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Izuku pov
As I was starting to fall a thought came up in my mind. 'How am I supposed to land!?'. I was two late as I hit the ground. I didn't go that far up so the crash wasn't that bad. "Izuku Aizawa takes first place!". I began to run as I saw Todorki and Bakugo stop fighting to try and catch up.

"Deku what do you think your doing!?" Bakugo yelled out. I didn't listen only focusing on the end. It was in sight but so was Todorki and Bakugo. Todorki used his ice to be faster. As the three of us enter the room I had no idea who was going to come out first.

"Todorki in first Bakugo in second and Aizawa in third place!". After I got to the end I collapsed onto the ground tired. I got out of the way as other students ran in. Todorki walked up to me and sat down. "That was stupid of you...but also smart". I looked at him as he had a small smile on. It didn't seem real to me.

"You...you got first". I said congratulating my friend. "Come on. We have to get ready for the flag game.". I nodded standing up. We went to go get water as Bakugo stormed my way. Todorki walked over to get the water as I was left alone. "Do you know how dangerous that was Deku! You could have been hurt if you were further up! You can't just do things like that, your not built to do those things!" Bakugo yelled at me.

I looked down at the ground. I shouldn't be doing this. "Who makes the rule...the rule that I can't do it". I say not lifting my head up. "What was that I can't hear you Deku!" "Who makes the rule...that I can't do those things". I say getting frustrated. 'Who is he to tell me what I did was wrong!?'.

He was caught off gaud by me being so forward. "Your just a Deku so the rules are that you don't put your self in harms way! You can't do things like I can! You can get hurt!". "I've been hurt!". I yell keeping my head down but I can tell he was staring at me. "Is there something wrong?". Todorki says walking up to the two of us.

He had to cups of water. One for him and one for me. "N...nothing's wrong. Let's go...get read for the game". I say taking my cup of water. I began to walk away as Todorki fallowed me. 'He has no say in what I do...'. I thought taking a sip of my water.

~some time later~

"Welcome back everyone! Now let's get on with capturer the flag and how your rankings work!" I looked up at the woman as the screen showed the ranks. Like I was before I was in third place. She explained that number one was the most points and it went down as the last people were out of the game.

"You will have to be in a term of four! You guys can pick them! The flags will be put around one teammates waste! The goal is to keep your flag on and get others! You can run around all you like but keep tracks of your flags! If you get someone else's you can put them on another teammate or the same one, it's all up to how you want to play!".

"Now go find your self some teammates!". That was it. I looked around knowing no one would want to team with me. Everyone is going to go after the top five people. And I'm third! I'm going to be targeted. I looked over at Todorki and walked over taping him. He turned around but his face turned when he saw me. It turned to one of sadness.

"Sorry Izuku but if I team with you it will end badly. I mean we both have high numbers". I didn't say anything nodding with a smile. It was fake but it was still a smile. 'He's right. I'm just stupid'. I thought looking around for three teammates. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Kirishima. "You don't have anyone right?" I nodded looking at him. "Well it would be un manly to leave you by your self! You can be with Sero and I". "Th...thanks". He nodded as he brought me to Sero. "Oh you got Izuku!" Sero said surprised. Of course he is. I don't talk with many people in our class so I don't know them very well.

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHAWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt