Why now?

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Izuku pov
After the final exam we were all told that we were going to a summer training camp. People were existed. Well the ones who past. Bakugou almost blew up the classroom after hearing he would have to do summer school while there. After being told this we were quickly sent home. "Izuku you ok?" I turn to look at papa as he sat down beside me on the course. I nodded staring at him. He sighed taking a breath in then out. "You still have to go to therapy over the summer Izuku.".

I flinched hearing what he said. I hate therapy. "Don't give me that look! Ms Meg will be coming with us. Nezu said it was fine because it has to do with mental health! But you have to keep going.". I just looked away. It's not like I hated Ms Meg. She was nice. I just hate her job.

~time skip~

I looked at Shinso as he walked back and forth in his room. "What do I do? We're going to be going to a summer camp! I can't sleep in the same room as Kaminari. It's going to be to awkward.". He ran his hands threw his hair as he thought. He tells me everything, I secretly think the reason is to get me to open up to. "Why is sharing a room bad?" I asked not getting why he's freaking out. "Think of the most beautiful person in the world." I nodded. "You are in love with this person." I nodded a second time. "But you can't tell them because they probably don't even care about you. And now you have to maybe sleep in the same room as them.". I nodded a final time.

I thought about it. "Why don't you tell them you love them?" I asked. "Because it's embarrassing! What if they turn you down. Dad and papa doesn't even know I have a crush on a guy. I don't think they really care that much but it's still a point.". I walked over to him and hugged him. "If it's scary I'll help you.". I backed up with a little smile. "Thanks Izuku.". We were interrupted by Eclipse smacking my foot. I looked down seeing him look up. I picked him cradling him.

Shinso looked at the cat questionably. He walked up to us and pet Eclipse. I turned to him "is there something wrong?" He turned to me shaking his head. "No. I just can't get the feeling out of my head I'm forgetting something.". I nodded walking to the door. "Well I'm going to bed now. See you in the morning.". "See you.". I walked out crossing the hall. Once I got to my door I walked in putting Eclipse down. I went over to my dresser and quickly and dressed in a t shirt and shorts. Usual I wouldn't like shorts but it's hot as hell so I'm wearing them. After I was done I got under my covers as Eclipse went beside me. I closed my eyes falling asleep.

~I looked to the side watching the cars go by. "Do you like the cars Izuku?" Daddy said holding me on his shoulders. I nodded my head smiling. "Down." I said wanting to walk. I was put in the ground shortly after. Daddy held my hand as we walked. Soon we got to a park. It was dark as daddy picked me up again. "Hey Izuku lets play hide and go seek. I want you to go hide somewhere in the park for me." I nodded excitedly. He put me down and I ran. I went under the slides and waited. Soon I could hear a voice that wasn't daddy's. I peaked out from under the slide to see a red headed man. Daddy took something out of his bag and gave it to the man. He didn't look happy doing so. "This is all of it?" "No. But I have a business trip soon. I can get the rest after I'm back.". The man looked angry as he punched daddy.

I almost ran out but daddy turned his head a little with a face that showed me not to go. I stayed put. "I'll be back Midoriya. Don't expect me to be alone.". He nodded ripping the blood that came out of his nose away. After a couple minutes he walked up to me. "Daddy." I said sadly. What happened? "It's ok Izuku. I just needed to give some money to someone. Plus I found you! How about we go home?". I nodded my head yes as he put my back on his shoulders.~

I woke up to my alarm going off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. What kind of dream was that? Eclipse woke up as I did. I looked down at him as he stared back up at me. I got out of bed stretching. I look at myself in the mirror. Seeing what I looked like wasn't new. But I didn't like it. It wasn't me, well supposed to be. I got out my uniform and headed for the bathroom. Once there I took off my PJs and went into the shower. I stood there for a bit thinking. Why was I getting flashbacks?

I remembered back at the exam I had remembered a doctor. But why now? And who were they. It was to clean to be one of Fathers hide outs. And I have never seen those men before. "Is someone in there?" I could here Shinso groggily say. He must have just woken up. "Ya...give me a minute." I say quickly washing. I got out dried myself off and put my uniform on. Once done I opened the door to see Shinso half asleep. "Sorry I might have token a bit long." "It's fine." He yawns out walking into the bathroom before closing it behind him.

~time skip~

I sat at my desk as dad fell asleep in his sleeping bag. Shinso was talking with Kaminari and Iida was trying to get everyone to be more quiet. "Hey everyone!". Uraraka suddenly said standing up from her seat. People looked to her as they quieted down. Iida almost looked defeated. Mina also got up and went beside her. "Since were going to the summer camp soon we thought it would be a good idea to go shopping this weekend! As a hole class." Mina said proudly.

"Ya we'll all go on Saturday! Is that good with everyone?" Uraraka continued on. Everyone said yes instead of Todoroki. He was visiting his mom then. "Deku." I looked up from my desk to see Bakugou. "Yes." "You going?" I nodded. I wasn't going to buy anything just look around. I don't want money being wasted on me. Before long it was time for our hero class. I quickly walked to the bathroom to only find out it was broken and I wasn't aloud to go in. I growled at myself not wanting to change with others. But I had to, for class.

I turned around and walked to the boys change room. I sighed as I opened the door walking in. I quickly went to the back beside Shinso. Half way through changing Mineta started something. "Praise the older generation!". I turned my head to see that the wallpaper that was there was in Mineta's hands. "Mineta what is it?" Kaminari said also turning to him, well everyone was turning to him now. "Someone drilled a hole in the cement! Oh I can't wait to see Mina's big boobs, Momo's hips, Uraraka's-".

I slapped him.

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