Lets do this exam

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Izuku pov
I wake up to Eclipse patting my head. I smile looking at my furry friend. I sit up looking out my window. Exams were today. I get up and quickly get ready for the day. I walk out with Eclipse behind me. Papa was drinking what looked to be a coffee. I ran up to him wrapping my hands around him. He chuckled returning the hug. "Your lively today." I nod letting go of him. He turned a bit serious putting down his coffee. "I heard what happened last night. You ok Izuku? I'm sorry I scared you." I nodded my head sitting on my chair. "I'm fine. I-I don't know why's came over me...." I say.

Before long we were out the door and in our seats taking the exam. I looked at my paper. Thinking. 'Ok so what's the answer to this? If I move this over here, wait is this right? Was I right to be so scared yesterday? I mean papa comes late sometimes-" I get cut out of my thinking by a paper ball hitting my leg. I look down picking it up. I looked at it seeing something writing down. It was Uraraka telling me to talk it out. I sighed shoving the paper in my pocket. She was right. Why was I so scared of talking?

I took a deep breath in then out. "Here we go." I say as I start talking myself threw the problem. Before the class was even over I was done the exam. I made sure to check my answers two more times before handing it in. I sat back down in my seat waiting for everyone else to be done. As the last person handed in there work dad got up and left the room. Probably to go put them somewhere. Right as he left Mina stood up with a smile. "Ok everyone I got some news for you! We talked to 1B and they said we're fighting against robots for our exam!" I stared as she talked. Robots huh. "Deku!" I looked up seeing Kachan eyeing me down. "Y-yes". "You ready." I smiled nodding. I was.

~at the fighting exam~

I looked at my hero costume as I stood in the boys bathroom. I didn't really have one before, it was mostly for design. I kinda liked the green. I looked at the note that was with it. "They updated my suit?" I said looking at it now. It was now all black and had other components to it. I quickly put it on. I looked in the mirror seeing myself. The top part was sleeveless and I had a silver collar. There were two silver lines coming from it going down my back and to my boots.

I also had a belt with little holders with meds and bandages in it. I looked at the note again seeing what the collar was for. after reading it I walked out of the bathroom going outside with the rest of my classmates. There I could see the teachers lined up. Todoroki turned to me with his eyes winding. He had red cheeks. "You have, a new suit." He committed. I looked at myself crossing my arms. "To much skin for me." I say not liking that I had no sleeves. It was also tighter then my old suit.

Dad stepped forward looking us over. "This will be your hero exam. Other years you would have fought robots but things are changing. You now will be fighting u-" "us!" Nezu Helled popping out of Dads scarf. Shinso giggled, so did I. "You kids will be fighting in groups against us teachers!". I could see from the corner of my eyes Kaminari and Mina freaking out a bit. I taped my foot on the ground, why our teachers!? I thought back to what happened with the hero killer. I don't want to hurt any of them!

Before anything else All Might came from the sky's. "And one group will be fighting me!" All Might said smiling. "But don't worry we had the support classes make as special weights to slow us down.". I watched as the teachers put on the items. "Now for the groups!" Papa said. "Kirishima and Sato against Cementoss. Mineta and Sero against Midnight. Jiro and Koda against Yamada. Mina and Kaminari against Nezu. Iida and Ojiro against Power Loader. Aoyama and Shinso against Thirteen. Hagakure and Shoji against Snipe. Tokoyami and Asui against Ectoplasm. Momo and Bakugou against Aizawa. And finally for the last round Todoroki, Uraraka and Izuku against All Might!".

My eyes widened hearing who I was up against. "Now we'll let Kirishima and Sato talk for a bit before they go in. Everyone else fallow me." Dad said walking off. We came up to a room with Recovery girl in it and a big screen. "Izuku kun! We're in a group together!" Uraraka said gaming my arm. She then looked me over smiling. "You have a new suit to! It looks nice on you." She said clapping her hands together. My face just went red at the compliment. "oh and you can see your muscles threw the fabric." She said pointing to my stomach. "R-really n-now. I-I....I didn't n-notice.".

Before I new it I was tuned away as hands wrap around me. I look up seeing Todoroki with a red face. "So what's going to be our game plan?" Uraraka said pointing to the big screen. "It looks like Kirishima and Sato are already out..." I looked seeing Uraraka was right. "I go after All Might as you two go for the gate." I looked back at Todoroki wanting to say something but the speakers go on. "Second team head out now." With that Mineta and Sero go out of the room. The time seemed to fly by as four more teams went. "Sixth team it's your turn!"

Shinso pov
We walk into the area and hear the go buzzer go off. I look around seeing it was a mostly open space. Before we knew it a gush of wind grid pulling us into a defection. I looked towards were were were going to see Thirteen. I grabbed a poll and so did Aoyama. We stayed there waiting time as we were getting pulled. I couldn't do anything as my capture weapon would just get swallowed up.

Aoyama tried sending blast but it didn't work. Things started to go through my mind of ideas. If we stay here we're going to fail! Aoyama looked at me. "distracted?" I turn to him confused. Of course I was! There was no way I can think of that would let us pass. "You know I've been nothing Todoroki and Bakugou are always looming over your brother. Are they dating?" I turned to him once more. "Really!? We can't be talking about that right now. We're going to fail." I saying looking around for more solutions. "It just reminded me of when I see you talking with Kaminari. It seems that you like like him, yes?".

With that I had accidentally let go of the poll...

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang