Chapter 75

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The Holy Empire of the Rainbow Dragon... A vast country blessed by the mystical beast Rainbow Dragon, the guardian of the empire. It was able to keep the demon of the country, the Light of Destruction and its pawns the Sacred Beasts, at bay with its divine light. It was said to possess 7 stones on its body, each representing a Ka. These Kas, along with it, kept the peace in the country.


Serena: And they chose you?

Johan: Pretty much. I wield the power of this kingdom's guardian.

Yuri: With such power, I am surprised you weren't a target.

Johan: Oh I was. That's why I got the position of the chef rather than an officer.

Serena: Is your power enough to stop the Light of Destruction?

Johan: It used to be. However, that demon has grown far more powerful than before. Rainbow Dragon's power is effective, but insufficient.

Yuri: Is that why my brother has gone to search for that ancient weapon?

Johan: Precisely. Combined with my power, it can stop the demon in its tracks and seal it.

Yuri: Why not destroy it?

Johan: That... is impossible.

Yuri&Serena: What?

Johan: None of the demons can be destroyed. It's possible to reduce their power, but that's it. Since ancient times, people have tried to find ways to put an end to their corruption permanently. But as you can see, no one has ever gone that far.

Their conversation was cut short by a sudden explosion, startling everyone in the room. A red stone on Johan's bracelet gave a bright glow, a cute critter coming out of it and going to the door, growling.

Johan: Ruby?

Yuri: Why is it behaving like that?

The owner went close to the carbuncle, managing to calm it down a bit.

Johan: This isn't good.

Yuri: What is it?

Johan: You two stay here.

Voices could be heard from outside, one of them being familiar.

Serena: Sis?

Johan: Serena, please stay put.

Serena: I cannot stay and watch while my sister is possessed. Let me out!

Johan: We can't risk any more to fall prey to that demon.

Serena: I said-

She was cut off by the prince grabbing her arm, giving her a serious look. He stared at her for a bit, hoping she would realize the meaning behind his gesture. She seemed to get the message, as the girl stopped talking.

Johan: If the situation escalates, I want you to leave. Understand?

Yuri: Duly noted.


Johan: You guys! What is happening?

Sho: Exactly what you see.

Daichi: It seems they are making their move.

Johan: And the lord commander?

Sho: He's preventing them from invading the castle.

Daichi: The king hasn't arrived yet. Johan, what should we do?

Johan: We'll fight. Judai is trying to set peace to this kingdom and I will do the same.

They nodded as they rushed to the entrance of the castle, watching Hell Kaiser beat the possessed duelists to a pulp, along with Fubuki.

Johan: Kaiser, learn to share.

Ryo: I cannot do that. My blood is boiling with excitement.

???: If that's the case, then let's make this battle more exciting.

The people made way, two of them passing through and putting a distance between them and their enemies.

Fubuki: Asuka...

Daichi: Manjoume too?

Sho: This is bad.

Their faces were full of glee, staring at them with hollow eyes.

Manjoume: Hell Kaiser, you have been the object of admiration for so long. It's time you fall before us and give in to the Light.

Ryo: I would love to see you try.

Asuka: Heh, blunt as always.

Ryo: Even if you are a dear friend of mine, I won't show you mercy.

Fubuki: Ryo!

Sho: Brother, you can't do that! We all know your ways when it comes to fighting!

Ryo: Stand aside. Let me do this.

Alongside his Ka, two identical ones appeared and all three were fused together by his command, with the help of a purple charm in his hand. A fearsome beast with three heads replaced the previous ones, roaring with all of his might.

Ryo: Whoever has the courage to face me and Cyber End Dragon, I will show no mercy.

Manjoume: As expected of Hell Kaiser. We accept your challenge. Isn't that right, Asuka?

Asuka: That's right. And then we will watch you fall.

At this moment, a Ka appeared in front of the lord commander, surprising everyone.

Sho: That Ka.

Daichi: It's hers.

She jumped from high up, her Ka approaching and standing beside her. Asuka's eyes widened a bit, placing a hand on her chest.

Ryo: This isn't a playground. Back off.

Serena: I won't move from this spot. I am here to fight my sister on my own will. If any of you gets in my way, then I will show you no mercy.

Fubuki: Serena...

Everyone else were looking at each other, taken aback by her words. She was glaring at Hell Kaiser, with the other doing exactly the same.

Ryo: ...Let's see what you can do.

His response was not what the others expected. Knowing him, he wasn't one to back down. He must have seen something in her to let her take the lead. Her green eyes met her sister's, determined to break the spell cast on her.

Asuka: I like your determination, but at the same time I despise it. You have never beaten me, not even once. Yet, you want to fight me, knowing well that you will lose.

Serena: Yeah, I haven't been able to beat you. This time, I will.

Asuka: I'll show you how foolish it is to go against the Light.

Manjoume: Asuka!

Asuka: I don't want you or anyone else to step in. This is my battle. Understand?

Manjoume: ...Yes.

Both girls stepped forward, charms appearing around them. Using a pink charm close to her, Asuka performed a summon.

Asuka: Let's go. I summon Snow Spirit.

A petite woman with cold eyes appeared, leaving a trail of snowflakes where she stood. Her sister was confused, unable to recognize the monster. A chuckle escaped the blonde girl.

Asuka: I see you are unfamiliar with her. Don't worry, you will get to know her soon.

Serena: "What is this uneasiness I feel?"

She was bothered by this monster, but what would come next is what made her worry even more. If her sister was battling her with new monsters, how would she be able to defeat her when she had changed this much?

Hey guys, it's been a while. I apologize for the lack of updates. A lot has happened to me and I needed some time to sort it out. But I was able to come with an update, yay! I hope I can update more often. I hope everyone are doing well. Enjoy reading and stay safe! 😄

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