The last thing I heard

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Ok so my sibling stole my iPad and made a chapter thanking you guys...... He's weird but also nice.

Izuku pov
As we fallowed into the danger one thing was on my mind. This was fathers doing. I mostly fallowed Shinso as I didn't really know were to go. I couldn't believe there was another nomu. They made it so fast! If it's anything like the one All Might fraught were in over our heads. "Izuku watch out!" I heard Shinso yell was a bus came flying at us. I backed up in time for it not to hit me. It blew up causing fire to go everywhere. I watched as hero's came running in as more nomu's gathered around.

I looked to the side to see one pro hero. "Were are you Iida!". My eyes widened as I heard that name. Iida was interning here. He's gone off somewhere else, he wouldn't do that. Then it clicked in my head as I become scared for my friend. "Shinso we need to check the back alleyways! I think Iida might be in trouble!" I yell running off. Shinso fallows with no hesitation. Before long we found him....

He was on the floor with blood dripping from his body. The villain called the Hero Killer was on top of him. He raised his blade up as I ran in close. I screamed making the blade shatter. Shinso soon took his stance in front of me and Iida. As Shinso took on the hero killer I quickly turned my attention to my friend. "Iida lets go. Back to the streets with...the pros." I looked down at him as he tried to get up but failed. "I can't. After he cut me I couldn't move my body!".

After he said that I turned to see Shinso get cut. He drops to the floor just like Iida was. I looked into this villains eyes and saw only death waiting for me and everyone here. "You have to get Shinso and run Izuku! It's not your fight!". I could see Shinso try so hard to get up as Iida told me to run. "No....because if I ran then you would die." I say simply putting up my fits to fight.

"How pitiful. A young boy trying to become a hero even tho he's trembling." At that moment I took out my phone but a knife was thrown stabbing threw it. "Go get away!" Iida helped at me one more time. I activated my levitation making Iida flout upwards. "Why should I! I'm going to be a hero and a hero never backs down!" I yell as the Hero Killer charges at me. I dodged. I was faster then him.

I kept dodging as every opportunity I got I punched him. He swung once again as I moved out of the way. I thought I made it but soon my body fell to the ground. I couldn't get up as I watched the Hero Killer look at me up and down. "I'll leave you. I see how you could make a good hero. But with these three...". He stoped walking over to Iida. He raised his blade in the air as I screamed not wanting him to kill anymore people.

But before the blade could fall onto Iida a blur ran across the alleyway. It bit into the Hero Killers hand. I looked to see who it was to see Eclipse biting down on the killers hand. Eclipse was hissing as the Hero Killer ripped him off of himself throwing him at the wall. Eclipse turned to me as I tried to get you. Shinso yelled as Iida cried. The other hero hero pleaded for him not to hurt us. I soon felt movement in my fingers as I pulled myself up back onto my feet.

I ran kicking the Hero Killer back from Iida. Eclipse ran to my side as the killer looked mad and my outburst. He ran up to us but soon stoped in his tracks. I took that as a chance to smash his face in. Soon enough he got back to coming after me. I turned to make sure Iida was ok to see a knife heading right for him. I stoped my quirk letting him fall to the ground. The Hero Killer started to become in readable. One minute he was attacking then the next he was holding his head backing away.

He then threw a blade at me for the thousandth time but I couldn't dodge. I watched as the blade came for my face. Before it could hit Iida kicked it away. "I can move now! So Izuku lets do this together." Iida said still looking quite sad. I couldn't do anything about it now as I just helped Iida try and take him down. We were close until I tripped cutting my leg on scrap metal. The Hero Killer jumped right to it licking the metal making me once again fall to the ground.

Right when I fell is when Shinso got up running over to help Iida. Eclipse made his way over to me blocking the Hero Killers path to me in a protective way. I could see Shinso's phone on the ground cracked. "Eclipse...." I say seeing my car turn to me. I looked to the phone seeing him run over to it. I was meaning for him to bring it over but before I could call him back he started pressing the screen. It dinged before he ran back. Did he just make a text message!?

I thought looking at my cat. Why was he so smart.... I turned my attention back to the fight soon seeing the other hero get up. The Hero Killer saw this, deciding to make a run for it seeing how we all out numbered him. I tried my hardest to get up and chase him but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything! I can't even get up- "break him." Before I could even know what was happening I looked at the Hero Killer.

My nose bleed and my vision went fuzzy. The last thing I heard was a loud crunch then splatter.

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