I can only try

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Izuku pov
I get shaken awake by Shinso. My head goes up in surprise. "Woah! It's just me." Shinso says looking at me. "Sorry..." I say rubbing my eyes awake. I looked in front of me to see dad chugging coffee and papa pacing back and forth. "What's up with them?" I whispered over to Shinso he does a nervous laugh looking towards them. "You don't remember what you said?" I shook m6 head no. "Did I say something bad?" I asked now scared if I made anyone upset.

"Oh no you didn't! It's fine, you said nothing wrong." He said defensively. "There nothing wrong with you." I just got confused. Did I say there was something wrong with me? Even Eclipse was acting weird rubbing his head on my leg and purring. Dad noticed that I was awake and almost choked on his coffee. He quickly wiped his mouth looking at me. "Izuku your awake!" Dad said clearly trying to get papa's attention.

He did as papa turned to me with wide eyes. "Izuku about what you said there's-" Before he could continue Shinso threw his toast at papa shutting him up. "Izuku was just telling me he doesn't remember what he said right Izuku!?" Shinso said loudly. It was all so unlike them. What did I say to make this happen!? "Oh you don't remember what you said?" Dad said so I just shrugged. "Did I say something bad?".

"no! You didn't say anything bad Izuku! There's nothing wrong with what you said and its totally fine!" Papa said walking over to the door. "Forget breakfast lets go in the car shall we!?" Papa said holding it open. For once Eclipse didn't bother me while I was going out. Why? I got up and got my shoes on. So did dad and Shinso.

Aizawa pov
As we got into the car one thing was on my mind. 'Izuku is bisexual'. I mean there's nothing wrong with that, I'm gay for crying out loud. It's just since the child safety committee is watching us now he can't have an episode. And knowing him he was going to freak out thinking liking both genders was a bad thing. He said it himself when he was half asleep. He doesn't know if it's ok to like both genders.

Hizashi was freaking out over the thought of him freaking out! He doesn't even remember telling us...I need to speak with Midnight about the students health lessons. As we get up to UA I could see Bakugo and Todorki waiting for Izuku. We pull up and Izuku and Shinso get out and walk over to them. Once the door shut Hizashi turned to face me.

I knew what he wanted to talk about. "Sooo our son might be half gay" I snorted hearing how he framed it. "How are we going to bring it up? He doesn't even remember saying it". I thought about it not knowing how we should do this. I mean if there was a 101 guide to how to confront your child about being bisexual I would totally read it, but there's not. "I don't know Hizashi...do you think he would bring it up again?" He just shook his head no. "Knowing him he rather stay quiet forever then tell us something like that.".

I frowned knowing it was true. Family is what you have and tell everything to. Does this mean he's not truly ours- "Shota stop it". I looked to my husband in confusion. "Stop what?" "You know what I'm talking about! Every time you make that face your being all depressed!" Ok now I was even more confused. "What face? I don't make a face." He just laughed driving to the parking-lot. "It's when you look all sad and you zone out.". I just huffed as we parked.

"How about a talk night?" Hizashi looked over as we got out of the car waiting for me to continue. "You know how Ms. Meg gets Izuku to talk? We do that but with the four of us. So it's not just Izuku talking about his day. We all share so he feels more comfortable." Hizashi's face just lit up as he dragged me inside the school. "Yes! We'll do that tonight!"


After the kids leave I sighed sitting down. Before I could eat my lunch my phone goes off. I look at the number to see it was someone I didn't know. I clicked accept knowing Tensei got a new phone and might be setting it up.

Me: hello? Who's this.
Joy: oh hello! My names Joy, I'm with the child safety committee. I'm hear to talk to you about Izuku Aizawa.
Me: what about my son do you want to talk about.
Joy: I wanted to tell you that since Mr. Midoriya has applied for custody we'll be watching you and your husband, closely. You two don't exactly have the best record for him.
Me: what's that supposed to mean.
Joy: It means if the committee deems it that he isn't able to make his own decisions and that he's in danger in your care we are going to give custody over to Mr. Midoriya.
Me: you can't just do that!-
Joy: now now Mr. Aizawa. We both know your not in a place to yell at me.
Me: why not!?
Joy: because I'm the one in charge of this case! If I want I can make him go to Mr. Midoriya right now. But I'm a kind woman. I'll give you a chance. It's not about you though, it's about him. Now if you don't want to be one kid down I would like some respect. Do I make myself clear!?
Joy: good. So happy to hear it! I'll call later in the day to talk with you some more about this matter. And I will be doing surprise visits. Good bye Mr. Aizawa.

She hung up the phone and I could feel a tear fall from my eye. It wasn't sadness. It was anger. She had the power to take my child away from me and I couldn't do anything other then try. Trying could only go so far. I slam my head down on the table. "This is bull shit".

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