What is up Eclipse?

740 36 14

Izuku pov
We talked for a bit before my phone went off. I looked at it seeing my alarm set to make sure I got home on time. I frown turning to Kachan. "I have to go..." I say standing up. He nodded standing up also. "I'll walk you as far as I can go." I nodded as we walked back to our homes. The two feelings soon turned to just one as I got closer to home. We soon said our goodbyes as we had to split up.

Once I could see the house the last feeling went away. It was confusing to me but I went inside my house anyways. "OH YOUR BACK!" Papa said running over to hug me. As he did so Shinso walked in hearing the noise. "So How was this non romantic date of yours?" Shinso said with a smirk. I closed the door behind me as I took off my shoes.

"It was good." I said still smiling. Kachan's really nice when he wants to be. "Oh your back." Dad said walking out of his room. I nod. "I'm going to get ready for bed. Night." I say seeing that it's 8:45. "Goodnight Izuku." "Night you two!". Me and Shinso walk down the hall. He goes off to his room and I go off to mine.

I go into my room seeing Eclipse laying on my bed. I let him before I change into my PJs. I get out my box and put my ring and choker in it. I hide it back in my dresser going over to my window locking it. Can't have that open when I go to sleep. I get into bed as I accidentally scare Eclipse. He seemed to be focused on how I locked the window. He looks at me laying down beside me. I close my eyes as darkness covers me.

~I open my eyes seeing that there was nothing around me. There was blackness everywhere. I start to freak out until I noticed a light. I run towards it even though there was no ground underneath me. The light gets brighter as my vision goes white. I close my eyes not being able to handle the light.

I open my eyes once more seeing a window in front of me. I open it climbing threw it. I don't know why, it just felt like I needed to. As I hoped out on the other side I saw Eclipse walking away from me. I chase him as he starts to run on the rode. I fallow seeing him come up to a house. I looked at it seeing that it was familiar.

I looked back to We're Eclipse was to see that he was missing. I look at the door walking towards it. I put my hand on the door knob turning it. It doesn't open. Before I could try again a hand grabs my wrist. I look up quickly to see a sad looking woman. She was the same one that I thought of at the sports festival. The one I remember as my mom.

Tears fell from her eyes as I tried to pull my hand away from her. She however didn't let go. "You can't go in there." She said with total serious even though she looked like she was going to break down crying any second. "W-why?". I said still trying to get my hand away from her. "Your not ready.".

I looked  around seeing the world around us start to loose its colour turning to greys and black. "Ready for, ready for what!?" I yell. "The reason you were born.". "What do you mean!" I say turning back to my mom but I didn't see her. Instead I saw a man holding onto me. He looked calm but also sorry.

"Let me go!" I cry out as all the colour finally goes away leaving the world around us looking sad and dead. "I can't, I have to protect you." He says gripping onto me tighter. "It was your mothers wish." With that I fell threw the floor once again surrounded by darkness. I couldn't breath as I tried to find air. I looked around seeing that I was alone.~

My eyes shot open as I took in a breath of air. I was sweating and hot. I frantically looked around seeing that I was in my own room. I looked to my side seeing Eclipse awake staring at me. He looked calm as he stood up and nuzzled into me. It was like his way of telling me to go back to sleep. I petted him as I got up.

He looked at me meowing. "I'll be back soon. I just need to calm down a bit..." I say to him as I was still breathing heavily. He seemed to accept that answer curling in on himself on his spot in my bed. I walked out closing my door behind me. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I looked in the mirror seeing my eye bags and red face.

I took some cold water in my hand splashing my face. I knew it would just wake me up more but it was calming me down at least. 'What was that dream?" I thought about it not understanding any of it. I quickly finished up in the bathroom going back to my bedroom. Eclipse didn't go back to sleep as he stared at me walking in.

I got into bed once more as I stared up at the ceiling. My eyes threatened to close shut once more as I thought about the dream. Tears rolled down my face as I recalled what my mother looked like. She was beautiful and had long hair. It was a shame she looked so sad. My eyes finally closed as I fell back to sleep. I didn't have another dream that night.

I woke up to my door being knocked on. I was half asleep so I accidentally fell off the bed. At the papa came in looking worried from hearing me fall. "Izuku are you alright?" He said bending down to look at me. I just really didn't want to get up. I just huffed at papa showing that I was awake. He laughed helping me up. "Come on you got to eat your breakfast!" Papa yelled closing the door behind me.

I looked around seeing that Eclipse looked to be half asleep to. I went over and got my uniform bringing it to the bathroom. I was still a bit sweaty from my dream. I took a quick shower then put on my uniform. After I was done I walked out going to the living room. Shinso turned to me then back at his plate. "Your usually up before me." Shinso commented.

I sat down beside him as dad put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. "Ya I guess so." I reapplied to him starting to eat. Soon even Eclipse walked out. Dad looked up at me rubbing the back off his neck. "Izuku you know it's Wednesday right?" I nodded to him looking up. He seemed pretty serious for just a breakfast conversation.

"Your meeting your biological father after school Izuku." I froze totally forgetting that that was today. Eclipse seemed to be upset to. Shinso turned to me rubbing my back. "You ok?" I nodded. "W-were are w-we meeting him?" I asked as Shinso kept rubbing my back. "Your supposed to meet him at a cafe. Don't worry we're going to be with you." He said taping papas shoulder to show me he was coming to. I nodded.

After breakfast was done I was still a little freaked out but I had to go to school. As I started to walk towards the door Eclipse bit down at my pant sleeve. I looked down seeing him trying to drag me back to my room. I bent down and petted Eclipse. "I'll be back in no time." I said standing back up for him to try and pull me back once more.

Papa saw this and picked up Eclipse from the floor. Eclipse started to freak out as he tried to scratch papa. I didn't know what to do. He was ok this morning. Papa quickly put him in my room. After he did he ran as Eclipse bolted out. Papa pulled me out the door as we locked it. We both could hear him scratching at the door. "I'll get a friend to check on him later..." papa said as we made it to the car.

As we got in the scratching stoped. He must have tired himself out. We soon got to UA. I saw Kachan waiting with Todorki like they always do. Both Shinso and me walked towards them. Todorki took my hand holding it it his. "You look tired Izuku. Is everything alright?" He asked. Kachan caught what he said turning his attention from arguing with Shinso to look at me. Those two really love to yell at each other.

"I'm fine." I said back. Todorki didn't seem to by it but dropped the subject. We headed into UA together and sat down at our seats once we got to class. Everyone was talking about how after the sports festival they started to get popular. Even after it ps been over a week since then. I didn't noticed any one looking at me though.

Dad soon walked in. "Morning class." "Morning Mr Aizawa!" The call said back. He stood at the front of our class looking at all of us. "Today were going to pick your code names." He said. The class came to life as everyone was excited. I on the other hand was scared out of my mind. I didn't think of a hero name yet!

Dad then talked about offers. He pulled it up on screen. I looked for my name seeing zero. I frowned at the sight. 'Dose no one want me?' I thought seeing how much others got. "Hey Izuku you got none!" I turned to see Mineta pointing to me. "Everyone was probably grossed out by the way you were fighting and how blood just poured out of your mouth!". I frowned again thinking. He's probably right.

I looked at Shinso's name. He also zero. Dad turned back to the class. "Even if you didn't get any offers your still going to be interning. Since you all need to see hero's on the field." At least I'll have somewhere to go. "You guys are going to need your code names but they most likely won't be permanent. You should still take it seriously though or you will-". "Have he'll to pay later!" Midnight yelled walking inside.

"Midnight here will help you with your names since it's not my forte." Dad dose have a point. Papa was the one who picked his name not himself. Midnight explained how to pick a good name then handed out a board for us to write on. I looked at mine not knowing what to be called.

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