I'm on your side

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Izuku pov
I watched as Ms. Meg took out a little box and some art supplies. "Today were going to make a feelings box! Do you know what a feelings box is little Aizawa?" I shook my head no. "It's were you can take a peace of paper and write what you are feeling on it. Then you put it in the box. At the end of the day you and one of your dad's will open it and talk about your feelings you put into it." I frowned when she said I had to talk about my feelings. She saw this setting the box down on the table in front of me.

"You don't have to talk about your feelings but your dad's do have to look inside it. But I always find it amazing to talk about my feelings!" She said with a smile setting down the different craft supplies. "Now you can decorate it however you like-". "Ms. Meg." She looked up to me with a smile. "Yes Aizawa." She sat down in front of me as I stared at her. "Where's you, your wedding ring." I say pointing to her hand. She frowned but then she went back to smiling. "I must have misplaced it. Anyway how about you start on your box-". "The photos of your husband on....on your desk are also missing." I say getting a paint brush.

She froze before covering it up once more. "Well I moved them. So what are you going to paint on your box?" She asked pointing to me as I started painting grey all over the box. "Your good at hiding your emotions...Ms. Meg. It, it reminds me of me." She looked at me as I continued to paint. "What do you mean Aizawa? I'm fine." I looked up at her frowning. "Lies.". She took a breath looking at her hand. "Fine you caught me. Smart boy." She laughed a bit.

"My husband cheated on me. But this isn't about me it's about you." I took out the rad paint rubbing it on my hands. "Why did he cheat?" She thought for a bit before answering. "He didn't love me like he used to." She said not breaking her smiley anymore. I began putting my hand prints all over the box. "He sounds mean." She nodded agreeing with me. "So I heard you were attacked by the Hero Killer before Endeavor saved you. How does that make you feel?" I took some gold glitter putting it on my box.

"How does, does your husband cheating on you make you feel?" "Upset." "That's your...answer.". She nodded looking over my box. "Your box looks pretty Aizawa." I nodded trying to put the glitter on nicely. "Ms. Meg. Your smile won't fall... I thought you said it's good to show your emotions." She looked me over still not breaking her smile. "Well it is. But your not here to watch me cry. That's your job." She said booping my nose.

I put the glitter off to the side looking over my box. "So Aizawa why red hand prints?" She said pointing to my box. I looked up at her shrugging. "Reminds me of things." "What kind of things." "Bad things." She nodded. "I'll take it for now. So it can dry." I nodded watching as she put it near the window. She then quickly cleaned the area and made me wash my hands. After we were done we sat back down. "Ok so Aizawa. Back to the Hero Killer incident. What were you thinking when it happened?". I stared around the room not talking.

"Come on Aizawa. I promise I won't tell anyone." I turned back to her frowning. "I don't want to say." "Now whys that." "It's bad." She shook her head no. "Feelings are not something to be thought of bad. There apart of you and should be shared." I took a breath clenching my hands. Them being apart of me is the problem. She just kept smiling waiting for me. "I thought of hurting the Hero Killer." "Well of course you were. He was hurting you and your brother.".

I stared her in the eyes making her shut up. She looked at me as I clenched my hands harder. "I wanted to make h...him bleed and feel the same pain I was feeling. I felt so.....angry." I said turning away from her. She cleared her throat writing some stuff down. "Do you often feel angry when your scared?" I shook my head no. "So this was the first time you thought of hurting someone." I shook my head again.

"Who else have you thought of hurting?" I thought for a bit. "Father and myself." She looked at me her gaze slowly falling to my wrists. "Have...have you ever acted on those thoughts?" I shook my head no. She let out a breath I didn't know why she was holding. "When do you think of doing that?". "Not telling." She sighed looking out the window. "Your done with talking to me this week huh. Even though you still have a lot time left." I nodded. She wrote some stuff down on her notepad.

~some time later~

I just sat here as Ms. Meg tried to make me talk with her. My eyes wondered to her hands and were her ring should be. "How do you know you love someone.". She was caught off guard by my question but answered anyway. "Well this someone makes you feel butterflies in your stomach." I tilted my head not understanding. She giggled leaning back in her seat. "Well everything they do makes you feel really good or really bad. Like take holding hands, it can make you feel nothing or it can make you feel happy and special. You also notice things others might not see."

"Say, what about that Todoroki kid. You like him don't you?" I nodded. "How does it make you feel when he looks at you?" I thought about it then shrugged. "Ok then what would you feel if he didn't want to be friends anymore? How would that make you feel." "Sad." She smiled sighing. "Aizawa I don't know what to say really. You will know when you have fallen for someone.". I nodded. She looked over at the clock getting up. "Well it's time for you to go now Aizawa. Your box isn't dry yet so how bout you bring it home next week?" I nodded getting up also.

She tapped my shoulder so I turned to look up at her. "Until next week when your box is ready try just saying what ever you have on your mind." I was confused but she continued. "Like if your sad you just quickly say that your sad before you could think about it." I nodded and she smiled. "Well I'll see you next weak." "Ya...next weak." I say.

She then opened the door stepping out with me. Like it was magic dad walked into the building. I turned to Ms. Meg and hugged her. She was surprised back hugged back. I looked up at her as I started to talk. "Don't hide your feelings about your....your husband. It will make you want to jump off a roof." I say before running off to dad. "What was that about." Dad said petting my head. "Feelings." I say. He nods seeing Ms. Meg calling him over. "I'll be back. You go sit over at the lobby." I nodded walking off.

Aizawa pov
After Izuku left the hall I walked over to Ms. Meg. "Hello Aizawa." I waved to her hello. "So what's this about?" I ask seeing how she doesn't tell me about what happens with them. "It's about your son and Mr. Midoriya." I flinched hearing that name. She shouldn't know about that name. Before I ask her facial expression turned to one of seriousness. Like a mother bear protecting her child. "A woman from the child safety committee, Joy I think her name was, called me. She told me if I think your son is not safe in your care to tell her."

I stayed silent just letting her talk. "She threatened me if I told you what I'm about to tell you I would get fired so listen closely because I'm saying this only once. If they believe therapy isn't helping him they will have a case against you saying your not fit to raise him. And it is helping him, he's opened a lot more but there reading everything I write down." I growled thinking how there just reading my son's personal thoughts. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

She looked at me dead in the eyes like I was stupid. "That boy has problems, we know this. Having your dad's and brother ripped from you to move to someone you don't knows home is going to hurt him more then you know. My job is to help him, and the best way to help him is if he stays with you." I nodded taking in all the information. Ms. Meg then looked around like to see if anyone was near. "I'm on your side here. But seeing this from an outsiders perspective, your doomed. And when you get home I want you to check for scares on him that we're not there before." "Thank you." She nodded going back into her office.

I walked out of the hall seeing Izuku looking at the gum ball Machine. I smiled walking over to him. "Want one?" He turned to look at me nodding. I got out my wallet and bought him one. He quickly popped one in his mouth as we walked out to go to the car. I held his hand as we walked threw the parking lot. He was surprised because we don't hold hand. As we walked I slid his sleeve up checking for any scares. There was none. I internally sighed.

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