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Izuku POV
I sit next to Shinso as he stares at the ground. Soon footsteps were heard and we all turned. There in the doorway was Kaminari, Momo and Todoroki. Todoroki ran up to me and looked over Shinso. "Bakugou is unconscious and I don't think Shinso can walk." Jiro looked over Momo. "What do you think we should do?". There was silence. No one had a clue on what to do. I stood there for a good minute before something popped up in my mind. "I brought rope. We could tie Bakugous arms around Todoroki as he hold onto his legs. Kaminari and me can help support Shinso as Uraraka uses her quirk to make him lighter.".

Everyone nodded as we got into action. Uraraka helped me and Kaminari while Momo and Jiro helped with Bakugou. "You ok Shinso?". He just slowly nodded. "Let's go everyone.". Uraraka ran up to me and used her quirk on Shinso. And with that we were getting out of here. It was slower then I would have thought but I couldn't blame Shinso for needing to stop from time to time. He hissed at the pain in his arm which made me hesitant to touch his arm. I needed to hold him up though.

After getting out of the building we heard a blast. Turning my head I could see All might get thrown into a building. A shock wave was sent out making up all fall over. I hit the ground with a thud. "Is everyone ok!?". Todoroki yelled out first getting up with Bakugou on his back. I quickly turned to Shisno seeing him groan in pain. "You ok!?". I ask him. Eclipse walked over and liked his face making him open his eyes. A huff of relief left me as I knew he wasn't to hurt.

"What was that?". Jiro stood up and looked in the direction the shock wave was sent out. "Umm guys get down.". Kaminari looked over at her his eyes growing wide. "Everyone get down!". She yelled as another shock wave was sent out throwing us against the buildings walls. My back hit the concrete causing a stinging pain. I fell back to the ground. "What the hell.". I say to myself as I look up. There in the distance was All Might fighting. My breathing started to hitch as I looked at who he was exactly fighting. "Father...". I couldn't move. I wanted to but my body wouldn't move.

Uraraka turned to me crawling over. "Izuku we need to get out of here!". Her voice was drowned out by the fight. I could feel my body being pulled up into a standing position. Someone took my face and turned it. Todoroki looked down on me. "Izuku we need to move.". He paused as a tear fell from my face. "I'm sorry for how I treated you before. I guess I was always a little to protective over you. But your strong. You set up this mission knowing that you were going to get your brother back. But I need you to snap out of your own thoughts and help Kaminari carry Shinso out of here.".

I just slowly nodded as he let out of my face. I cleared my throat looking around. "We can't go back th-the way we came. So let's go around.". I pointed to another sidewalk. Everyone nodded. We started going as every now and then a shock wave was sent out. We quickly made it to the main rode as every television was broadcasting All Mights fight with father. Civilians crowded us as they saw the blood on most of us. It was all Shinso's and Bakugou's. I held onto Shisno with Kaminari and Uraraka's help. The fight was ending as All Might transferred all his power to one arm.

He was, like a skeleton. With one last punch he knocked out father. "My time has come but yours is just beginning.". All Might pointed to the camera with the last strength he had. It was weird. He was talking about someone, to someone. Whoever he was talking to would know. But I couldn't put my head on who he was talking to.


"What we're you thinking! Going with your classmates on a rescue mission!". Papa yelled as I was getting checked over by a doctor. "I called the police after I released you were gone with no phone! Or your inhaler for that matter!". I squirmed uncomfortable. Papa never got upset. The doctor seemed as uncomfortable as I was being in the same room and all. He walked back and forth stressed. I didn't understand why he was acting like this. I got Shinso back...

"You could have been badly injured! Got captured! Or worse! Izuku you can't go off like that! You are a student and more importantly my son!". The doctor soon left saying I was fine and only had a few cuts. Eclipse was with Shinso. I felt like he needed him more then I did. "How's Shinso?". Papa stoped yelling as he turned to me. "He's...He's going to be alright.". Papa looked me over like he didn't trust the doctor that I was fine. "Shouta's coming. You'll go with him back home.". "But-". "No buts Izuku! Your going home when he gets here.". I just shut up and nodded.

I watched Papa fidget like there was something more important on his mind. "Shinso's not ok is he.". I said quietly. Papa sighed looking to the floor. "The doctors said he has not made any indication that he knows what's happening around him. He's been awake but not really doing much.". I nodded. "But he's going to get better right?". Papa walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I could feel tears fall on my shoulder.

"He's going to be ok. You said he was going to be alright. Papa tell me he's going to be alright.". ".....". "Papa tell me he's going to be alright!".

Midoriya the lonely nomu BNHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang