It's Bakugo!?

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Izuku pov
The morning was clearly wired. Papa was silent and dad was to talkative. Shinso was mostly the same. Eclipse was sitting by my window instead of with me. He was just looking out the window. He must have saw another cat or something. "So Izuku. When will you be going on your date?" Dad asked turning to me as I ate my breakfast.

"Oh, some time after school.". "I mean at what time." I just shrugged my shoulders. "They haven't said when to leave." I was being very careful with my words. I can't have them finding out who I'm going with. They might think it's romantic. After breakfast we all got into the car and headed off to school.

Once there I saw Todorki and Bakugo waiting for me. "Hey Izuku". Todorki called over. I ran up to him grabbing his hand. Bakugo stared at us before turning to Shinso. As we walked I could see Shinso was staying close to me. I don't think he's on good terms with Bakugo.

~after school~

As we got home I landed right on the couch with Shinso. Hand to hand combat is hard. Dad just laughed going over to get himself a cup of coffee. "Izuku." I looked up seeing Papa was talking to me. "Don't you have to get ready for your non romantic date?" He said. My eyes widened as I jumped off the couch. "Ya!" I answered back going to my room.

I got out my new clothes walking to the bathroom. I took a quick shower changing into my new outfit. I walked back to my room seeing that the window was slightly opened. Eclipse was near the window when he turned to me. I closed the window locking it. It was to cold to have it opened. I walked over to my dresser going to the bottom one and sliding in all the way open.

I moved some clothes over finding a little box. I grabbed it and opened it. Inside was a thin black choker. I had gotten it back in middle school but never worn it. I put it on looking in the mirror. I looked in the box seeing other things a had gotten but never had the guts to put them on. Like a silver ring. I had gotten it at the dollar store.

I moved a few thing seeing a little shirt, it said scares don't heal. It was one of the first things dad got me. I looked in the mirror see my red eye, horns, sharp ears and my sharp teeth. I frowned seeing my own reflection. My eyes wandered down towards the choker as I grabbed it to take it off. He wouldn't like it anyways.

My fingers rested on it as tears rolled down my face. He wouldn't like me. Eclipse patted my feet as he meowed. I looked down at him seeing that he wouldn't stop. I put my hands down and he stoped looking back up at me. I wiped my eyes knowing I was just being emotional. I went to take the choker off when Eclipse started to meow at me again. It was like he wanted me to wear it.

I tested it out seeing every time I went to take it off he started scratching at me. I sighed leaving it on. Eclipse then hoped on my bed and from there jumped on my dresser. He walked over to my box I had and took my ring out putting it down in front of me. I stared as he tapped it. I giggled petting him.

My phone dinged and I looked at the number. It was Bakugo's, he was saying to leave soon if I wanted to meet him on time. I just texted a quick I'm on my way. The park we were meant to meet at was just 20 minutes away. It was fine to walk. I looked at the ring and put it on quickly packing my box up. I hid it back in its place making sure I had everything.

Wallet, mints, my phone and my inhaler. I didn't know were we were going so I under packed. It made me scared thinking if I forgot anything. I had to go know so I exited my room with Eclipse going back to looking out the window. I got to the entrance of the living room and took in a breath. My hart was beating out of my chest. What would they say about the choker and ring?

Aizawa pov
I looked to the side seeing Izuku walk in. My eyes grew wide as I saw him. Was that a choker he had on? "Ah your going now Izuku?-" Hizashi stoped as he saw what Izuku was wearing. Izuku seemed to have noticed the pause and froze in place. I walked up to him as I saw that he was also wearing a silver ring. "Izuku be back no later then 9:00. And if you even think about anything later Im grounding you!" I say looking down at him.

I could see that he had a small smile on as he nodded. "Y-yes ser". He said walking off. He existed the house starting to walk to his so called non romantic date. Shinso was working on homework so he was in his room. "Shota are you sure about him going off with someone we don't know?" Hizashi said looking over at me.

I turned to him as I laughed a bit. "Oh I'm not leaving him". I say going over to get my hero costume on. "I'll just be out on patrol and if I so happened to run into my son on his date it won't be a bad thing.". I conclude. "So your going to fallow our son" Hizashi said pointing to me. "It's not bad if I'm his father". I say as we enter our room.

I quickly get my costume on and head for the door. I turn to Hizashi and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll be back before Izuku gets home. If Shinso asks say I'm on patrol". He nods smiling. I wave him goodbye before I start to go off running on rooftops. I soon see Izuku as he walks further from the house. He's not in much of a hurry.

After some time he heads onto a pathway. I jump down from one of the buildings and run into the tree line. There I see him walk up to a kid that looks to be his age. I take a closer look seeing that it was Bakugo. He's on a date with Bakugo!? I watched as they talked for a bit, well more like Bakugo yelling with Izuku nodding and or shaking his head.

They then headed back on the walk way starting to go a different way. I fallow seeing them enter a restaurant. Bakugo has really thought about this haven't he? I got in a good place as I watched the door. If they leave I will be able to see it. My train of thought gets cut off by a feeling. Like someone was in the shadows.

I looked around seeing nobody that could be also here and I couldn't notice at first glance. The wired thing about it was that I wasn't scared. It was like the thing near by wasn't watching me other then watching someone els.

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