USJ part 2

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Todorki pov
We come across some villains so I freeze them in place as Bakugo blows some up "hey Bakugo" "WHAT" "let talk".
After talking I walk up to one of the villain "I don't want to hurt you sine I'm going to become a hero but...Bakugo here unlike me will blow you to the hell from were came from so tell us why you are here" I stand letting Bakugo get closer and close to the villains as he makes little explosions in his hands "fine fine I will...I will tell you why we are we!".

Bakugo walks back letting the person speak "were hero to take back the bosses thing" "what thing!" Bakugo yells out and I don't stop him I want to know to "his thing...I think it's called Izuku Midoriya" I'm confused Izuku's last name is Aizawa and why would the villains want him?

I look over to see Bakugo shocked "let's go" I say as we walk off to find help and tell them there after Izuku "so I was right he's Deku...but then why is his last name Aizawa? I turn to see a puzzled look on Bakugo's face so I spoke up stoping in my tracks "what are you talking about who's Deku?" He looked up at me but with no anger just lost in his thoughts.

He did come to reality when I picked him "Deku was my friend back when we were baby's he would talk about seeing a man following him to daycare then one day he never showed back up...." I just kept listening wanting to know more "after 4 years they stoped putting out search signs on the news but I never gave up....his full name was Izuku Midoriya later when I was older I finally found out what had happened" we sit down because I can tell this is going to be a long story.

We first make sure we warrant fallowed before Bakugo went on "he was kidnapped but auntie..I mean Izuku's mother tried to save him but ended up being killed my mother was the one who found her in the living when I saw that kid I thought he looked a lot like my old friend Deku but he didn't know who I was so I just thought I was wrong bout now hearing that they are trying to get him and there here" "you think this Izuku is your Deku" he nods.

"I mean they looked a like and have the same first name he looks nothing like his dad so he's probably adopted and it would explain why they gave up on him it's because he was found" I nod standing up "we need to tell a adult...Izuku's in danger" he nods getting up. We run taking out villains on our way back.

Izuku pov
Im on the edge of some rocks I see my dad fighting villains I smiled a bit thinking he has it covered but when I looked to see something walking out of the portal I froze "nomu" I whispered to myself seeing the two people I hate Kurogiri and Shigaraki with a beast like me it looked like a bird. I shivered at the thought I could have been one of those but I got lucky.

I watch in fear as the bird nomu took my dad on and crushed his head into the ground once I saw blood I lost it blacking out of reality seeing the anger on my face in the water below me I ran up not caring that the frog girl is saying to stay hidden I was out for blood I was going to protect the one who saved me so long ago I was going to save my dad.

I levitated the nomu off my dad hearing someone behind me "it's him get Izuku Midoriya!" I grabbed my dad running away but in my mad state I didn't realize Kurogiri in front of me running right into him falling to the floor "" I looked down to see my dads face all bloody still trying to protect me "no MIDORIYA don't run away it's time to say hi to your father" my breathing quickened not wanting to go back.

Darkness covered me I couldn't see I couldn't hear anything els but myself breathing "no no no no no no" I don't want to go back he hurt me he did bad things to me I can't even remember one good thing that that man has ever done for me. I could feel Kurogiri touch me to bring me back to father but I don't want to go.

I started hyperventilating loosing consciousness as I was going to pass out "come on Midoriya" I could hear his evil laugh already "NO!" I screamed I could feel the thing around me break and glass from the USJ shatter I didn't even know I closed my eyes as I didn't want to see if I was back underground I started crying, hard sobbing and screaming "no no no no no NO NO!" My throat hurt but I did care I was going to be in hell anyways. Soon I fell asleep.

I started reliving my past there at the underground as I cried "keep your head quiet don't talk...don't look up...don't eat don't sleep..." I repeated this my rules will help me they all ways had but then I felt a hand on my shoulder so my eyes shot open.

Todorki pov
A scream could be heard from for away and I knew who it was "Izuku!" "Deku!" me and Bakugo ran to were we saw the ground braking around Izuku and Aizawa trying to calm him down while fighting the mist villains. Bakugo and I ran up to help but then glass shattered from the USJ coming down onto us so Bakugo grabbed Izuku as I held off the villain with Aizawa sensei.

Glass came down but I protected use by using my ice "don't worry for I am here!" I looked to see All Might but he was not happy at all then I saw more hero's behind him so Aizawa sensei sent me off to help the injured students get back outside.

Bakugo pov
I ran with Deku in my arms bridal style he was sobbing "no no no no no NO NO!" He was screaming I tried to tell him that it's ok but it's like he was in his own world I heard that All Might finally got the fuck here so I calmed down a bit but I didn't slowly down at all still running with Deku in my arms.

When I got there he was still screaming the word no like he was stuck in a nightmare that he can't wake up from soon enough he did pass out falling asleep "Bakugo kun what happened!" I see as round face runs up with glasses "shut up" I yell/whisper at the same time not wanting to wake up Deku.

They speed up seeing Deku in my arms but they do stay quiet "what happened" round face said whispering not wanting to wake him up also "I don't fucking know" "Bakubro what happened!" I'm going to kill everyone that does not keep there voice down that's whats happening.

Tim skip

I make Aizawa sensei explain him self to me and Todorki but I could tell he didn't even know what they did to Deku when he was there he probably haven't told anybody about it. The doctor calls Aizawa sensei in saying he woke up "he woke up but..." "but what" Aizawa sensei said worried "come see for your self" the doctor took us to his room and opened the door "keep your head quiet don't talk...don't look up...don't eat don't sleep..." He was sitting up with his eyes closed muttering to him self.

I just looked at icy hot then back at Deku "is he ok?" I asked thinking they finally broke him. Aizawa sensei walked forward and touched him on the shoulder his eyes burst open in fear.

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