Mirror maze

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Todorki pov
As we got to the hero park one thing was on my mind 'I need to talk to Izuku about how he sees himself' but every time I try something interrupts I'm and Izuku. Momo handed out the passes and told us we're to meet when lunch comes. I turned to the side to see Bakugo already tugging Izuku off "hey guys wait up!" I say catching up to them to the annoyance of Bakugo.

I took Izuku's hand and pulled him closer "Todorki, Bakugo" I looked down at Izuku waiting for hi, to continue "we're...we're do you want to go first?" He said with a big smile across his face "let's go one some rides then we can do some games" Bakugo said pointing to the roller coasters.

Since we had the V.I.P pass we could go on triple the rides in the time we would get on one "let's do...do that one" Izuku said pointing to the dragon coaster "are you sure it seems a bit slow-" "come on Deku we're going on this one!" Bakugo yells cutting me off. He started to drag Izuku to the loop ride.

I harried up but once I got there I could see there were only enough room for two people on a coster car "Izuku, be safe" I said with a smile before he got on him Bakugo. He nodded still having that same cute smile on. The coster started sending them off. I got on the next one going up and down in the coster car.

Once I was done that ride I could see Bakugo and Izuku s bit away from me so I hurry up and take his hand bringing him to a next 2 person ride. He loved it and so did I. But Bakugo had to get in the way so we had to do that he gets a turn then I get a turn. Izuku didn't even notice any of it. He was just having fun.

Izuku pov
Once we were done with the rides for now Todorki said we should go to the win a prize games. The first one was wack a mole. Bakugo got mad and almost broke the game. The second one was hit the bottle, I got mad at that one. I HIT IT THREE TIMES AND IT DIDINT FALL DOWN!

As we were walking back to meet the rest of the class I could see the black goo thing. I didn't want to show that something was wrong so I played it off like I couldn't see it. "Let's hurry up they must be waiting!" Bakugo yelled out grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. Todorki fallowed close behind.

We soon made it to the restaurant with the rest of the class there. We quickly sat down at the big table to have our orders taken. I had something? It was fancy non the less. We ate and talked about the rides we went on. The class wanted to all go to the glass maze so I decided to go as well.

After we were done eating we went as a group. Since it wasn't a ride we could just go in. Todorki and Bakugo came with me but Kirishima grabbed Bakugo taking him with him instead. As Bakugo left Todorki grabbed onto my hand as we saw our selfs in the mirrors. Some were normal and some we funny. Like making our heads look small and our feet big.

We both laughed at them and went around soon getting to the maze part. There was a worker at the front "only one ever two minutes, it's a maze you can't get help" "oh...ok" I said looking up at Todorki. "You go first, and I'll come find you, it can be like a game". I nodded going into the maze.

The walls and ceilings were mirrors, it was hard to navigate since your just looking at your self half the time. I could here the worker say next so I knew I was still close to the beginning. I started to make may way farther from the start. I don't want to looses Todorki's and my little game.

As I walked I could see something foggy in the mirrors. It didn't bother me until I saw that the black thing was getting closer. I started to run sometimes almost going face first into a mirror. I didn't know were I was going, I just wanted the thing to stop fallowing me.

I soon tripped over my own feet falling to the ground. I looked up to see the dark black goo figures walking up to me. Instead of one there was two. They didn't stop coming closer and closer. I couldn't breath, it hurt to. Tears fell from my face as I reached for my inhaler.

It wasn't there. I didn't have my inhaler! My head started to hurt as I couldn't get enough air "s...stop" I tried to say to the black goo things. They didn't stop. They just got faster as they came down the hall. My vision started to get blurry as I wished Todorki or Bakugo was here.

As it reached me I felt something touch my shoulder. I whipped around to see if it was one of my classmates but I just saw the figures. I was looking into a mirror before, they were behind me instead of in front of me. I started to scream. The things have never actually touched me before. Only ever being in my vision.

I could hear my voice get higher as glass around me started to shatter. I didn't want that thing near me anymore. "Leave me alone!" I yelled out of breath. The mirrors around me bent and broke. I could hear bones cracking. My head hurt, my throat hurt. There was no air getting into my lungs. I just passed out.

Bakugo pov
As I was walking threw the stupid mirror maze our class wanted to go threw I could hear crying. I started to run in that directions. Someone might have gotten hurt. Hot stupid do they have to be to get hurt in a dam maze!? As I turned the corner I saw the black thing hovering over Deku.

I saw it when he had that nightmare. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know if I was going crazy. "Leave me alone!". Deku yelled out. Glass was already shattered around him but the mirrors that held the glass started bending and snapping. I couldn't get close to him. Then I heard the loudest bone cracking sound that I had ever heard.

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