Ice ramp

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Eclipse Pov
I looked around the kids room. His father locked me in here while he was out on a mission. I looked at the window with a smirk. I hoped onto the bed then onto the windowsill. I quickly opened it hoping out. I landed in the bushes beside the house. I crawled out and sniffed the air. The kid was at some stupid camp. It's like he wants to make my job hard! I'm supposed to be watching him! But nooooo, he has to go to a camp far away. I start making my way away from the house and into the ally's. If one more toddler try's to pet me I quit.

Once in the cover of the ally's I calm down. People are to easily distracted by animals. I keep walking until the smell of sweet perfume enters my nose. I turn around eyeing the corner of the building. "Princess.". A fluffy white cat with orange spots walks around the corner. I could hear the small bell on his collar jingle. "Hello Eclipse. What have I said about calling me that!". He hisses out. "Yell that's what's your owner named you.". I walk over to him as he sits down. "Honestly the faster they realize I'm a guy the better. I can't keep up with how much pink is in my room.".

I chuckle sitting down beside him. "Why did you run away again." I say swiping a claw in his direction. "Oh don't talk Mr sneaks out every chance he gets.". "I'm on a mission!". "Oh ya because you keep saying you used to be human and bla bla bla.". I just huff smacking him. "Hey don't hurt the fluff!". I just smile looking around. "You have it better Princess. Having a owner thats loaded and not having to watch over some kid. Stop running away.". He just huffs standard up. "You can judge when your owners kid puts you in little dresses and calls you Princess fluffy bottoms.".

I laugh once more standing up with him. "Ok ok I get it, your life sucks ass to. Now have you seen were the bus left? It's been a couple days and I need to find my kid. He's probably had a hundred and one panic attacks by now.". Princess looks out the ally way as people pass by. "No sorry. I'm an indoor cat. I don't see anything from the third floor of a oversized house.". I nod sighing. "Princess! Where'd you go kitty!?". Princess sighs turning to face me. "That's my cue to leave. See you around Mr I'm on a mission.". I waved goodbye as he runs out of the alleyway. "Princess there you are!". I smile walking deeper into the ally. I need to find Izuku.

Uraraka pov
I ran with Tsuyu as we both heard laughing from behind us. "Come on just let me cut you!". The villain yelled. I squeezed my friends hand as we ran. "We have to find a way to shake her off.". Tsuyu said looking behind us. "We're did she go?-". She was cut off by a girl jumping in front of us. "Why run? Come play with me and my knife!". The girl said with a laugh. "Tsuyu stay behind me!". I said. She nodded getting beside. Tsuyu's quirk is good for long range. I'm better I'm i'm up close. If worse comes to worse I'm using my quirk.

"Aizawa has said you can use your quirks in self defence! But only then! Get back to camp quickly!". A voice rang out in my head. Was that one of the pussy cats? I stared at the villain as she rushed us. "Tsuyu!". Without a second thought she let out her tongue and grabs the villains arm drawing her to the ground. The villain reacted by stabbing Tsuyu making her let go. I backed up putting up my fits to fight. "I think we got on the wrong foot. I'm Toga! What's your name?". I just got into my fighting stance.

Izuku pov
As me and Jiro got to the tree line I could see dad fighting villains. Jiro looked at me then at the villains herself. "We should hide. If the hero's worry about us there'll loose.". I looked at her then at my dad. Do I stay hidden or help? I ran out into the open as the villain was about to stab dad in the back. "Move!". I yelled out just in time as dad ducked. He just missed the weapon as the villain tripped over his two feet as he put to much force into the attack. "Izuku stay back!".

I couldn't. I needed to help, I can't be useless! "I got one~". I could hear someone say from up in a tree. I looked up to see a villain holding a marble. "If he hadn't ran from your so called class I probably would have missed him~.".....someone's, in there?". I thought looking up. The villain looked down at me. "Oh look~? I found another.". I backed up as my dad grabbed me back as another villain tried to get me. "Don't hurt that one! The boss wants him alive.". Dad looked down at me then at the villains.

"Izuku stay near me at all times.". I nodded. As the villains kept attacking I helped by calling out there locations. I couldn't do much. I can't control my quirks right and with dad right next to me I might hurt him. Soon a growl was heard from the tree line. I looked over seeing a bear with three of my classmates on its back. I was confused about the bear but what caught my eye was my brother. His arm was covered in blood. "What do we have here. A family reunion?". I could hear from behind dad. I looked up to see a villain with black hair and scares.

Before dad could do anything he was punched back and I was grabbed. "I got him Dabi!" I struggled against the villains grasp. The villain named Dabi looked at me. Another growl was heard as the bear with my classmates on its back slammed into the villain Dabi. Blue flames went for them but the bear dodged. "Shinso!?" Momo yelled. I turned my head to see that he was gone. Everything was going to fast. I couldn't concentrate as my breathing speed up.

"Izuku calm down!". I could hear from the tree line. I knew it was Jiro but I couldn't listen. I didn't want to. I wanted everyone to be fine. But they weren't. I didn't even know were my brother was! I closed my eyes as tears fell. I could hear talking and yelling. I just didn't understand. Tears fell from me eyes as I thought of things I could do. My head started to become light headed. "Uku.....Izuku!". I opened my eyes to the sound of my dad yelling. I looked in his direction to see he was floating. I turned and saw the the bear was to. I soon looked down to see I was to. "What the fuck!? This is fun!." I turned to see the villain that was holding me floating away.

Was I doing this? Once I realized this everyone started to drop. "No no no no. Come on!". I focused once more and we all stoped in mid air. Dad looked over at me. He got out his scarf and threw it over to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me to him. He caught me as I looked around. "Just focus on the levitation.". I nodded. I looked over at the villains but soon my face frowned. Why was he smiling? I fallowed his gaze over to the villain with the marble to see that he had two. Two marbles...

Shinso went missing, someone was in the first marble, there's two now. My eyes went wide as my quirk cut off. We all started to fall to the ground below. I tried to activate my quirk but it didn't work on us. Dad put himself under me before I could even refuse. I closed my eyes as we hit something. It was cold? I opened my eyes once again to see as sliding down as ice ramp. I looked to the ground seeing Todoroki with Koda. He looked pretty beta up.

We all quickly got to the ground safely thanks to Todoroki. "Don't let them get away! Dad yelled moving me over and standing up. I looked over to see them walk through a portal. "Shinso!". I yelled getting up. I however slipped on the ice below me shaking my head into the ground. My vision quickly went black.

Sorry for the odd pacing. I just really wanted to get past this part. And I didn't know how to write it properly. Some things in the story to clear up are that Todoroki saved Koda instead of Izuku. That's really much it. See you next chapter.

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