Aizawa breaks

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Izuku pov
Once we got home I could see Eclipse come out of my room. He ran over to me as I picked him up. "Dad looked over to papa on the couch." He went over to papa and whispered something in his ear. Papa then looked at me as I turned to him. I then walked off to go see what Shinso was doing. I entered his room to see his reading a text book. I sat next to him as Eclipse walked out of my hands and sat in Shinso's lap.

after awhile I got up and left his room going to my own. There I saw the window closed shut. I payed no mind to it as it was normally somehow magically opened. I got my phone and checked the internet for a bit. About an hour later I heard a nock on my door. "Come in!" I say sitting up. Papa walked in with a tank top and shorts. "I went out when you and Shota got back. I saw this and thought it would look good on you!" Papa said handing me the items. "How about you try them on?"

I eyed the clothing shaking my head no. "Why not?" Papa said as I put the cloths off to the side of me. "To much skin..." I say. I didn't like showing my body. It's why I never change with the rest of the boys. "But you might like it if you try it on! Plus if you really don't like it you don't have to wear it again. Just show me and Shota how you look in it.". I looked back at the cloths thinking.

I shook my head no once more. "Come on I promise you'll look great in it!" I huffed really not wanting to put it on. "....fine...." papa smiled walking out of my room. I took my shirt off and my pants changing into the tank top and shorts. I looked in the mirror for a bit seeing a monster looking back. There were small scars on my arms. I didn't like them. They brought back bad memories.

I walked out of my room wanting to get out of it fast. I made my way to the living room seeing papa and dad on the couch. "I put it on..." I say seeing as both dad and papa quickly turned around to look at me. They stood up walking over to me. I slouched feeling there eyes looking at my arms and legs. I thought they wanted to see the cloths not me. Dad looked to be looking for something. What was he looking for. "I feel bad!" I yell out.

Dad and papa flinched back from me yelling. I didn't think. Like Ms. Meg said to do. Dad looked at me confused. "I'm sad! I don't feel nice wearing this!" I yell out once more. "Izuku...wa-what do you mean? Why are you sad?" Dad said sounding worried when he asked why I felt sad. "I don't want to say!" I yell making Shinso walk in also looking worried. "Ok, ok calm down Izuku." Papa said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him seeing he was so confused. "Why are you yelling?" He said calming me down. "Ms. Meg said if I feel sad to say it without thinking....I wish I hadn't." Shinso walked away seeing this was a private conversation I was having with dad and papa. Eclipse didn't fallow him though sitting down on the floor. "Why's that?" Dad said having me sit down in the couch. "Because you know I feel bad..." dad eyes seemed so sad. Did I make him sad? Why...

"Izuku it's ok to tell us your sad and why- were are you going?" Dad said as I walked off. "therapy's done. I don't need to talk about feelings...anymore." Dad walked up to grab me but I just ran to my room closing the door after I got in. I sat under my desk as I watched as dad and papa walk in. They spotted me under my desk turning to me. They both had frowns on. "Izuku can you tell us why you feel so bad about wearing that?" I just shook my head for no.

Dad sat down on the floor eyeing me down. "You can go do something else Hizashi. I'm not moving." Dad said like it was a challenge to see who breaks first. Him or me. Papa nodded walking out of the room closing the door behind me. I looked at dad as he looked at me. "Izuku-" "no" "I didn't even say anything yet." "You said my name.". He sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Listen here smarty, your going to tell me why you hate that outfit or I'm not leaving." "Then I hope you went to the bathroom before this.".

~some time later~

I watched as my dad sat there waiting for me to talk. He was used to stakeouts but it's bin so long now. "Is it because you don't  like shorts?" Dad asked. I just stared blankly at him. He didn't care for why I disliked the outfit, he only cared because I said I was feeling sad and it was the reason. I looked down at my arms seeing the little scars I had. They reminded me of the one I had on my back. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered how I got it. "Izuku can you please come out from under the table. I just want to understand why your so upset about wearing a tank top and shorts.".

He pleaded with me but I just shook my head no. The look he gave me was sad. I could easily see something was deeply upsetting him. Was it me? Was I making him feel so sad? "You know I remember when you couldn't speak properly and you would try so hard to voice what you had to say. Well everything other then what you were feeling." Dad looked down at the floor. He was hiding something. You could see it in his eyes. It was like how Ms. Meg didn't want to talk about her husband but it was bothering her so much.

"Dad" he looked up facing me. "Are you upset with me?" He looked stunned as I faced the wall. "Oh god no, Izuku I'm not upset with you. I want you to talk to me that's all.-" "I'm sorry." I could hear as dad got closer to me. He was to big to go under the table but I could feel him put his hand on my leg. "Why are you sorry?" He said calmly rubbing my leg. "For everything." I turned to him as tears rolled down my face. "I'm a mess." I say as I let my sobs leak out. Dad quickly grabbed my stomach pulling me out into his arms. "Your a mess but that's why you need to talk to me and Hizashi. So we can help you.".

I cried as he cradled me like he did so many years ago. "I don't like my body." He looked down at me as I spoke. "'s why I don' the outfit." He nodded not letting go of me. "Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry we had you put it on." I looked up at him sniffing. "Why did you....why have me wear it?" Dad sighed not looking me in the eyes. "I wanted to see if you had any new scars..."

I was a bit confused. Why would I have new scars? From the Hero Killer maybe? Dad saw my confusion standing up with me in his arms. He put me on my bed before sitting down beside me. "Sometimes people hurt themselves because there upset. I just wanted to make sure you didn't." I leaned up against him as he spoke. "What if they deserve it?" Dad looked at me holding my hand. I could feel he was trembling. "No one deserves to be hurt. Not you, not Shinso, not anybody.".

I looked away as he stared at me. "Have you ever thought of hurting yourself." "Not really...." his grip on my hand tightened. "Can you explain?" I leaned off of him as I spoke up. "I thought of how I should be hurt....for being all messed up in the head." Dad hugged me right after I was done talking. I could feel a tear land on my head. I froze up. Was dad....crying!? I pushed off of him, to his surprise, and looked at his face. A couple tears rolled down his cheeks as he quickly wiped them away.

"Your crying! I'm sorry!" I said not knowing what to do. "It's fine Izuku, I something in my eyes." He said laughing a bit. It was clearly fake. I ran out the room hearing dad run after me. "Izuku were are you going!?" I ran down the hall to the living room seeing Papa making dinner. Shinso was on his phone with Eclipse on his lap. "DADS CRYING AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!". I yell as I could see dad tense up at what I said. Papa quickly turned our way confirming what I said as another tear rolled down his face.

Shinso turned seeing it also. Shinso's mouth gasped open. Papa turned the stove off running over to dads side. "Shota what's wrong!?" Shinso got up not sure what to do. "I'm fine-" "lier! Your eyes sadness and stress! It's a face of someone who's hurting..." I say. Papa looked in between me and dad. "Come to the room. Kids stay here." Papa said leading dad to there room. He looked so defeated. "What the heck happened to dad?..." Shinso turned to me. I didn't reapply. I had no idea.

Yamada pov
I closed the door as Shota sat on the bed holding his head in his hands. I quickly made my way over to my upset husband seeing tears fall from his eyes freely now that the kids were out of view. I stood in front of him holding his head towards me. I rubbed his head as my fingers tangled with his long black hair. "Shota....tell me what's it about what Ms. Meg told you?" I said not wanting him to hurt alone one more second. "I'm a failure as a dad." He said between sobs.

"Your not a failure-" "yes I am! Our son had thoughts of harming himself and we never knew! We focus so much on Izuku sometimes I feel bad that Shinso doesn't get enough attention from us. We're about to loose Izuku to his biological father....How can I call myself a hero when I haven't even saved this family yet?" His voice cracked at the end as he looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy as tears rolled freely down his face. Was this how he felt this whole time? I saw as my husband crumpled in front of me letting down walls I didn't know were up.

I hugged him as he cried into my shoulder. How blind can I be to not see him hurting? My phone then went off and I picked it up with one hand as the other rubbed my partner's back for comfort. I saw that it was Joy. I clicked the decline button putting my phone back in my pocket. Now wasn't the fucking time!

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang