Speaking from the mind

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Izuku pov
I looked over at my classmates as they took notes in there books. The written exam is tomorrow. And after that is what ever we're doing for the hero course. Before long the bell rings meaning it was lunch time. Shade covers me as three boys walk up to my desk. I looked up seeing Kacchan, Todoroki and my brother Shinso. I get up as they drag me off to the lunch room. They do this everyday. I don't need protection....

As we sit down we are also joined by Uraraka and Iida. Uraraka sits down across from me with Iida next to her. "Hello Izuku kun!". She said smiling at me. I like her smile. "Hi....Uraraka." I reapply. "So how are everyone's grades? We need to be ready for the exam tomorrow!" Iida said chopping the air. "Mine are pretty good." Shinso said taking a bite of his food. "Well I'm the same. I just know I got better then Bakugou as I was second with Momo being first.".

Todoroki added looking over at Bakugou with a smirk. "Well I'm third so fuck off! I can easily beat you this time half an half!". "Bakugou watch your language!". As they started arguing Uraraka looked to me. "So how are you doing Izuku kun? Your really observant so you must be doing well-" "I'm near the bottom of the class...." I cut her off. She seemed surprised putting down her fork. "But how? Your taking notes right?" I shook my head no looking at my food. "It's not the note taking...Its just when test time comes it's like my mind goes blank....I usually start to think....of other things...".

She nods holding out her hand. "How about we go somewhere?" I tilted my head in confusion but got up from my spot anyways. No one really noticed as we walked out. From the corner of my eye I could see some 1B students making there way to our table. Uraraka dragged me off though. As we walked the halls I just kept staring at Uraraka. Did she want to show me something? "What's 6 x 102!" She suddenly yelled making me flinch. "I wa!? What d-do you mean!? 6 x 102 is math why do you want me to do math? I think it's 612!? I-I'm not good on the spot! Wait is it 612? I usually write it down first....but I don't have a pen or paper...".

I looked to Uraraka. "Do...do you have a pen and paper I can borrow?..." She looked at me and started to giggle. "I knew it! Izuku kun your a mumbler!" She shouted pointing at me. "Wa? What do you...mean?". She just smiles looking like she just cracked a code. "Izuku kun your observant. Your brain thinks so fast you can't keep up with yourself. Before even really answering you went onto think about how you don't have a pen and paper to do the problem. That's your problem! You need to take it slower." I just watched as she held my hand bringing me to our classroom.

She got out a paper that was in her bag writing something down. She then got a second paper. She sat me down in my seat handing me the tow papers and a pencil. I looked at the thing she wrote down seeing a math problem. "Izuku I want you to answer that problem simply on this paper. And pretend it's a test so no talking." I just nodded looking at the paper. I started doing it. Then my mind began to wonder to the test we have to do tomorrow. 'Will I even complete the test in time? And what about the extra exam the teachers haven't even told us about? It has to do with hero work so many we have to answer questions about hero's-' "Izuku times up!" I was shocked out of my think by Uraraka as she swiped the paper from me.

"Izuku this was 5 x 5." My face went red a little from embarrassment. Was it really that easy!? I didn't even put anything down on the paper yet... "Izuku I want you to answer this question. And don't worry about talking. I'll wait out side for the same amount of time." She grapes the second paper writing something new down. She handed it to me walking out. I looked to the paper as I worked on it. "So the one goes over here...and the five here..." I quickly solved the problem as Uraraka made her way back in. She looked at it smiling. "Izuku I herd you from outside. You were mumbling again." "I-I was?" I didn't even notice.

She nodded putting everything back in her bag. "You do better while your talking to yourself. But your always quiet so I thought you were like that everywhere. But actually your a mumbler and you don't even know when your being loud when your in your zone. You have to stop thinking about how loud you are and focus on what you need to get done." She turned to me as I got up from my chair. "Plus your voice is cute and nice to listen to! You shouldn't be afraid to share it.". She smiled as we made our way back to the lunch area.

~I cried as father threw me back into my room. "Shut up!" He yelled as I huddled to the corner. "I...I'm sorry..." I cried out more as he stepped closer to me. He kicked me in the stomach before backing up. "Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear your pathetic cry's for help! No ones going to come for you, no hero will want to save you anyways. Look at you.". I turned to hide my face as I tried to make no noice.
He walked out slamming the door behind him. Even while we was gone I didn't dare to make another sound. He didn't want to hear me. No one wants to hear me.~

I quickly wiped the tears that fell from my eye as we walked back to the lunch room. Dad and papa say he was a villain. Shinso, Todoroki and Bakugou say he was evil. Uraraka says that I have a nice voice.....Maybe, just maybe, I can speak my mind.

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