Izuku's back at school

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(I just really like the song I put up) ^^^
Izuku pov
The days were nice and calm. Todorki has been texting me nonstop when he gets the chance. I haven't even looked at the messages. My voice has gotten better so I can talk now, if I even wanted to. Papa's driving me to my second therapist appointment. I don't want to go but he said I at least needed to go for five visits.

We get there and I see Ms Meg waiting. I go with her and wave goodbye to papa. I take my seat and wait for her to begin. "So how are we doing today Aizawa?" I just shrugged my shoulders. "How about you tell me about what's been going on. I heard that your taking a mental health week but it ends on Monday. I nodded. "I...everything's fine". I say with a sore throat. It wasn't that bad.

Aizawa pov
Hizashi had to drop Izuku off at his appointment. I was playing a board game with Shinso. "Hey bud". He looked up waiting for me to continue. "You know that Izuku's going to have to meet his biological father soon right?" He nodded straightening up a bit. "I need you to be there for him. I don't know how's he going to react". "I will! He's my brother I will do anything for him". I smiled as he said that. I know I can trust him.

I've just been on edge since that phone call. Mr Midoriya had wanted to meet Izuku on Wednesday. It was a bit to soon for me. But I can't do anything about it. There going to have to go back to school tomorrow and I don't want them him to feel like we're getting rid of him.

~some time later~

After Hizashi came back with Izuku we had dinner. It was quite. "Dad..." I looked up from my food and looked at Izuku. "Yes" I said wanting him to say what was on his mind. "When....am I going to....meet him?" I knew what he meant. I had told him he was going to see him after the sports festival. "After your done school Wednesday. Me and Hizashi are going to bring you to a cafe." Shinso seemed to have realized what we were talking about. He looked a bit stressed.

"Are...you going to be...with me?" He looked at his food waiting for an answer. "Of course we are! We want to meet him to you know!" Hizashi screamed lightningup the mood. Izuku even giggled because of how excited Hizashi seemed to be. Only I knew how worried he actually was. How could he not when someone els says there his sons father and wants to meet him.

The day went by quicker then I wanted it to. "Bed, now" I said as Izuku and Shinso are playing a video game. "10 more minutes!?" Shinso said and Izuku seemed to agree. I looked at them with a smirk. "Sure you can! It's not going to be my fault that your to tired to do your missed work. Do you want me to give you both a failing grade right now?" They seemed to get the idea and ran to go get ready for bed.

I couldn't help but smile. Those were my boys right there. And no one will take them away from me so long as I'm still standing to stop it. Izuku came back after he got ready. "Dad...". I turned to him seeing that he looked like he wanted to talk. "Izuku do you want to say anything to me?-" "no...I'm fine....goodnight dad, I....I love you". He then quickly walked away off to his room.

I sighed just wanting him to opening up to me. It's been 7 long years and he still can't come to talk with me. I just wished he trusted me more.... I headed to the bedroom and saw Hizashi already in bed. I got changed and got next to him. "Have you found anything about this Mr Midoriya?" I asked my husband turning to look at him. He nodded getting out his phone for his notes.

"He works at a small craft store. He's been alone since his wife died and Izuku went missing. He put up posters but soon ran out of money for paper and ink. Him and his wife were both cast out of there families. It's why they couldn't find any relatives". I nodded. "Then why didn't they find him?" I asked only getting a shrug in return. "They should have. That's the wired part".

"Do you trust him?". I asked. "There's no reason not to Shota." My eyes slowly closed. "Goodnight Hizashi" "goodnight Shota".

Izuku pov
I woke up to Eclipse nudging my face. I huffed getting up. "What is it?" I asked knowing that he wouldn't answer. He just walked over to my phone and pushed it off my side desk. I grabbed it before it could hit the floor. "Wa...why?" I sighed out looking at the time. It was time to get up for school.

I petted Eclipse going over to get out my uniform. I changed turning back to Eclipse. He was a wired cat, wait no that's not the word. Like more aware of what's happening. He is a very smart and cute cat. I looked at my phone seeing a lot of messages from Todorki. I haven't been answering him since last week. I feel bad but I can't talk to him right now.

I put my phone in my pocket and open my door. Eclipse walks out going to the living room. I fallow him. Papa is singing to a song with Shinso laughing his but off. I join in giggling at the display in front of me. "Oh no not you to". I turn to see dad drinking coffee at the table. I walkover sitting with him.

Eclipse just sits down beside Shinso. The time passes as we all get ready to go to UA. Eclipse seems to not want me to leave. He's keep biting my pant leg trying to drag me back to my room. I bend down petting his head. It doesn't seem to calm him down. "I have to go....I'll see you when I get back. Ok Eclipse?" He seemed to have gotten what I said going off down the hall.

I walk out the door with papa, dad and Shinso. I quickly turn thinking I saw something move behind me. But I saw nothing. Papa locked the door. We made our way to the car and drove off to school. Once we got there I could see Bakugo and Todorki Waiting at the gate.

I stared at the ground not wanting to talk to them. Papa and dad drove off going to go park. "Something wrong Izuku?" Shinso said looking at me. I shook my head no but he knew me by now. We walked together as both Todorki's and Bakugo's eyes landed on me. "Deku why did you run off when you were at school!" Bakugo shouted.

Shinso looked at me then at him. "Bakugo leave him alone we just got back" Shinso said getting in between me and Bakugo. "It has nothing to do with you!" He yelled. They went back and forth. Todorki looked at me with a saddened face. He took a step forward making my flinch. He stoped seeing that I was uncomfortable. Seeing him like that made me feel really bad.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I didn't look up from the ground. "If...I said yes I would be lying". I said. He nodded slowly. "Come on Izuku lets go inside" Shinso said turner to me with Bakugo still yelling at him. I did as my brother said heading inside. I turned a bit to see if they were fallowing.

They were but both looked really upset. 'I did this to them...I'm a horrible friend'. I thought turning back to were I was walking. We got inside and I had to say goodbye to Shinso. "Izuku I'm sorry". I stoped mid step and turned around to see Todorki. "For....what?" I asked surprised.

"I clearly made you upset last time I saw you. So I'm sorry". My eyes went wide at that. He shouldn't be the one apologizing! "But...it's my fault". I said completely turning to face the two. Bakugo just stayed quiet. "I shouldn't have assumed...that...that because were friends you would...be willing to kiss me on the cheek". Todorki looked at me with just as much confusion as I did him.

"It's fine Izuku. You asked and if I was uncomfortable I would have said something". "Half n half is right. You shouldn't feel bad for what happened. You should feel bad for fucking running away from us!". Bakugo yelled walking up to me. "Now lets go before your Aizawa has a bitch fit!".

Todorki walked up grabbing my hand. I held his as well looking up at him. "I'm sorry..." I say again. "It's fine Izuku. Plus if you stayed longer I would have kissed you anyways." He started walking down to our class with Bakugo, me holding his hand. That one sentence made my hart speed up and my cheeks get hot. "R...really?".

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