Its a social appointment, not a romantic one!

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Izuku pov
The day continued like normal. Well as normal as class 1A is. But all that ended once Dad walked in. It wasn't his time to teach so why was he here? "Hello class. There has been a change in the classrooms." Everyone got all excited. "A new student!" "Oh who are they!?". I was just scared.

If someone was coming in then someone has to come out, that's what dad and papa said. "Shinso Yamada will be transferring into class 1A and one of you will be transferring out to another class". Everyone fell silent at that. I clenched my pencil not wanting it to be me. I looked on as kids started to worry if it would be them.

He scanned the class taking in a breath. "That is what I would say if one of you were transferring out of class 1A.". As I listened to what he said my mind started to wonder. What the actual heck! "I got to speaking with principal Nezu and he said if you guys prove your self non of you will be leaving. Shinso will be joining you guys after lunch".

I almost straight up fainted from the stress. At least no one has to leave class 1A. After dad left we had to get back to work. I turned my head a bit to the side seeing Iida. He looked a bit out of it. I hope he's ok. The bell soon rang meaning lunch has arrived. I was hungry to say the least.

We made our way to the lunch room and sat down next to my brother. Other kids from class 1A joined us. "Hello!" Uraraka said to Shinso. "You two seem to know each other. Since the sports festival thing!" Uraraka sat down smiling. "Izuku you said something about a dad and papa. It makes me think you guys are related." Momo said eyeing me and Shinso down.

"Ya were brothers". Shinso said plainly starting to eat his food. "Wait....if your last name is Yamada and Izuku's last name is Aizawa...dose that mean". Everyone started to freak out. Yep, our parents are both guys. "But you two look nothing alike! I could believe Izuku was Aizawa's son because we don't know how the mother would look. But guys can't even get pregnant!" Kirishima said seeming to get it.

"Were both adopted.". Shinso said his gaze landing on someone. I fallow his gaze seeing a guy and girl walk up to us. "Oh look it's the pathetic class 1A!" A guy with blond hair said pointing to us. "Monama stop! Leave class 1A alone". A girl with orange hair shouted. "Why! There so pathetic they even transferred a general education student to there class!" The guy named Monama started.

The table fell silent as he said that. I looked at him with disgust. Who does he think he is!? Being rude like that. Before he could go in the girl with orange hair chopped his neck. He soon fell limp. "Sorry about Monama! I'm Kendo from class 1B. Have a good lunch!". She then dragged the boy back to there table. "Well that was wired" Todorki said looking back at me.

The class started asking both Shinso and me questions that I really didn't want to answer. Like how long ago did our parents adopt us. Shinso just did his best to answer. "Fuck off! It's lunch so stop your yapping and die!" Bakugo yelled out getting fed up with everyone. People didn't stop talking.

I looked around feeling eyes on me. It wasn't like the time with the old man, it was more friendly? It confused me. I started to eat as class 1A got on Bakugo's nerves. It was fun to watch. The day went by and it was soon home time. Today we had focused on hand to hand combat since dad was really good at it. As we walked to the car I felt the same feeling of watchful eyes on me.

I looked around seeing kids all out of UA and to there homes. I caught up with my family and got into the car. We went home. I looked around feeling a bit cold. I went to my room and saw Eclipse near the window. I quickly closed it grabbing Eclipse. "Hello." I smiled putting him on my bed.

I changed and went on my phone. Not much has been happening. Before I put my phone down a notification popped up. I clicked it seeing a number I didn't recognize.

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