Home sweat home

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Izuku POV
Papa eyed down Joy as we left the room. After Joy came in I didn't talk. I didn't want her to hear my problems when I hardly know her. "What's that box?". Joy said pointing to my thought box. "It's-". "It looks like a kindergartener made it. Is it a hand me down?". Ms Meg stared at Joy as she said that. I just looked down at my box. Is it that bad?. "What are you doing here?". Papa said dragging me over to him. "I said it's not best to say in front of the kid.". Joy just smiled at me. Papa put himself in front of me. He looked to Ms Meg. "She said it was mandatory.".

"Come on Izuku were going to go home-". "Actually I need to give you this.". Joy took out a some folded papers and un did it to show papa. I looked at the papers. Papa quickly grabbed it before I could read it. "We're going home.". Papa said once again dragging me to the car. I held into my new book and my box as we got into the car. After closing the door and doing our belts papa relaxed. He looked over at me noticing my thought box. "What's that Izuku?". I looked at it and frowned. "Thought box.".

~at home~

Dad looked at the thought box and put down papers beside it. It sat on the counter near the fridge. Ms Meg already told them what's it about. "Where'd you get that?". I looked over my shoulder to see Shinso staring at my new book. I held it up to him in excitement. "It's about the rising of hero's. Joy got it for me.". He nodded taking it in his hands. "Joy gave that to you?". Dad turned to me, eyeing the book down like it was a bomb going to explode.

"About that.". Papa handed dad some of the papers he got. "Wanna go read it in my room?". I nodded as Shinso ran off with my book. "Shinso!". "Come on slowpoke!". I chased him to his room as he collapsed onto onto his bed. I crawl up beside him as he flips to the first page. "You want to read?". "Nope.". He just laughs as he begins to read. "The world of hero's began with a world of villains and no order.".

Aizawa POV
I watched as the kids ran off to go read some book. I looked at the papers and frowned. "We should talk in our room.". I just grit of teeth walking with my husband. After we got behind closed doors I fell to the floor holding my head with my hands. "Honey...". Hizashi sat down beside me. "They can't do this.". He started to rub my back. "But they can...they said if Izuku got into another situation they would take him away. He got into two. But at least there giving us a chance to keep him.". "What, to put him under more stress with going to court? He doesn't even know his father. They said it themselves right here.". I paused and pointed to one of the papers.

"He's not fit to choose who he wants to stay with. Even though he's sixteen.". Hizashi just nodded. "I think we shouldn't talk about this until school is over this week. Give him some normal for once.". I sighed laying my head down on him. "Your right.". I close my eyes trying to relax. "Plus who's better fathers then two pro hero's anyway! There going to choose us don't worry.". I just chuckle at my husband's antics. "We should start on dinner before they ask for take out.". I get up and head for the door. I turn around to see Hizashi still on the floor. "Want me to make it?". He just nodded wiping at his eyes.

I left the room giving him some space. No one wants there kids to see them crying. I get out to the living room and start on dinner. I kept looking to the painted box Izuku made at therapy. I know for a fact he doesn't want to be in the room when I look at the papers he has to put in. But it's a start. A small meow got me to look down to my feet. There I saw Eclipse staring back at me. This cat always weirded me out. It was like he knew more then he let on. He usually stuck by Izuku or Shisno. Why was he with me? I just went back to chopping vegetables.

After I put the soup on low I walked down to the kids rooms. I could hear laughing from Shinso's room so I fallowed it. I opened the door to see Shinso jump in his bed while Izuku is on the side. As he lands he sends Izuku flying off the bed and onto pillows on the floor. "What is going on here!". I yell seeing the boys freeze up. "We're flying.". Izuku says looking up from the stack of pillows. "Do you have a flying quirk!". Shinso looks at me confused. He turns to his brother like he knew the answer. "No?". I cross my arms staring at the two.

"Then why did you think launching yourselves off the side of the bed was a good idea! You don't have a flying quirk, you don't have a jumping quirk and you don't have a quirk to protect your head if you hit it!". Izuku flinches away as Shinso squeezes his left arm. I take a breath to calm myself. "You boys have been through so much. I don't want to worry about you guys hurting yourselves at home.". I walk over to the boys and grab both of them. I hugged the two and could feel them hug back. "You two are teenagers. And trust me you two are a handful. Just, just don't throw each other off your beds.". I breath out as the two nod.

"Sorry dad.". "I make no promises.". "Izuku!".

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