Brother VS Brother

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Izuku pov
As the games came to a end we were back in front of the screen. The woman explained what was going to happen before turning on the screen. I looked for my name. Once I saw it I looked to the side to see who I was going up against. I almost lost my lunch once I saw who it was.

I looked to the side to see that Shinso had the same look. I had to fight my brother! He turned to me before walking off probably to get ready. I started to walk off but Todorki and Bakugo fallowed me. I turned to face them. "Izuku?". "C...can I be alone, I need to get ready on my own". I said go8ng back to walk and prepare.

If it wasn't already horrible enough I was going up first. Me and Shinso had to wait as they set up the arena again. We waited in silence. I snuck a few glances at my brother. We both knew each other's quirks so I had no idea how this was going to work out.

I taped Shinso. He turned to me looking down since he was taller then me. "Yes Izuku". "I don't want you to loose because don't want me to get pushed down to 1B or 1C.". Shinso stared at me as I continued. "I want you to your all". Shinso then hugged me. I did the same. "I won't loose like that, if I loose.....I loose trying my best!".

No pov
As some people told Izuku and Shinso to go and stand at each end a thought ran to both of there minds. 'How am I going to take down my brother!?'. Yamada started counting down but as he said go there only got into a fighting stance. They didn't move for each other. Not one bit.

Shinso took the first step which made Izuku flinch. "How was your day!" Shinso said wanting Izuku to answer and get this over with. Izuku being the good brother he was almost replied but shut his mouth before he could say anything. Izuku just kept his gaze locked on his brother. Shinso tried it again but with no reply. He hade to step it up a notch.

"You know that book I borrowed from you two months ago and I returned it but you still can't find it! I never returned it I have no idea we're I put it!" Izuku was about to yell about how that was his favourite book. Izuku put his hand over his mouth so he wouldn't respond. Shinso was really getting to him.

This was a battle of the brothers and everyone was just confused. Shinso said more things that just overall got on Izuku's nerves. He was about to even yell back at his brother but yet again caught himself before he did. Izuku needed this to stop. He was getting really embarrassed.

"You know that girl you wanted as a friend in the 7th grade! Ya she said that she liked you to but you were to secretive for her to approach!". Shinso said as he ran up to his brother trying to push out of bounds. Shinso was staying away from the hurtful things but that doesn't mean he can't say the embarrassing ones.

Izuku thought of something. 'His quirk only works if I reply to him!'. "Oh Shinso!". Izuku said. He wasn't replying to his brother. He was starting the conversation. "I do remember one....time when...when we were little you wet the bed and hid it from dad and papa for two days until the closet started to smell". Shinso's face went red. This was on television for God's sake!

Oh if Izuku wanted to play he will play. Izuku tried to levitate his brother out of bounds but he backed up in time. Izuku can only levitate things by touching things with his hands. All Shinso needed to do was stay away from his hands. "Oh so on the topic of wetting things!" Shinso said eyeing Izuku down. Izuku just gave with a glare back. His eyes were screaming no but he did start it.

"Remember that one time we went to go see Santa in the mall! You were so scared you peed on his lap! Poor man don't you think!?" Izuku's face like his brothers as red as a tomato. Izuku ran up to Shinso and threw a punch but Shinso dodged it kicking his feet under him. "Shinso! I can't help but remember the time you fell....fell into the schools pool back in grade 6! A girl had to dive...dive in for you! You were so embarrassed because were perfectly fine!".

Shinso grabbed Izuku's wrist as I tried to drag him out. Everyone watching were just confused. Why was this the first fight? And why did they not fight, there were just dragging each other around. Before Izuku got dragged out he got his leg back and kicked right in between his brothers legs.

Shinso let go of Izuku falling to the floor. Why there!? Izuku tried to touch his brother but he rolled over dodging it. Shinso got up and punched Izuku right in the face. Izuku fell back holding onto his nose. Shinso had given up on trying to make Izuku walk out or be dragged out. Like they promised before, there was no room for forgetting this was for there future as hero's.

Izuku moved out of the way as Shinso went in for another punch. Izuku ran towards Shinso as he grabbed onto his shoulders. Izuku then kneed Shinso in the gut making him cough and loose air. Shinso grabbed into Izuku's wrists and head butted him. The two boys fell to the floor getting up after a bit. There weren't going to loose.

The boys went back to punches and kicks. Yamada was commenting on there fights as it was his job right now. Aizawa just sat in silence watching his sons fight each other. He was afraid that they would go up against each other but he never thought this early.

Not known to Aizawa, Yamada, Shinso or even Izuku but something was watching them from the stands. Well, someone. A man with dark green hair. Way darker then his murdered wife's. He watched the fight below smiling. Izuku and Shinso kept up with each other until Izuku remembered that he had a levitation quirk.

After punching Shinso for the 100th time he activated his quirk. Shinso knew this was it. And before he could stop it Izuku pushed him out of bounds. "Izuku Aizawa wins the first round!" Was shouted threw the mic's. Izuku helped his brother down back onto the ground. Shinso smiles at Izuku, his brother.

He took his hand and walked them both out of the arena. They would both need to visit recovery girl for a bit before Izuku's next fight.

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