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(Maybe the music is a hint? 😏)
Izuku pov
Recovery girl walked up to me smiling. "All done with you and your brother young Aizawa". I nodded getting up off the bed. Shinso fallowed as we walked down the hall to go meet our classes. Shinso had to go a different way so I was on my own. It was fine though, I knew that way.

As I turned the corner I bumped into someone. I fell to the floor with a thud. "Oh I didn't see you there!". A man spoke stretching out his hand for me to grab. I got up with his help and dusted myself off a bit. "Th...thank you....and sorry". I said looking down at the floor. I then moved around him making my way to my class. 'I thought only students are allowed up here?'. I thought opening a door to the viewing area.

I sat next to Uraraka since it was Todorki's time to go up. The fight was quick. Todorki froze Sero in a big ice mountain thing. Sero couldn't move so Todorki won. I stared at his facial expressions, he didn't look normal. He usual looked emotionless or happy. Not mad. Yell when he looked at Bakugo I could see different emotions that I can't pin point but right now he was mad. No he was pissed.

But it was clear he didn't want to show it. I looked at the bored and almost gasped. I was going to fight Todorki next. After his fight he came up and sat next to me. He held my hand but didn't turn around from the fights. I laid my head on his shoulder watching our class go up against others.

It was soon Todorki and my fight. He left to go get ready. I waited wanting to see one more fight. After it ended I left to go get ready. As I turned the corner I could see Todorki's father heading my way. Todorki never talked about him much. I knew why though. Not everything of course but I could tell that they were close.

As I walked past he stoped me in the hall. "Your the kid that's going to fight Shoto". I just nodded looking down at the ground. "Your last fight was pitiful. I wanted him to have an actual challenge. I guess he's going to have to wait until next round". What....did he just say?

Pitiful!? Shinso and our fight wasn't pitiful. Sure a little slower then the others but not pitiful! "Your wrong...". He looked down at he. I could tell he was made by me back talking. It was scary. He reminded me of father. "What did you say boy!?". He yelled turning his full body to face me. " can't see that someone is strong. It makes you stupid. Arrogant even...". "What did you say to me boy!". He yelled out.

"I said...your arrogant". I speed off before anymore could be said. What came over me? I never talk back to adults. As I got ready to go out Todorki was staring at me. "Izuku..." I looked up at him showing that I was listening. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. Not like father would have. "Do you know what quirk marriages are?" I shook my head no.

"There when someone gets married to someone else just for there quirk to be past down to there children". "Wh...why are you telling me this?". I asked going over to him and holding his hand. He looked at me with a small smile. It was sad looking.

~some time later~

I stood at my side of the platform looking over at Todorki. I know knew why his father was so rude before. It was sickening. Todorki's father started to look more and more like mine. They both ruined a woman's life, used quirks to make the child they took from them stronger, and once the mothers started to fight back they got put down.

Todorki's mom got sent to a hospital while mine was killed. I could still remember her cry's as I was being ripped from her grasp. She only let go of me once they broke her arms. Mom didn't give up and still tried to get me using her quirk. It didn't do much because she couldn't move her arms or hands. As they dragged me out of the house I could hear her screaming before dead silence.

Sometimes I think it would have been better if she was still screaming. Maybe I could have saved her. But no. She was gone and my new life started that day. Papa was counting down until it hit one. Todorki didn't hesitate. He made ice come my way to were I couldn't dodge.

I was stuck. It was a smaller ice wall then he did in his last round. But I wasn't going to give up. "Izuku Aizawa. Be honest can you move?". I didn't answer. She sighed and was about to say Todorki won before his ice shattered around me. Todorki looked at me surprised.

I used my voice quirk. Pitch, it was called. That was the reason I didn't answer back. I screamed but shut my mouth so so sound came out. The vibrations that the quirk did to my body made the ice shatter. I felt like I was going to throw up. This was definitely not healthy.

I got up off the floor as I saw Todorki get into another stance. I looked at him wiping a little blood off my mouth. I can't show that I'm hurting. They might stop the fight. "It looks like Izuku Aizawa is still ready to fight!" Papa said as Todorki sent another ice blast my way. I couldn't dodge. It was to fast.

So instead I screamed. Making the ice shatter again. I tried not to go to loud. I didn't want to break any windows. He wouldn't let me get close enough to levitate him out. My legs were shaking but I stood strong. I needed to be strong, I needed to be in control of what's happening. If I'm not I will loose.

Blood flowed freely out my throat but I didn't talk so nothing came out of my mouth. As we continued I could see that his attacks were getting slower. He was shivering like how I was wobbly. The quirk hurt since I did let it out. Instead I used it to make vibrations to break Todorki's ice. It was not supposed to be used like this I'm sure.

Before I released it Todorki used his quirk to run up to me. It was clear that he wanted to end the fight fast. As he got close to me he kicked me in the stomach making the blood that was in my mouth get spit out. He looked horrified seeing how the blood just poured out my mouth.

I tried to grab him to throw him out of the ring but he jumped back. I wiped the blood off my mouth getting it on my shirt. "What is this!? It looks like Izuku is bleeding from his mouth!?" Papa said. From his voice he was worried as well. "Your bleeding!" Todorki yells out. "How much more can you go!". He finished. He almost sounded like Bakugo.

I'm not weak. I'm not weak. I'm not weak! "Your shivering....Todorki kun". I looked up at him as blood came from my nose this time. "There's a limit to how much cold a body c...can take....even....for you". "Well you look worse then I do!". He yells back readying an attack. I giggled a bit at that. "But...not one blood drop came from your attacks". I replied.

He sent out another ice attack but I shattered it like I've been doing the hole round. More blood streamed down my nose as my eyes became a bit dizzy. But I still stood strong in my fighting position. I have control, for once in my life I had control over if I bleed or be in pain. Not father, not the bullies. ME! He should be in control also.

"Your...just going to let...let yourself freeze? Stop playing around Todorki! I'm...I'm giving it everything I have! should to!". I yelled at him. "Did my father make you say that!?". Todorki yelled running up to me. "NO!". I screamed making the ice he was running on shatter underneath him.

He fell hitting the ground but quickly got back up. He looked at me as I stared back at him. "How...can you be a hero if your afraid to use for fire?" I say looked at him. Tears welled up in my eyes as I spook again. "Does...that mean I can't become a hero? Because if you can't use your fire! I can't use any of quirks!". I yelled taking a step towards him.

Then I ran. I punched him in the stomach making him fall backwards. He stayed on the floor. He soon got up slowly looking up at me. Before I could go after him again flames poured out from him like my blood did from my nose and mouth. He had a smile on his face. The smile that I wanted to see so badly.

It wasn't fake one bit. "You...your going to regret this" he said activating both sides. I didn't say anything getting ready for his attack by activating Pitch. 'I probably will regret it'. I thought felling the warmth came off of him as the cold did to. He shot out a big ice chunk.

I got on top of it as I screamed with my quirk. Before I could get half way a cement wall came up. I cracked it with my screaming, but it didn't really break. Black dots formed in my eyes as pain went threw my body. My pitch quirk finally did a number on me. I could hear an explosion happen as I got flung back. I hit something as I flew backwards.

The pain didn't register as I was already hurting all over. "Anshsidnsjhdjsh". I couldn't understand what was being said. My vision finally cut out as the rest of my view became black. I was tired. So I fell unconscious. Did I win? Or did Todorki..... I wanted to cry out because everything hurt but I couldn't. I guess I wasn't in control at all. I was far from being in control.

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