Izuku sneeks out

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Izuku pov
As I play with Shinso I see Papa walk in "HI YOU TWO" I turn to wave at him going right back to the game. It was a adventure game that Shinso and me have been playing "watch your left Izuku!" I nodded fallowing my brothers orders. We soon passed the 20 level putting the game down for the night.

Shinso puts up his hand for a high five so I do it getting a little shook. I stare at my hand as I begin to shiver 'shocking...they shocked me for punish meant' tears came down my face as I remembered how painful it was and how I used to scream out for father to stop "Izuku what's wrong!?" Shinso says putting his hands on my shoulders "Izuku?" Papa says running over.

"I...I'm sorry I have to go" I quickly get up and run into the bathroom locking it. My bedroom never had a lock so the bathroom was the best bet "Izuku open the door!" I heard Shinso yell out from the other side. I didn't say anything. I just sat on the floor crying. They hurt me for a reason didn't they? I soon fell asleep on the floor.

I woke up to talking outside the door. I listened in to who was talking "so tell me again why our son has locked himself in the bathroom" "I have no idea Shota Izuku and Shinso were just playing a game then next thing I know is that he was crying and not responding to us" I stoped listening getting up off the floor 'what time is it?' I thought seeing no way to find out in the bathroom.

I had to meet Bakugo in the morning 'wait is it the morning? No then why is papa and dad here' I could here footsteps leave the bathroom door so I crept closer not wanting them to hear me. I unlocked the door once I thought it was safe and opened the door not seeing anybody.

I close the door and sprint down the hall to get to my bedroom. I made it to my room closing the door behind me. I made it to my phone and checked the time. It was early morning 'no wonder dad and papa are awake they have to wake up before me and Shinso' I walk over to my closet getting out my uniform.

'I'm not tired enough to go back to sleep' I thought taking off my clothes and putting my uniform on. Once I was done I wrote on paper saying that I left early for school 'now how am I going to get past dad and papa?' I thought opening the door and tip toeing out.

I walked threw the hall to see them talking at the table with there backs turned to me. I got down onto the floor a crawled my way to the door. I checked to see if they saw me to see my chance to get away. I put the note I had near the door opening it quietly.

Before they could turn around I was already running down the street. I opened my phone to see when the buses came. Dad or papa drove Shinso and me to school so I can't walk. It would take to long. I looked at the stars and moon going down making way for the sun to rise. It was nice.

I walked to a bus stop and waited taking out my bus card. Once the bus came it was half full. Mostly adults wanting to go to work. I went to the back of the bus sitting down and looking out the window 'dad and papa are going to be so mad' I thought as we started to move.

Once we got to the bus stop closest to UA I got out and started walking feeling my phone buzz. I take it out to see it was Shinso texting me were I was. I sent him a quick reply saying I was on my way to school before putting my phone back in my pocket.

Bakugo pov
I woke up to my stupid alarm going off but before I turned it off to get one more minute of sleep I remembered that I needed to talk with Deku this morning. I quickly get dressed and run down the stairs pass8nb the old hag as she try's to stop me from leaving.

Right now I don't give a fuck, todays the day I make Deku mine. I wait for the bus and get on it going to the back. I look out the window to see the blue sky above 'what am I really going to say? I can't just straight up tell him I'm in love with him, what if he forgot he was gay or something!!! Shit what am I going to do...' I think getting off and heading to UA.

As I get up to the gate I see Deku standing there leaning against the gate wall. I think of what I'm going to do and walk up to him "hey Deku!' I yell to get his attention. He looks at me then quickly turns his head to the ground "y..yes".

Dun dun dun I'm so evil to leave you on a cliff hanger!! But I wanted to get some input from my fans, which are you people. I want you to vote on what happens next! Since this book is not my first priority I don't have many plans for it. But since so many people love it so much I can't just leave it to gather dust so I'm doing a voting system.

Once I run out or at a rode block for ideas I will give you guys the chance to vote for what happens in the story. Since this is our first vote I will make it easy, you guys vote on how Bakugo is going to tell Izuku his feelings it being love or wanting to be friends.
Comment on the one you want to see happen!

(Bakugo tip toes around the subject not saying it out loud)

(He tells Izuku straight up that he has feelings for him)

(Bakugo says to forget and start a new)

(Bakugo freezes up)

I must worn you not everything is what it seems...I have things connected to the votes like if something bad is going to happen because of what you picked, think carefully because everything leads to something els that you don't know about.

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