the loud ones arms dad was using his quirk and there was a broken vase on the floor.

Aizawa pov
"m..my name is ..fox th..the plush" "well my name is hope the bunny" I look over to Yamada and he's smiling I was to it was so cute to see Shinso help Izuku become more social "Izuku what are you looking at" I look over to the tow boys to see that Izuku was watching the TV.

I look what was on and grab the remote to turn in off it was the news the person who kidnapped and tortured him was on there "dad...zawa" I looked back over to see Izuku hyperventilating then Shinso started to float up Yamada ran over and caught him but other things floated up also I used my quirk to stop Izuku then a vase smashed to the ground with other things to.

I look back to see Izuku having trouble breathing so I ran to him "Izuku breath in and out ok" I started rubbing his back this helped him I guess "me..i I'm..sorry I'm a bad p..person" "shhh no your not just keep breathing in and out" I picked him up and went over to the couch still rubbing his back.

"yes I..I am bad really b..bad I'm...a mon..monster" his breathing started calming down but he was still crying he put his head to my chest I held him there "shhh your not a monster just a victim of a monster" I held him there until he stoped crying he got off of me and started walking away "Izuku were are you going" I ask getting off the couch "monsters Sh..shouldn't be..w..with good people".

He tried to open the door thank god for child safety locks I picked him up and put him on the couch we're I can watch him Shinso ran up giving Izuku a fox plush I got for Shinso when he was five years old I walked to Yamada away from them so that they wouldn't here us talk "Shota what should we do..do we call the hospital for a check up" I nod thinking "ya we need to know if he has other quirks and if there dangerous to him or other people"

Yamada takes a seat at the table with his phone "I'm calling to see when there open" I nod going back to Izuku and Shinso siting beside them making sure Izuku doesn't walk off again.

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