Moon i'm sorry

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(🛑Animal abuse warning🛑)
~after getting checked out of the hospital~
Izuku pov
I was checked out a couple of hours ago. I had to call Todorki to tell him I was all right. The class was scared when they saw that I was cut up with glass and passed out. Right now I'm on my stomach staring at our new cat. He's just sitting there staring back.

He did look so much like Moon. She was the sweetest cat, she hissed when she sensed someone coming to my room. Father hated animals. Moon ran out and bit him when he started beating me in my shell of a room. That's how he found her. It was all my fault.

"Izuku what are you doing on the floor?" Shinso say staring at me from the couch. "Trying to think of a name". He just said "ok" turning back to his TV show. 'What would a good name be?". I thought still laying on the ground. After awhile I had to get off the ground since it was dinner time.

I sat at my spot at the table as Dad put plates with food in front of us. Today it was cheeseburgers. "Izuku we spoke about this and we wanted to see if you would want to talk to someone about....what you have on your middle". I looked up from my food to see that papa and dad were. Well they looked kinda scared?

"What you mean?" I asked. "I can talk to you three". "We mean someone like a therapist" I looked at Shinso to see that he also looked a bit scared. "What's a therapist?". They looked at each other then back at me. "A therapist is someone you talk to when you have problems you want to talk about" "but I don't have any problems" I cut in.

"But....can you give it a try? For us." Shinso was in on this? He just looked at me with a small smile. "It will help Izuku! You can talk about anything that is bothering you" Shinso said. 'How will talking to someone make me feel better?' "I...I don't want to" I say looking down. "Izuku please. At least go tomorrow, we set up a session or you" Papa said.

"But I.....ok" I replied not happy with the idea. I could hear sighs from what I said. After dinner I was back to staring at the cat. He looked like a Chester or a Bob..... Maybe a Robert? I have no idea what to call the fur ball. I think Shinso started worrying about me since he kept checking up on me.

I was fine tho. Being alone thinking was something I was good at. After the 10th time of him asking if I was ok I got off the ground. Surprisingly the cat fallowed me. I went to my room and sat on my bed taking out my journal and looking threw it. I decided to throw it out since I didn't write in it as much as I wanted to.

The cat jumped on me and sat in my lap. I petted it hearing him purr. I got out my phone and went online to find good boy cat names. I didn't like any of them. My eyes started to get heavy so I put my phone away laying down. The cat curled up to me as I began to fall asleep.

~ I sat in my room petting Moon. She was very fluffy. She perked up once she heard someone was coming. I quickly picked her up and put her in the closet not wanting father to find her. "NOMU!" Father yelled slamming open the door. I looked up at him as he had a smirk on his face.

He kicked me to the ground staring as I struggled to get back up. "Are you ready to get your second quirk nomu!" He yelled making tears run down my face. "Shut up nomu!" Father screamed lifting me up by my shirt. The last one gave me a red eye I don't want to know what this one was going to give me.

As he was about to slam me into the wall Moon ran out of the closet biting the hand that was holding onto me. He let go of me making me fall. "What the fuck!?" He yelled throwing Moon into the wall. I was to scared to move from my spot. He looked back at me like he was going to kill me right then and there.

He walked up to me with his fist at the ready but once again was stoped by Moon. She was covered in blood from father ripping her off of him. I got up running to her. I picked her up seeing only a little movement coming from her. She meowed from the pain but I couldn't do anything!

Father walked up to me grabbing her from me. He started slamming the poor cat into the wall. "This is your cat huh nomu! Then watch as I teach you want happens when you fight back!". I was sobbing trying to pick myself off the ground. I ran pushing his leg trying to make him stop. Mumbling sounds since I couldn't talk yell.

He laughed picking me up by my hair and slamming me against the wall. I was screaming and crying for him to stop. He got tired of my yelling and snapped my leg so I couldn't try and stop him. I didn't even think Moon was there anymore. I just wanted him to stop disrespecting her body.

The pain hurt. It was so bad that I activated my quirk. I just screamed. The walls started to shatter like glass would. Father dropped Moon. I just continued screaming. The pain almost unbearable. I looked down seeing my own bone. The last thing I saw was a foot to the face shutting me up.~

My eyes opened as tears rolled down my face. I sat up covering my mouth so I would wake anyone up. Father had a quirk that healed Moon. She wasn't dead like I thought. But after I woke up he made me watch as he hurt her over and over again in different was. Every time my quirk activated and I screamed he would make me shut up again. He did this for five days until Moon finally died. It sounds horrible but I was happy when she did. No more pain. I wanted what she had. Death.

I wiped away my tears looking down at the cat I had beside me. He really looked like Moon other then the eye colours. She had yellow when this one has purple. I got up off my bed but looked at the time on my phone. It was time to get up anyways. Papa and dad are probably already making breakfast.

I got dressed and walking out seeing dad cooking. "Were's papa?" I said almost to quite to hear. Dad turned to me then back to the food. "He was called in, do you want one?" He asked pointing to the pancakes. I just shook my head no. I was to afraid I was going to throw it up after that dream.

I just sat down on the couch as Shinso woke up looking like a hot mess. "Morning..." "morning Shinso" dad said to him as he sat down beside me on the couch. We sat in silence only hearing dad move around the kitchen. Soon even the cat walked out of my room and sat on my lap.

I just petted him as the memories came back of each day father beat Moon until she couldn't move. Until I couldn't move. He also gave me my second quirk right after Moon passed away. It was the most painful thing to this day. I already had broken bones.

Shinso and dad ate as I just watched the news. Soon dad came over and sat with me. "Izuku are you ready to go this afternoon?" I just nodded wanting this to be done with. What can a therapist say to me that can help? Nothing. They will do nothing. I'm fine on my own, I don't need a complete stranger to tell me how to get better.

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя