It's all real

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Izuku pov
I woke up in a dark room. I looked to the side to see a door. My eyes quickly widened at the thought of the black goo things taking me with it. I didactic know were I was and the last thing I remember was a bone cracking sound. I took the blanket off me to see that I didn't look hurt.

I got up taking the needles that were in my arm out. The thing it was connected to started to beep. It scared me. I got up and basically rolled off the bed hitting the floor. I pushed myself up to the corner of the room I was in. Tears rolled down my face. People's wearing white ran in.

Then I saw Dad, Papa and Shinso. I got up stumbling a bit but making my way over. I ran and tackled dad making him fall over. I just hugged him not knowing were I was. I felt hands wrap around me pulling me in. After our small interaction the doctors had to get me back to bed.

Shinso and I talked. He said that the cat that went to the vet was better and at home now. He said dad wanted to keep it since I liked him so much. After dad and papa talked with the doctors they made there way over to me. "Izuku. How are you feeling?" I turned to see papa looking at me worried. I made him worried again.

"I feel fine". He looked over at dad with a face I couldn't understand. "Shinso can you leave the room for a moment please" "but why-" "please, we just want to talk with Izuku alone for a second". Shinso got up and waved me off walking out. I was confused. Why did he need to leave?

"Izuku, before you passed out. Do you remember anything?" Papa said softly. "Ummm, I was in a maze with Todorki" I replied. I didn't want to tell them what I've been seeing. There think I'm crazy. "Do you remember someone being there? Someone you didn't know". "What are you asking?" I said staring at papa as he didn't want to say what was happening.

"Izuku, Bakugo found you screaming with someone standing over you. You broke there leg and both of there arms". I stared at dad as he said what happened. 'That was the crake I heard' I thought staring at him. "Did there look like goo?" "What do you mean? They had a shadow like quirk yes".

I couldn't help it. I started laughing to myself. 'I really lost it didn't I! How could I be so stupid? I wasn't going crazy someone was fallowing me!". I thought over what I was thinking. A realization washing over me. "OH SHIT!". I yelled causing dad and papa to look up at me shocked.

I got out of my bed walking around the room in a circle. The two just watching me. I started thinking of how this could have happened. I first saw the goo thing man when I found the cat. Did they hurt the poor animal? I couldn't hear as dad tried to talk to me. I was just thinking.

"Izuku!" My thoughts got cut off by dad holding me still. "Izuku what's wrong!?" He said worried. Who wouldn't when there child started laughing then stoped only to yell shit getting up off there bed and walking around the room. "I'm not crazy!" I said happily.

They just looked confused. "I've seen the person in my room! And my closet! And at school...and everywhere els I was". I think I made things worse because they suddenly got protective. "What do you mean he was in your room!" Dad shouted causing Shinso to come in worried because of all the yelling.

"I've seen the person stalking me, they really freaked me out" I said. "And you never thought to bring this up! Izuku you could have gotten hurt or kidnapped!" "In my defence I thought I was going crazy since no one els could see him!"
I replied making Shinso just confused on what's going on.

Dad looked like he was going to kill someone because he slowly let go of me walking out the door. "Honey....were are you going!?" Papa said standing up from his seat. "To kill a perverted child stalking ass hat!". Papa had to run out after dad as we all didn't know what he was going to do.

"Izuku....what happened?" Shinso said leading me back to my bed. I looked him in the eyes with a smile. "I found out that I wasn't going crazy and I was being stalked" I said happily. Why wouldn't I be? I'm not going mad! Shinso just stared at me before yelling himself. "You were being stalked!?".

Yamada pov
I had to stop Shota as I knew he was going to actually get himself arrested "Shota honey! Stop" I said grabbing his arm. "Hizashi how can I! Our child has been being watched by this random person for I don't even know how long!". He yelled back looking very hurt and sad. I just brought him into a hug.

"Shota I know. I'm mad to but we can't help if we do something stupid". I say letting go of him. He took a breath seeming to calm down. "Fine. But I'm not letting this grown man out of this hospital without handcuffs on" I smiled at him. "I'm not ether". We walked off a bit farther from the kids so they wouldn't hear us calling the cops.

~some time later~

While keeping Izuku comfortable and calm a knock came from the door. I got up and opened it seeing detective Tsukauchi. I waved Shota over walking out of the room. We explained what had happened to Izuku and why we called him here. "So you believe Izuku broke these guys bones not just because of a panic attack but because he was afraid he was going to be hurt by him" I nodded.

"I'm not letting this guy out of my sight ether. His blood has been found at crime scenes concerning the league of villains. His quirk is called take away, all he needs you to do is take his hand willing to be able to teleport you were ever". I was surprised. I never heard of him before. "So he's part of the league of villains?". Shota said angrily.

Tsukauchi just nodded. "From Izuku's past with them and the attack on the U.S.J this was probably a way to make him come back to them without having to come out of there base". He was probably right. They came to kill All Might that day but seeing Izuku....they wanted him back. This was a way to get him back.

"He will be put in jail for his past crimes but I think you should do something about Izuku". We looked up at him surprised. "What do you mean Tsukauchi? The doctors said he was fine". "I know what the doctors said but have you talked with a therapist? His mental health doesn't seem that well by how he snapped three bones like twigs just by having a panic attack".

Shota looked at me then back at the detective. "We'll think about it. He's never been open to talk about things that bug him. This whole problem happened because he didn't want to tell us he's been hearing things". Shota stoped for a second rethinking everything. "Ya....we'll think about it". And with that Tsukauchi had to go and handle the villain leaving us in the hallway.

"Shota....he needs to open up to us". He looked at me before turning to looked at the door the kids were in. "I know Hizashi. I just don't think he will be able to open up. He hasn't even told us what they did, we can only guess what his time was like there". I nodded walking back to the room.

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