Black goo

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Shinso pov
I looked to what Izuku had in his hands to see a cat with cuts on it "oh Izuku..." I said bending down beside him "'s still alive" I look down to see the cat moving around in his arms "ok I'll call dad and papa, the vet is not close by so we need a drive" Izuku nodded not turning away from the small blooded cat.

Izuku pov
I cradled the small cat feeling tears run down my face "shhhh" I tried to calm down the cut animal as it wiggled in my arms. I didn't want to pet it with all the cuts on there body...I might make it worse. The cat looked like Moon but instead of yellow eyes it had purple. Father hated animals so he made me watch Moon as he threw her at a wall and did unspeakable things to hurt her.

I only had Moon for a month before he found her. Shinso came back to me and sat down as I cradled the animal "dad will be coming, papa was called into work" I nodded. Soon dad came and we got into the car. We soon got to the animal hospital. I ran in not waiting for Shinso or dad to catch up. I got right up to the counter holding the now not moving cat "I need!" I yelled out.

It was the first time I had yelled at a complete stranger but manners are not important right now "ok I need you to wait in the line...oh dear never mind!" The lady at the front yelled back seeing blood all over me. She called people from her phone as dad and Shinso ran in side.

Two workers came up to me and asked to hand over the animal. Dad had to get it away from me since I wanted to go with them, it must be so scared by it's self...

~time skip~

I was in a chair waiting for news. The veterinarian said they needed to get glass out of it and stitch it back up but for me this was taking to long. I even had the time to wipe the blood off of me, of course it stand my cloths but I can just get new ones. Shinso had fallen asleep by the hour mark.

I had already broken a chair by levitating it off the ground by accident but dad has been helping me with my breathing so I wouldn't crack the walls. I was thinking of what could have done that to the poor cat when someone walked out of the room "you three are the ones who found the cat right?" The woman said with a clipboard in hand.

My dad stood up and nodded his head yes. I shook Shinso awake so he could hear what's going on "yes my sons found it" "good news is that he's doing well" 'a he? Wait there's bad news!' I start to hyperventilate at the possibility of the car being in worse condition then I thought. Shinso handed over my inhaler as the woman kept talking.

"And the bad news?" Dad said with a worried look "the cat lost a lot of blood and we can't seem to figure out what type it has, it's able to heal on its own now but it will take longer then if we had blood to give it" I slowly calmed down with the help of Shinso rubbing my back "how long will it take to heal?" "A week or so I believe, the cuts were not deep and it was mostly just shook and blood loss".

I didn't want to but we had to go home and leave the cat at the hospital. The drive was long and quite. I looked out the window to see the stars and the moon. It was late and I was tired making my eyes heavy. I closed them feeling sleep was better then reality 'if I could sleep forever I would' I thought 'it would be a beautiful dream with dad..papa....and..and Shinso'.

~I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dark plan looking room. It had a iron door to the front of me 'no...' I looked around seeing dried up blood on the floors and walls. I ran up to the door and tried to open it but it was to heavy for me. I could hear footsteps from the other side coming closer and closer to the room I was in.

I backed up seeing the door open. There stood father with his wicked smile "nomu there you are!" He walked up to me and grabbed me by my hair pulling me out and into another room. I cried being dragged across the floor "stop!" I yelled out but father didn't seem to hear me.

I yelled and yelled for him to stop as he tied me to a bed and got out needles "stop moving!" He snapped punching me in the face making my nose bleed. He walked out of the room leaving the door open. There was nothing out side the door but black goo. Figures walked out of the goo coming closer to me.

The two figures started shaking me saying things I couldn't understand. They seemed angry and evil to me. I cried wanting it to stop. I soon started to cough up blood. One of the goo figures punched me in the face making me black out.~

I opened my eyes once again to see Shinso staring at me with a worried look. The car door next to me was open with dad's hands on my shoulders "Izuku are you all right!" I looked passed him to see that we were in our driveway. Tears didn't stop falling, I didn't even know when they started.

I wanted to talk to them, to tell them I was fine but I couldn't open my mouth to speak. I just looked and my hands as I continued to cry. I tasted little blood in my mouth but I don't remember from what "Shinso help me get him inside". As soon as we got inside dad sat me down on the couch to try and talk.

It was like i was being controlled not to talk because I couldn't even open my mouth. As I sat down I stared out the window behind dad "Izuku please talk to me" dad said sounding defeated as he held me close. Shinso came back into the living room with our old fox plush. I took it into my arms as I looked at them.

"Please...d.don't let them, take me" I cried out. They both hugged me saying nice things. After awhile I went to me room and got underneath the covers. I wasn't tired, I didn't want to go to bed until I saw it. I looked on with my eyes wide at the goo wall in my closet. I rubbed my eyes taking another look to see it was gone 'I'm going crazy' I thought turning to face the wall so I wouldn't see anything.

Are you happy! I gave you two uploads in one day now I'm going to disappear! See ya guys later.

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