Blue flames

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(This is what you guys voted for. Now read the outcome.)
Shinso pov
I walk the halls going into the changing room to the community bath. There I see Izuku putting the towel away. "Don't want to go in?" I ask to which he just shakes his head no. I nodded understanding. "What are you going g to do?" "Just...walk around." I nodded going to get a towel. "Well have fun with that." Izuku signed before walking off. What was that about?

I quickly took off my clothes and wrapped the towel around my waist. I then opened the doors to see my classmates already sitting in the basically a hot spring. I got in and relaxed. The water was quite nice. "Hey Shinso!". I heard someone call my name. I looked over to see Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Bakugou. Kaminari swam over to me with a smile. "How's it going~". I smiled. "Fine soft cheeks.".

I quickly realized what I had said starting to blush. "Aww you think my cheeks are soft! I do moisturize often.". Kaminari reply's. I sighed. He's one of a kind that's for sure. "Mineta that is inappropriate!". I heard Iida say getting out of the spring. I looked to were he was headed seeing Mineta staring at the wall. Oh no.... "there's boobs on the other side boys! And I'm going to see it!". With that he popped one of his balls off his head.

~some time later~

I walked out into the area my classmates were in. "Hello kitchens!" One of the pro hero's said with a grin. I have already forgotten there names... "since you all have been working so hard we thought of a game!". Dad looked at her then at the class. "One class will set up scares in a group of two. The other class will go through the forest and get to the other side. If you get to afraid you can always come back. But that means less points for your team." Dad yawned out. "This will be so much fun!". Mina said.

Kaminari also joined proudly. "Slow down you two. Your not going with them." Dad said wrapping the two up in his scarf. "Kirishima, Sato, Bakugou and MoMo are also not joining, you guys will be with me. Since you fail for exams." He said with a grin. Honestly that man scares me sometimes. "Not fair! We tried!". "I don't give a fuck what we do. Beats running around in a forest all night.". "I'll make the groups!" One of the pussycats said.

I got pared up with Jiro. She walked over to me punching my arm in a playful way. "Purple hair gang huh sleep deprived." I blink a bit trying to understand what she had said. "Sleep deprived?" She nodded pointing to my eyes. "Don't try to act like I don't see those eye bags." I chuckled. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight....Wait that can't be right." I looked over to see Izuku counting the groups. A second later I could see his anxiety levels rising. He started to breath faster and he clutched his hands together.

"I'll be back." I say quickly to Jiro but she walks with me anyways. Jiro looked at Izuku and rushed in front of me. She took his hands and rubbed them with her thumb. "Izuku look at me." He did what she said and looked up at her. "I want you to keep looking at me ok? I need you to breath with me. Can you do that?" He looked back to the ground. "No not the ground, to me. Izuku look at me." He lifted his head up a bit and it seemed to be enough for Jiro.

"Breath with me ok?" She started to breath in and out from her mouth and Izuku copied. I stood there stunned. He was calming down faster then when I tried to help him. "Feel my thumbs on your hands and your feet touching the ground. Your ok, your not alone.". What Jiro was doing seemed to help as Izuku's breathing steadied. Once calmed down Izuku's face turned red. He quickly stepped back. "Th-thanks." Jiro smiled waving him off. "No problem." She then turned to me. "I'll be waiting. Talk to your brother." I nodded as she walked off.

I turned to Izuku walking up closer to him. "Why the red face?" I say squeezing his cheeks. "No r-reason!". He says pushing me away. I stared at him crossing my arms. "......". I stepped forward. "Ok! I....never got help w-with a panic attack from someone that's not you, dad and papa." I put my arm over his shoulders. "Why the scare though?" He looked to the ground shuffling his fest. "The teams, I'm by myself." I nodded understanding. Who would want to be by there selves when they knew they were getting scared? I wouldn't. But I guess I'll have to. "I'll be by myself. You go team with Jiro." Izuku looked up at me surprised. "Really!?" I nodded. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Now go! I'm up soon." Izuku walked off to go with Jiro leaving me with myself. "Team three go!". I looked at the forest with a sigh as I walk towards it.

~in the forest~

I look around as I try and catch my breath. That last scare really made me scream. I liked the fresh air from time to time but this....was different? I took a sniff of the air smelling a burning scent. I looked to the side to see blue flames sprout out of no were. "What the!?" I turn to go back but the path was cut off by the flames. I decided to run. If I keep fallowing the path it should lead me back to camp. Villains has to be the cause. No one here could make blue flames!

"Oh come on Dabi! Let's just go grab the kid and get out of here! Let's take our time we have all night." I could hear someone say from up a head of me. I quickly hide in the bushes. "We have to wait a bit Twice! Make some havoc first.~". I cover my mouth as I try to stay quiet. There after someone! Not even a second later it clicked. There here for Izuku. I knew that they did things to him, bad things. And that they want him back. I have to warn my brother!

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