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Izuku pov
I feel like I have been getting on Ms Meg's nerves. All I have been doing in nodding yes or shaking my head no for questions. "Ok so absolutely school. Do you like it there? Do you have any friends". I thought about my answer. I nodded my head yes. School was fun.

"I herd that your in the hero core. What do you in in the hero core?" "Train". "Anything was else?". I shook my head no. "Let's go back to the friend thing. Are you close with your friends". I nodded my head yes. "How close. What do you do with them" "we hang out....Todorki is quite so we don't talk much". She nodded her headgear this time.

"This Todorki boy. How long have you known him?" "Since middle school". She hummed writing something down. "So he's like your best friend" I nodded. "Ya, he said he loves me" from her facial expression I must have said something bad. She looked surprised. "What did you say after he said he loved you" "I said that I loved him to".

"So you two are a thing then?". A thing? What does that mean? "I...I don't understand the question" "oh ummm. Are you two lovers?" "Lovers?". Well we're not lovers... are we? He's my best friend. "No. He's my best friend" "does he know that?" "Ya. I told him after he said I love you. We're really good friends". She nodded thinking.

"You don't have to answer this but is there something stressing you out at the moment. Like a test coming up or a person at school?". Stressing me out? "I guess not thinking of...of a name for my new cat". "why's that stressing you out?" "Because.... he needs a name".

"But couldn't you ask your brother to help. Why are you the one who has to name it if your stressing over it?" "Because I have to" "why do you think that". "I...I have to. I have to because I'm the one...who, who has to protect him". I stared down at the ground thinking. I have to be the one to do it. I have to protect him so he doesn't get hurt.

"Why do you have to protect the cat?". I tried not to cry, I really did. Not in front of Ms Meg, not in front of anyone. But like everyone els I break. "I...I have to protect him because...because if I don't he's going to get hurt like...Moon". "Ok. I think that's enough for today". I looked up seeing Ms Meg holding out a tissue for me.

I took it. "S...sorry" "there's no need to apologize to me Aizawa. This is a safe place". I just nodded throwing the tissues in the garbage. Ms Meg was right about the time. It was time to stop. Ms Meg opened the door while I walked out seeing dad and Shinso down the hall. I ran up to them hugging dad.

"Had fun?" "No". He just looked at me then back at Ms Meg. "He actually did well with answering the questions" Ms Meg said smiling as she walked away to another client. "Am I done now?" I said looking at dad. He let out a sigh taking my hand and bringing us to the car. "Izuku you can't just go one time and that's it you have to go a lot to see improvements". I looked over at Shinso seeing that he was agreeing with dad.

"How many times?". "I don't know Izuku we'll play it by ear. Ok?" I just nodded getting into the back seat. As I buckled myself in a stack of books caught my eye. I grabbed one looking at it. It was the next comics to the book Bright Light! I loved this book since it came out! "Shinso, where...where did you get thing?" I asked staring at the book. "Not me. Dad found it". I looked forward as dad left the parking lot.

"Th...thank you dad" "no problem". That was all he said before we went onto the rode. Something was up with him but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once we got home Papa was already making noise. "How was your appointment!? Did it go well!?" Papa yelled out greeting us at the door. I just shook my head. "It was boring". I said taking off my shoes.

"Well it's not meant to be fun Izuku" Shinso said taking the books inside. "Hey Shinso, Izuku". I looked over at dad as he walked inside after parking the car. "Can you two go to your room for a bit I need to talk with Hizashi for a moment". I nodded dragging Shinso to my room so we can read the new books.

~some time later~

After awhile dad told us we could go back out. Papa looked different, like he was hiding something. Dad also looked stressed out. I heard them mumbling from the room but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Dad started on dinner as I went back to the floor staring at the cat.

What would be a good name? It has to be a guys name because he's a male. I could see papa setting the plates on the table. Moon would have known what to call him, she was always one step ahead. "Hey dinners going to be in 30 minutes" dad stayed from the stove. I just nodded knowing he couldn't see me.

Couldn't see...Moon... "I GOT IT!" I yelled standing up almost falling over. I could tell everyone stoped what they were doing to look at me. "You got what Izuku?" Papa said startled. "The...the name for the cat" I said a bit embarrassed for my out burst.

"What's it going to be then?" He said with a smile. "Eclipse". I said looking down at the cat. "I want his name to be Eclipse". It's was perfect. I think Moon would have liked it. "That's a awesome name!" Shinso said from the couch. "But why that?" "because it matches a lunar eclipse".

He stared at me tilting his head to the side. "Then why didn't you name him Moon?" "That, that name was already taken". He was about to open his mouth to ask something but before he could my phone went off. I turned it on answering it. I left to the hallway so o would be herd.

Me: Todorki?
Todorki: ya. I finally got home from Momo's house. I couldn't call you because the class kept my phone away...
Me: it's fine. I'm just happy....that you called.
Todorki: is everything ok? You freaked me out when Bakugo ran out with you in his arms.
Me: ya....I'm fine. I'm going to school tomorrow. So that's good.
Todorki: Good. I, I heard about the creep that was falling you...I'm sorry I couldn't help.
Me: it's fine Todorki. You being with me was enough.
Todorki: I just want you to come to me if something happens ok?
Me: will do.

We talked some more before I had to go for dinner. I walked back and sat in my spot as Eclipse jumped in my lap. I ate dinner before going back to reading Bright Light with Shinso. "That's enough of that" dad said taking the book from us. "Hey what was that for!" Shinso said turning to see dad before freezing in his spot. I did the same.

"It's a school night and you need to get ready and go to bed!" He yelled out with his stern face on. We both just nodded taking turns in the bathroom. "Night!" Shinso called out going to his room. I waved goodnight to him, dad and papa. Eclipse came with me to my room as I got into bed.

Soon sleep was the only thing coming for me tonight. No black goo. No creepy old guys. Just sleep. And I was fine with that.

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