Geting in

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Izuku is 14 years old grade 8

Izuku pov
I'm talking with Shinso and Todoroki the tow best people in the world my brother and my best best BEST friend "so are you going to apply for UA Izuku" I nod my head yes even if they are my friends and family I still don't talk much "ya we both are hoping to get in" I continue to eat my lunch while listening/nodding to the conversation *ding* *ding* everyone's phones are going off so I check mine it was the news.

"attention everyone a high-ranking villain has just escaped their name is All For One" I couldn't listen anymore I started hyperventilating 'no he's coming for me' is all I could think I could feel things around me start to levitate so I cancelled my quirk as fast as possible and got out my inhaler.

I was so close to having a mouth without a panic attack well that just went out the window. I breathed in and out I could feel someone rubbing my back after awhile I came back and saw it was Shinso with Todorki helping me with my inhaler "th..thank you" I put my inhaler back in my pocket but they didn't leave me alone for the rest of the day.

In class we were talking about what high school we wanted to go to and everyone started to laugh at me because I wanted to go to UA people quieted down when Todorki shut them up "Izuku Aizawa can you come out side with me" it was the principle so I got up "Villain!" I kept walking not wanting to wast the principles time "Izuku you said you wanted to go to UA correct".

I nod looking up at him for respect "are you sure...there's lots of other high schools you can go to" I nod again "UA has a hero cores".

Flash back

Maybe if I?....maybe if I become stronger dad won't worry about me'

Flash back end

he looked a little shocked at me taking but this is what I wanted "ok then go back to class" I nodded and went to sit next to Todorki "what did he want" I just shrugged in response we didn't talk very much because I don't like to and Todorki is probably shy the day flew by and it was time to go home.

When I got there Shinso went on his phone and I went to my room "Izuku can we talk" it was dad I looked up from my homework so I could listen "you really want to go to UA" I nodded he sighed and sat on my bed with me at my desk "it's going to be harder for you Izuku" I nodded going over to sit next to him "I want to go" he smiles pulling me into a hug "if you do get in I'm going to be your teacher" I giggled a bit "teacher zawa" He pushed my arm a bit at that "I said not to call me that".

We laughed some more before he walked of. It was a Saturday so I wanted to go out for some fresh air I walked to the nearby beach and saw how bad it was "there's garbage everywhere" I say to my self texting my dad I would be home late 'this can be my training to get into UA' I thought starting to move the garbage 'after Im done with this it's going to look brand new' I smiled to myself knowing that I'm doing something good for the planet.

After awhile I got Todorki to bring me something to drink "thanks" he looks up at me smiling a little "no problem" he waves good bye to me because he has his own training to do 'time to get back to work' I do a lot of work then go back home to see dinner on it's way "I'm home!"

I yell out all I here is a hello from Shinso "we're dad and papa" I say sitting on a chair in front of the stove "there on a mission so I'm making dinner" I look at the hell my brother in cooking up "what are you making?" I say taking a sniff in the air "I don't really know at this point" he said turning to face me I can see on his face that he doesn't even know what he just made "can I help?"

He nods so I walk up with stuff I found in the fridge "it looks like a soup?" I say more as a question then a statement so I started cutting up vegetables to put in after awhile we put it into bowls what ever it is.

We sit at the table just looking at it I start to take the first bite but Shinso grabs my hand before it go's inside my mouth "I can't in the right mind have you eat that" I put my fork down and nod in agreement we both just eat fruits for dinner before going to bed.

A summer break later

I look out to the clean beach ahead of me smiling the biggest smile I have had in awhile 'I did it' I thought to my self walking back home.

I get home eat dinner wash up for bed and go to my bed "Izuku" I look up to see Papa in the door way "yes" he walks in sitting on my bed "I just wanted to say good luck tomorrow" I smile and hug him "I don't need luck I'm going to pass!" I say happily "WELL THAN LETS GO PLUS ALTRA!" I raise my arms in the air "plus altra" I say in a normal voice but it has the same affects "go to bed!" Me and papa look at each other and giggle a little bit as he walks out of my room closing the door behind him 'ya plus altra' I close my eyes falling asleep.

The test

I walked to UA but tripped over myself  'this is how I end' but I never hit the ground I looked to my side to see a girl "are you ok" I nod as she sets me up right "well good luck" I nod smiling 'someone actually talked to me...other than Todorki and brother!'

I run inside not wanting to be late for the test. Papa was talking about the robots that we had to defeat when a guy with glasses stood up asking about the test I listened in not wanting to miss anything after that everyone headed out to the field 'I hope I do well' I think as I realize that everyone is already gone so I run out looking for robots to take down.

I see a one pointer so I use my pitch to destroy them by making my mouth like a hole then basically spitting out sound bullets dad helped me practice so I got good and using it after awhile I had 21 points "watch out!"

I look up to see a 0 pointer heading right for me 'why the hell is it so big!?" I start running but something caught my attention "help anybody!" I turn to see the girl from before trapped under rubble from the robot so I ran to help I tried to lift the rubble but it didn't work so I had one last thing I could do I ran up to the beast of a robot and started my quirk crush I couldn't do anything after this but I rather not get in than someone getting hurt I could see the robot break apart than darkness came over me.

When I woke up dad told me I got in "how?" I say looking up from my bed 'when did I get in my bed?' "Let me tell you something about hero points"...... needless to say I got in but sadly my brother did not there's still a chance for him to get in but not right now.....

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