The green ball talk

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Izuku pov
As we were training I could see dad had something on his mind. It was probably grown up stuff. I kept doing push ups anyway not knowing what to focus on. After 20 I got up to go get my water bottle. There I saw Uraraka going threw her bag. "We're is it?" I herd her say to her self. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. "Oh Izuku! Need something?" I looked at her bag then back at her. "You are missing something?" I asked now pointing to her bag.

"Oh I just miss placed my water bottle that's it! No need to worry Izuku" I nodded walking over to my bag. I got out my bottle and handed it to her. "Oh no! I don't need yours it's fine." I just stretched my hand out more wanting her to take it. "Ok ok, I'll drink." She laughed out. She took it drinking from my bottle. She stoped thinking for a bit. "It's fruity?". She says confused. "I chop fruits and put them in with the water." I say opening up the lid to show her. She nodded taking one out eating it.

I smiled doing the same thing. "It also makes a good snack!". I giggled nodding to her. After our break we went back to training. Dad made Shinso and I do more then the class. It's probably because we listened to there conversation without permission...I could see Mineta slowly making his way over to me. Half way threw the class he was right beside me.

"I saw you share your water with Uraraka earlier." I looked down to him as I stretched my arms ready to do more work. "Do you like her?" I thought about his question nodding. She was nice. "Come with me." I fallowed him over to some of the girls. He dragged me down to his level telling me to look to We're he was pointing. I did seeing the girls stretching by bending over to touch there feet. I was confused for what I was supposed to be looking for.

"What are we looking for?" He turned to me stunned. "What do you mean you don't know what to look for?" I just shrugged not getting it. I took my head moving it towards Uraraka. "There see it now." I shook my head just seeing Uraraka working out. "Look at her chest. When they bend over you can see there beautiful boobs!" I did as he said. There I saw Uraraka bend over once more stretching. I looked to We're Mineta said to seeing her chest as she bent down.

My face went red but I don't know why. Soon I could feel my face heat up to match my red face. "See isn't it beautiful!" I looked back to him5hen back to Uraraka. Why did seeing her chest make my face turn red!? I didn't like what was happening standing up. "We're are you going? Your done with the show already?" He said turning back to me. "I have to complete my sit ups before the end of class..." I lied walking away. He seemed to accept that answer.

To be honest I completed my sit ups before he came to me. I walked over to Shinso as he was talking with dad about his new scarf. "I don't really get how it wraps around someone..." Shinso said to dad. Dad was about to answer when he sees me. "Need something Izuku?" He said looking over to me. "Mineta showed me something and now my face feels worm". I replied. He nodded. "What did he show you?". Shinso took out his water bottle also wanting to know what he said.

"Uraraka's boobs." After I said that Shinso coughed making water go out his nose. He started to have a coughing fit. I hurried over to him helping him calm down. Did I say something wrong, like I think I did this morning? "He showed you what?" Dad said sounding angered. "He showed me Uraraka's boobs....over there." I said once more pointing to We're he was. Dad without saying anything else stormed over there.

"So your face got hot after seeing Uraraka's...ummm chest?" Shinso said to me sitting down. I sat down beside him nodding. "Ya, my face feels so off." He nodded. "Why's that?" He looked to me like it was some kind of joke. After seeing I wasn't telling any joke he just looked surprised. "You don't know what it means when your face gets all hot near a girl?" "Nope.". He took some time to think before turning back to me. "What else makes your face heat up?"

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora