New student

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Izuku pov
I'm in class and they said that there was going to be a new student today so I was a bit excited to see who it was 'I kinda want to be friends with them' the door opens then a kid with red and white hair walked in "class this is your new classmate Shoto Todoroki" "hi!" The hole class started saying hi and welcome to him but I stayed quiet just looking "you can go sit next to the boy with green hair Todoroki".

He nods so I wave to him so he knows we're to go. He sits next to me and then class continues as normal after the bell everyone leaves to go to lunch 'here's my chance' I turn to talk to him but he's already gone 'I guess he was hungry' I get up to go to lunch then I see Shinso waiting for me "hi!" I wave to my brother he turns and smiles at me waving back.

We get our food then go sit down at a table I can see from over Shinso's shoulder the new kid Todoroki he looks like he's having trouble finding a seat so I wave him over to our table "you can sit here if you like" I say not messing up my words for once "thanks" he sits down beside us so I try to make small talk with him "so what did you think of the homework we got" I could see Shinso face palm from my attempt at a conversation "it looked that your attempted at talking to me?"

He turns to me I put my head down in shame "i...I guess" he chuckles a bit at my answer then I see him put out his hand so I look up "Shoto Todoroki" I shake his hand in return "Izuku Aizawa".

They become friends

"Todorki kun wait!" I try to catch my breath running after my friend "come on Izuku were going to miss it" he starts to run off again so I fallow "mi...miss what" I say trying to catch my breath. He grabs my hand and drags me to a cliff "watch" I wait with him until night comes "what are we waiting for" I say looking at Todorki kun.

He turns back to me with a smile "look up" I do and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen with pink and purple through out the sky "this is amazing Todorki kun" I hug my best friends then we talk for a bit before we both had to go "see you tomorrow Izuku" I wave good bye to him "ya tomorrow" I walk back to my house and open the door.

dad is right there waiting for me "wear were you" I close the door behind me before walking in "with a friend" he looks mad probably because it's so late "you were with a friend for the hole day and until 12:47 at NIGHT!" I flinched when he started yelling all I did was nod *sigh* "go to bed Izuku you have school tomorrow" I nod again and go to my room getting dressed in a light pink night gown then hoping onto my bed.(boys can wear pick and night gowns...fight meh)

'I can't wait to see Todorki tomorrow' I go to bed happy and sad kinda at the same time because I'm happy I have a friend but Todorki scared away all the bully's so now there's no one to punish me for being a waste of space 'maybe I should do it my that's stupid' I think before going to bed.

I wake up get ready and head out to school "hey look it's Izuku the villain" I look up from the ground today Shinso was sick so he stayed home so I was walking to school by myself "I guess we need to tech him a lesson because he's just a monster" one of them punched me right in the nose so I fall to the ground.

The other three start kicking me 'I'm a wast of space just a wast' they kick harder then something pops into my head 'I'm not the villain they are' I grab one of there legs and make them fall 'there not punishing me there just being villains' I kicked the other legs and make them fall I run for it but then I get pushed into a alleyway by the bully's they draw blood from me by cutting and kicking 'I can't even save my self' I thought before I blacked out.....

*ring* *ring* *ring* *ring* I wake up and quickly pick up my phone to see that I had 10 mist calls it's dad calling so I look at the time it's way past when school started so I pick up.

Me: h..hello
Dad: oh thank god..Izuku were are you!
Me: at a...a alleyway
Dad: send me your location
Location sent
Dad: sit tight I'm on my way
Me: o..ok

I feel like he know something is wrong by me stuttering I go on the camera app to see the damage done to my face I had a black eye bruises and cuts all over it I put on music to listen to while I wait for dad to get here after awhile I here a car so I look up to see him I get up but I loose my balance and fall but dad catches me helping me to the car.

He gets in and drives to the hospital we checked in so I got my injures patched up "what happened Izuku" I look down and away from him not wanting to tell him "Izuku!" I don't say anything just like the first time we met 'keep your head down be quiet' is all I could think about I didn't realize I was crying and being hugged by dad "I'm nothing don't b...bother with".

He let's go so he could grab my face to face his "Izuku don't say that" "'s true I'm a monster they said" "who said that Izuku who called you a monster" I put my head to his chest and just cried my hart out. I ended up telling him everything even about me hiding my bruises. he wasn't mad at me though "Izuku let's go home" I nodded then dad checked me out so we could go home.

We got home a hour ago so I'm just sitting on my bed 'you are a disturbing monster' I say to my self. if I was stronger I wouldn't have made dad so scared for me 'maybe if I?'

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