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(Remember you guys voted for this to happen)
Shinso pov
Once seeing the close is clear me, Momo and our new friends Awase ran out of hiding. We needed to get back to camp and quickly. The smell of smoke rolled in more as a whole new part of the forest went up in flames. Luckily it wasn't near us.

We continue to run when my foot gets caught on a rock. I trip over it looking down at the far away ground below me. "AHHHHHH". I scream landing at the bottom of a medium sized cliff. "Shinso!". Momo and Awase say in unison looking down at me. I clutch my arm. My eyes darted along it.

I lifted my hand seeing blood go down it. "AHHHHHHHH". I scream once more seeing that my bone was broken. Poking out side my now broken arm. My vision fades away as I black out.

Momo pov
I look down seeing Shinso's head fall to the ground. Awase looks to me then to Shinso. He hurry into action as I create a rope. "Awase can you meld this to the rock over there?". He nods not even taking my question as a question and more like a demand. He quickly welds the rope I made to the rock. I tie the bottom part to my waist and the part right above it to Awase's waist.

"On the count of three we climb down." We both get into position ready to climb down the cliff that's triple our size. "One...two...three!". We start to climb down together. As we reach half way a shadow covered us. We looked up seeing the villain that was chasing Shinso. "Hi there." He waves moving his hand to the rope.

"No don't!". I yell getting ready to make something of use. Once his hand touches the rope fire starts up in his palm. "Oh no you don't!". A lady's voice rage out with a growly tone. Before the villain could react he got kicked in the face. He fly backwards a couple of steps.

Overtop of us stood Ms Meg. I looked at our rope as the strands burn off. I quickly create a hook from my thigh and push it into the side of the cliff. I make another one and do it on the other side of Awase and me. "Oh look. It's another bitch hero." I heard the villain say. But from were we were we couldn't see anything.

"I'm no hero or a bitch! And from how the way your talking you got some daddy issues!". I focused on the rope as it continues to burn away. "I'll weld the hooks!". Awase says welding the hooks I made to the side of the cliff. "If your not a hero this'll be easy!". "Ya right!". Both Awase and me could hear fighting.

"Once I'm done with you I'll burn this whole fucking forest!". "I'll like to see you try!." From up above a huge blue flame burst out. Then there silence. I could hear footsteps. Then a familiar face pops out looking down at us. But it wasn't Ms Meg.

The villain puts his hand on the rope once more burning it. It snaps. The hooks Awase welded into the dirt dropped a bit. But it stayed in. "You guy's never give up do you! Time to burn brats!". The villain points both his hands down at Awase and I. A fist punches through his head splatting some kind of clay down onto us.

"Not when I'm still alive!". Ms Meg shouted. I looked at her seeing a burn on her arm and half her hair burned right off. She had long brown hair but now it landed right next to her shoulders. She looked down at us then at Shinso laying motionless on the ground. She looked at the cliff before thinking.

She started to growl and then a sound I could only point to a bear making. Her nails grew sharp and her teeth got larger. Her hand morphed into a bears with the rest of her fallowing. Awase yelped from the sudden change. She scaled the cliff down stopping right beside us. She moved her head and hand over to us digging out the hook Awase welded in.

She then bit down on what's left of the rob bringing both me and Awase to her. She clutched onto us as she gets to the bottom of the cliff. There she sets us down and walks over to Shinso. We both untie ourselves running over to them. I covered my mouth seeing his arm.

His upper arm bone was snapped in half with one part sticking out of his arm towards him. "That's, I'm going to be sick." Awase says also covering his mouth. He looks away as Ms Meg walks a bit away. She turns back human, but with, less clothes. She covers herself up with her hands turning to me.

"Sorry. When I use my quirk my clothes get to small ripping off of me. Momo can you make me some new clothes?". "Of course Ms Meg!". I say quickly making a pair of cloths for her. She quickly gets dressed going back to Shinso. "Momo I need you to make me bandages. Awase I need you to help elevate Shinso's legs to help his blood flow.". "Got it mam!". We both say.

While I was making bandages Awase lifted Shinso's leg a bit. Ms Meg looked at Shinso's head. She puts her hand on him feeling his temperature. "He's burning up. Momo are you done?". I nodded handing her the bandages. She cleans his wounds the best she could quickly wrapping the arm. Then after that she wraps his head. "Awase back up for me now.". He quickly backs up giving Ms Meg room. She cradles him lifting him up.

"We need to move. That was only a copy of the villain. The real one will put up more of a fight." We nodded fallowing Ms Meg. "The way I came just got set a blaze. I suspect the way you guys came from is a no go.". "Ya. Villains are all back the way we came.". Awase says. "Do you know another way?" I say hopeful. "Sadly no. But we can circle around. We need to, I don't think Shinso will last in this condition without medical help.". Ms Meg suddenly stops.

"Can you make sure Shinso sits right if you three get on my back?". Awase and I look at each other then nod. Before long Awase, me and Shinso were on top of Ms Meg as she runs in her bear form. I held onto Shinso making sure not to move him much as Awase holds onto Ms Megs cloths. I never thought I'd spend my summer camp under a villain attack riding Izuku's therapist with a grizzly bear quirk.

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora