I know the feeling

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Izuku pov
Mineta looked at me in shock, so did everyone else. "What is wrong with you Izuku?" He yelled rubbing his face as it hurt. I looked at him backing up. "Way to go Deku!" "Don't encourage him!". Eyes were on me, as I was still just in my boxers. It's not like I could run out. Please stop looking at me. I'm sorry I didn't think before I hit him! Just stop looking! I'm not an animal to be looked at! Stop! Stop it!

"Guys stop staring at my brother it's weird." Shinso said getting in front of me. His head turned to me as he whispered. "You want space?" I nodded. He took my hand as he brought me back to the corner of the room. He walked over to Bakugou whispering something to him. I just tried to control my breathing. "Get the fuck out extras before I blast you all to hell!" Bakugou yelled making everyone quickly finish changing and leave. Todoroki wanted to stay but was pushed out by Bakugou.

I had slowly changed sitting down on the floor after I was done. Shinso sat down beside me as he rubbed circles on my back. "What set you off?". I turned to him trying to keep breathing. "What?". "You slapped Mineta out of no were. What did he say to make you so mad?". I looked at the hole in the wall. He fallowed with his eyes. "You didn't want him looking threw the hole huh." I nodded my head. "Its, disrespectful. And, I know how it feels to be looked at for only your body.". Shinso wiped his head to me. "Izuku what do you mean by that?" He said having stoped rubbing my back.

I stood up from my spot on the floor heading for the door. "We're go, going to be late for class.". "Izuku wait a second!" Before he could continue I opened the door and walked out. I walked down the hall and to where we're supposed to be. Once there I line up, Shinso came a minute after. "So today we're going to be doing a rescue practice!". All Might yelled out. This was going to be a long day....

~time skip~

I speed walked from the class to the changing room. I quickly got dressed and speed walked out before people could even get there. While changing however I plugged the hole up with gum. As Mineta walked through the door passing me I could hear him scream. "Who did this!". I smiled. He wasn't going to get what he wanted. Not when I was here.

It was the end of the day so I walked to the classroom. Others would go straight home but I wanted to tell dad what had happened and to get the wall fixed. As I reached the door I could hear him talking in the phone. I waited out side so I wouldn't interrupt him. "Yes I know....Izuku can go see Mr Midoriya after the summer camp....WHAT!?" I heard dad yell slamming his hands on his desk. I knew it was wrong but I put my ear to the door. Why was he mad? "You said we had time to show he's better with us!....Ms Joy your exaggerating he just had a little scare!...no I won't!....fine But I have to talk to my husband."

With that I could hear the phone click meaning he had hung up. What was he talking about? Court, for what? I knocked on the door before opening it. Dad quickly turned to me his tears in his eyes. "Oh Izuku, how long were you there?" He said wiping his tears away standing up. "I just got here.". He nodded walking over to me. He then pulled me forward hugging me. "There a hole In the change room." He let go of me confused. "What?" "Mineta found a hole in the wall. I plugged in up with gum." He nodded going over to his desk. He got out a notepad and wrote something down on it.

"Go to the parking-lot and go home with Shinso and Hizashi. I'll see you guys home later alright?". I nodded walking out. I made my way to our car and got in. "What took you so long?" Papa said turning to face us. Shinso was beside me turning to me. "I had to tell dad something. He said to leave him." Papa just nodded and got into the drivers seat. I looked out the window. It was nice out.

As we drove it was quite. I could tell Shinso was staring at me. Once we got home I ran into my room. Eclipse was sitting near my window watching as I ran in. A minute later I heard a knock. "Izuku I want to talk with you!". Shinso said from out side the door.

I went to the door and put my back on it. Like I thought he would do he tried to open up my door. "Izuku open up! This is important, you can't lock yourself in there!". "Y-yes I can!". Eclipse hopped down from the window and walked over to me. Once he got at my foot he swiped at me causing me to stumble and let Shinso in.

Shinso came in and looked at me. I looked at him. "Izuku you have to tell me what you meant in the boys locker room." He said blocking my door so I couldn't run out. "No." I said backing up. "Please. Is it about when you were younger?". I didn't say anything backing up more. "I-I don't want to talk about it.". I don't even want to think about it.

Shinso looked sad. I made him feel that way didn't I. My hands balled up into fist. I started to shake. "I, I can't.". "You can't what? Izuku talk to me." "I-I." Things in my room started to levitate. Tears fell down my face. "Izuku take deep breaths-". "I CAN'T REMEMBER!". I shouted making my lamp shatter as it hit the floor.

More things in my room started to levitate as I got more emotional. Shinso looked to be talking but I couldn't hear his words. "Calm.". A deep voice said. I looked around my room. I didn't see anyone other then Shinso. "Your in pain. But you can't take it out on your brother. Do you want to hurt him?". "No..." I said weakly. Before long my vision cut out as I hit the floor.

Soooo. 100k readers is coming up. I want to do something speak for the milestone I am reaching. But I don't know what to do. Should I do a special of baby Izuku growing up with Aizawa, Yamada and Shinso? Or something else as the 100k reads special? If you guys have any ideas I would love to hear them.

??? Pov
I walked down the white halls of my work place. I turned the corner and got out my keycard. As I reached a door I could hear talking from behind it. I swiped my card and walked inside. There I could see my boss sitting in there chair on the phone. "Oh ??? How are you doing today?" They said with a smile hanging up on whoever they were talking to. "Cut the crap, who do you want me to hunt this time.". I say just wanting to get started.

"Have you heard of a Izuku Aizawa's?"

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