Chapter 64

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Serena: Come on already.

Yuri: Wait a minute.

She became impatient so she turned her head to his direction to see what he was doing. He was putting together parts of what looked like a weapon. Both of them were sharing a sofa, with her elbows supported by a pillow on her lap. On the opposite side were Asuka and Fubuki, the latter playing with a ukulele.

Serena: Brother, stop playing romantic music.

Fubuki: I am afraid I cannot do that, Serena. I am the magician of love after all.

Serena: You mean the magician of fools.

The prince snorted at the insult, while her brother frowned.

Fubuki: Serena, that's mean.

Asuka: She does have a point. You are embarrasing her with that type of music.

Fubuki: Asuka, can't you feel something in the air? The air of young love?

Asuka: Brother...

His behavior would embarrass those that knew him, mainly his sisters. Yuri leaned close to her, whispering something in her ear.

Yuri: Is he always like that?

Serena: Unfortunately. He can be a pain in the neck.

Yuri: Well, you can shut him up.

Serena: Bold of you to assume it's enough.

Yuri: Ah, so he is a hard nut to crack.

Serena: Don't tell me about it.

The music became louder, attracting the attention of the two. Yuri was a bit confused, Serena was annoyed.

Fubuki: What a beautiful, blossoming love.

Serena: Shut it!

A pillow was thrown his way, the target being his face. Asuka snorted at her sister's outburst while Yuri chuckled.

Judai: I see everyone is comfortable.

Asuka: We are, Judai.

He entered the living room, staying on the back of the couch his younger brother and Serena were sitting on.

Judai: Have you finished it?

Yuri: It just needs this here and... done.

Asuka: What is that?

Yuri: A chemical injector.

Serena: And what do you plan to do with that thing?

Yuri: Don't talk about my weapon like that.

Fubuki: Isn't that too extravagant?

Yuri: It's a weapon. It makes sense to be this big.

Judai: Basically he uses this instead of a traditional weapon. And you better treat it with care.

Yuri: The materials made for it are rare and expensive. I will take good care of it.

Fubuki: The design... Is it made in the Synchro kingdom?

Judai: Yeah. It was a special request. The injector works well in combat and healing.

Yuri: Great. I can defeat that Barian guy with this.

Judai: You won't get any closer to him or anyone affiliated with him.

The king was used to his younger brother narrowing his eyes whenever he restricted him. Although he didn't expect the others to do the same thing as the prince, which put him on a hard spot.

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