Will he win

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Bakugou pov
As I turn to corner I could here ponytail scream. I sped up to the two sending a blast at Aizawa. Aizawa backed off giving me enough time to slid in the alleyway. "You have a plan or what!" I yelled as I swung at my teacher. "What do you mean!? Your plan didn't work so how can mine-" "I didn't fucking stutter! Do you have a plan or not!" "I do but-" "no buts ponytail, if we're going to pass I need your plan! Don't make me say it again!".

Momo looked surprised but I paid no mind. "Bakugou duck!". I did what she said as I could see a flash bang go over my head. "Run!". With that we took off into the alleyway as the flash rang out giving us time.

~time skip~

I looked at Momo and she nods. "This better fucking work". I say as she puts a blanket over my head. We don't have much time left so this is our only chance.

No pov
Aizawa scans the area seeing two hooded figures running from the alleyways. He quickly made his way running on the rooftops of houses. Once he caught up to the two he swung his capture weapon having it wrap around the two bodies. As he did so it revealed that Momo was holding a wooden shaped body. She quickly shoves her hand down but misses the handle. Before she had another chance Aizawa kicked her back. Bakugou not hearing her yell as her got kicked back activated his quirk.

The material Momo had made to look like Aizawa's scarf turned hard making it un useable. Bakugou couldn't get out of Aizawa's grasp as Momo sat there stunned. Her plan didn't work. "Run Momo!". She did as Bakugou said running for the gate. Aizawa stood there holding Bakugou. Momo didn't get far as the buzzer went off meaning they failed. She collapsed onto the ground. She failed. Again. Aizawa quickly untied Bakugou not wanting him to blow up his capture weapon. Aizawa looked at Momo then at a way to quiet to be good Bakugou.

He sighed waving over Momo. Bakugou just looked at the ground with his hands in fists. "You two did well-". "No we fucking didn't! Momo missed the leaver and know we failed!?". Aizawa looked at Bakugou then at Momo once more. He couldn't let them go back like this. "Like j said you two did well. One more then the other." Aizawa started making Bakugou and Momo look up at him wanting to know who did better. He pointed to Momo with a smile. "Your plan was good and you worked with your teammate.".

Momo smiled nodding as she wiped her eyes clean. "I worked with her! It was her plan we did!" Bakugou yelled getting angrier. "Momo you can head back I want to talk with Bakugou for a second." She nodded again. "Yes Aizawa sensei." She looked at Bakugou then headed for the exit. Aizawa's stance became different as he turned to Bakugou. "So your defence for failing is blaming your teammate?". Bakugou didn't say anything just gritting his teeth. "It's not her fault for you not working with her from the start. You thought your opponent was weak. I guess that's a pattern with you. Thinking people are weak."

Aizawa pointed to Bakugou in a bit a anger. "I'm not saying it was your fault but if you thought for a bit and made a full proof plan you could have beat me." "If she was stronger I would have had her go after you to!". Aizawa scanned the boy trying to see if he was being serious. And he was, he believed he was stronger then her and himself.

"So is that it. Your stronger then everyone huh. Well wake up call Bakugou your not! Look what happened today, are you really that strong?". Bakugou just stormed off but Aizawa wasn't done yet. "Why huh. Why do you believe your the strongest!?". Bakugou turned and faced his teacher. "Because if I'm not the strongest people get hurt! Momo wasn't strong to go after you so I did! What if she went alone after you and got hurt! It would be my fault! He would be hurt again if I leave him alone!-".

Bakugou stoped himself once he said he. Aizawa sighed knowing who he was really talking about. He did see that it was Bakugou who met up with his son that one night. Aizawa walked up to Bakugou and put his hand on his shoulder. "You have to put for faith in the ones you love Bakugou. You don't know how strong they can be.". With that Aizawa walked off. Bakugou quickly fallowed.

Izuku pov
I wait at the door silently freaking out. He was to go up against All Might! Even with the weights he could probably do some damage... "Izuku your thinking negatively again aren't you." Uraraka said tapping me on the shoulder. I looked at her then at the ground. "You know there's no point in doing that. Your the strongest person I know." I was confused. Why was I the strongest she knew!? There's plenty of hero's at our school. "W-why me?" I said looking at her.

Todoroki looked at her as well. "I don't know what you were like when you were younger, but how you act tells a story. You've been through things and I can see it. So it's why I say your the strongest I know! You've made it past that and have been living your life no matter what happens. Your strong Izuku." She says with her face turning a little pink. "T-thanks..." I say. "Guys stop chatting we're starting.". I looked up at the door seeing it open. "The last group get ready! 1...2...3...GO!". I ran into the arena.

Soooooooo. Sup again. Just so you readers know I'm starting school soon so I might not get chapters out that much. (Even though I hardly do now 🤷🏾‍♀️). But I will try and update as much as possible! See you guys next chapter.

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