Why can't we just keep healing?

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Aizawa pov
As I watch the news my phone goes off. I check it seeing that it was time to take Izuku to his first therapist session. I get up going over to his room knocking on his door. I listen closely hearing a small "come in". I walk in seeing Izuku on the floor staring at the cat.

I was confused that he's been doing that for the past two days. "Izuku are you ready for your appointment". He looks up looking a bit scared but nods his head standing up. "Shinso if you want to come get out here!" I yell knowing he would want to send Izuku off. He comes out of his room ready to go.

I quickly get my car keys from my room before heading out side. I get in and start the car seeing Shinso and Izuku getting into the back. I start driving down the rode and soon we get to the place. I park close to the building and get out of the car. Shinso and Izuku come out.

Izuku had his head low the hole way to the front desk. I check him in seeing a lady walk up to us. "Hello. My name is Ms Meg I'll be Izuku Aizawa's therapist". I shack her hand moving aside to show Izuku. "Hi. I'm Izuku's father, I'm sure you know what your dealing with". She nods with a smile.

"Izuku this is Ms Meg you'll be going with her for the next 30 minutes" he looks up a bit before his head goes right back down. He looks nervous. He walks up to her not straying away from the ground. "I'll see you when your done!" Shinso try's to cheer up his brother. Izuku just nods as Ms Meg shows him to her office. Shinso and I walk out leaving Izuku with the woman.

Izuku pov
I walk in Ms Meg's office to see a little couch. "You can sit there Aizawa if you want to". I just nod sitting down as she sits behind her desk. "So how are you feeling today" "fine" "well that's good. Do you know why your hear?". I just nod. "Today will be a get to know each other day ok". I just nodded again.

~some time later~
Aizawa pov
Shinso wanted to look around the stores near by as we waited for Izuku to be done so we went to a clothing store. I walked around looking at the different choices they had. Izuku needed new clothes soon anyway. He never tells me when he grows out of them.

But I have noticed that there getting tighter on him. I'll have to bring him so I can get the right size. As I walked around I could see a crowd gathering in an area. I go over to see what the commotion was about. There I could see a hero magazine being grabbed. There were mostly teens getting them.

I picked one up flipping threw it. It was a hero comic about a made up hero called Bright light. Around the comics were merchandise. "Oh hey dad- woh is that the new addition of Bright light!?" Shinso said looking over my shoulder to see what I was holding. "Izuku and I've been looking everywhere to find the new addition! They stoped putting them online awhile ago".

I looked back at the comic handing it over to Shinso. He looked like the other teens crowded around. Excited and happy. "Izuku likes those comics?" I asked not seeing him liking those kind of things. Ya he likes hero's but I've never see him reading anything like this. "Heck ya he does! He's always asking me if I could find any comics when I go out shopping".

I look back at the comics seeing there was a hole collection. "Did he read any of these?" I point to the comics on the stand "oh no way they must be new I haven't seen them" I nodded grabbing one of each. I go up to the cashier and buy them along with the stuff Shinso wanted to get.

I check my phone seeing that we had 10 minutes to spend. I walked back to the car putting the comics and Shinso's stuff in the back seat. Shinso wanted to go check another store so I sent him off. As I waited my phone started buzzing so I picked it up seeing a number I didn't recognize. I clicked answer.

Me: hello who is this?
???: hello. I'm with the reconnect foundation.
Me: what's the reconnect foundation?
???: we reconnect adopted kids with there old parents if the parents show choose.
Me: this must be a mistake. Shinso's parents gave him up years ago why do they want to see him?
???: oh no ser it's not for Shinso it's for a Izuku Midoriya. Or Izuku Aizawa by what he goes by now.
Me: Izuku doesn't have any alive relatives.
???: I know his mothers not alive but his father Hisashi Midoriya wants to see his son.
???: he says that if you don't allow him to see Izuku he will take you to court.
Me: he can't do that! I've adopted him. He's my son!
???: from what I've heard Mr Hisashi Midoriya has not actually given up custody so under the law Izuku is not aloud to live with you. All Mr Midoriya wants right now is to see his son so I think for your sake and Izuku Aizawa's you should let him. We can talk more after you make your decision.

The man on the other side gave me information on how to contact him after I figure out how I wanted to handle this. "Hey dad I got this new chocolate bar I want you to try with me- dad are you ok your crying!" I look over putting my phone back in my pocket as I wiped my tears off my face.

"No I'm fine, now what about a new chocolate bar?".

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