Mr. Midoriya

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Izuku pov
After class ended I was shaking. I was going to meet my biological father! I didn't know how to feel really. As we get in the car dad drove us home. I quickly took a shower and went into my room to get dressed. Once I entered my room Eclipse jumped from the window and ran towards me. I bent down and pat him on the head. He seemed to be really upset this morning when I left to go to school. After petting him I got dressed in something els. I walked out seeing dad and papa ready also.

"Eclipse what are you doing?" I heard Shinso say grabbing him away from my pant sleeve. "He's been doing it a lot..." I say watching as Shinso sat on the couch. Eclipse tried to get out and to get closer to me. He really doesn't want me to go out. "You ready Izuku?" Papa said sweating a bit. He must be nervous like I was. I nodded going over to the door. "Lets go." Dad said already getting out his keys.

Papa passed me out the door seeing how Eclipse jumped fr9m Shinso's arms to run over. "Later Shinso" I wave as papa closes the door behind us. We get in the car and start our way to the meeting point. I look out the window seeing the trees go by. My eyes slowly close as we drive. Soon I fall asleep in the back seat.

~I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in front of the house again. The world around me looked dead like before. I walked away from the house not wanting the man to grab me again. However it seemed my plan didn't work in the slightest as the man grabs my wrist. I turn to see that he didn't look calm, he looked frightened.

"Don't go" he spoke gripping tighter onto me. "W-what do you mean don't go!?" I said pulling away from him. I back up turning to run but as I did so I saw my mom. Like the man she looked frightened. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She screamed as the man once more took my wrist. The noises of both of them made it that I couldn't even hear myself think.

Blood started to come out of her eyes, mouth and nose. She suddenly stoped screaming as the blood turned black. Her arms looked like needles has been pushed into her to many times then it should have. She reached out for me but I flinched not wanting to be here anymore. "My poor baby...". The man behind me finally said something as he turned me to look at him. He whispered it into my ear and my eyes went wide at what he said.~

"Izuku were here". Dad said getting out of the car. I flinched as he said that. I looked around seeing that we were indeed at the cafe that we were supposed to meet my biological dad at. I got out of the car as papa looked around. "He should be waiting inside" papa said turning to me. I nodded walking with them to the door. I looked at the ground just fallowing my parents. We walked to the back of the cafe.

They stoped once we got to a booth. I was scared to look up. "Izuku?" I flinched hearing my voice. He sounded familiar but where from? I looked up seeing a man with dark short green hair, a freckled face and black eyes. Dad and papa looked like they didn't know what to do. The man who calls himself my biological father reached his hand out for me to shake. I did to shaking his hand. "Come on lets all sit down."

We sat down at the booth in silence. "I can't believe your really in front of me Izuku! The last time I saw you is when you were turning four years old." I looked him over shaking a thought away. The man in my dream had to be lying when he whispered to me. "Not much of a talker huh?" He said chuckling. He seemed nervous.

Dad looked at the man with murder in his eyes. He definitely didn't like him already. "So if I may why did you take so long to contact us about wanting to meet Izuku." Dad said staring daggers into his eyes. "Well I needed to make sure he was my son of course. It's been twelve years since I seen him. He could have looked totally different by now." "But-" "how about we get some ice cream!?" Papa said dragging dad to the front.

He turned back to me mouthing the words "talk to him". I looked forward seeing he let out a breath. Was he afraid of papa and dad? "I'm sorry" I perked up at what he said. "I should have been there when you and Inko needed me." that moms name? "I-it wasn't your fault..." I say not knowing how to cheer someone up. He looked up to me smiling. He grabbed something from his pocket putting it down on the table.

I looked at it seeing mom, him and what looks to be a younger version of me. "This was your fourth birthday." He pointed out. I looked so happy there. I looked past us seeing that house from my dreams. "Izuku I would like to ask you something now that the other two are not here." I looked up at him and away from the photo. "Would you like to set up more times after this? I know it's a little to early to say anything but now that I know your alive I don't want to let you go."

I thought about it and nodded my head. I want to know more about him and mom. "That's awesome! Ok so now that's out of the way can you tell me about you.". I thought about it before replying. "I have a brother and I go to UA". "Ya I know about that but what about things you like? What do you do on your free time?" "I-I like reading. But I can't read Bright Light anymore." "Now why's that?" "Dad and papa said I couldn't".

We talked for a bit before dad and papa came back with ice cream. I got a vanilla one! "So Izuku tells me he has to go to therapy? Why's that." Papa flinched at the question. "Well you know he was taken away at a young age. It's to help him". Mr Midoriya leaned in a bit more with a face to look like he was trying to find weaknesses in papa. "Why didn't you send him to therapy sooner? That just sounds like bad parenting, if it was me I would have gotten him help much sooner. Don't you agree?" I just continued to eat my ice cream.

"Well we wanted to give him space to come talk to us about thing." Dad said also leaning forward. I could sense tension right away. "Well look at what good that did him. I know you two care for him but it seems like you both lack parental knowledge. You know, because you adopted him and are not his blood relatives.". Papa got up from his seat staring Mr Midoriya in the eyes.

"What are you implying." He said getting frustrated. "I just think two dudes can't do a good job parenting a child like maybe, a mother would and father would." I didn't understand what that meant but it seemed to make even dad go over the edge. "That's enough! We were supposed to let you two meet and now it's done so we're going home. Come on Izuku say goodbye to Mr Midoriya." Dad said grabbing my hand pulling me from the booth.

We started walking out as people stared at us. "Oh Aizawa and Yamada! I'll be setting up more times to see my son so I will be in contact!" Me Midoriya said with a smile. He waved us a goodbye. I waved back to be nice. We exited the cafe and got into the car. Dad slammed the car door shut making me flinch. "Calm down Shota." Papa said rubbing his shoulder.

I was confused why dad and papa were so upset. "How can I be calm when he said that about us!-" "dad..." he stoped once he herd my voice. He turned to me huffing out of anger. "Are, are you alright?" I said not ever seeing him like that before. He took a breath patting my leg from the front seat. "I'm fine. Sorry for pulling you like that Izuku." I nodded continuing to eat my now dripping ice cream. We drove back home.

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