Chapter 21

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Yugo's room was quiet. He was on his bed hugging his knees, not in the mood to do his usual hobby of sculpting. His mind replayed the scene from before, causing him to grit his teeth. It was mostly because he knew he was in the wrong, but not quite.

Yugo: "He knows, but he won't admit. Always busy, rarely spending time with me. I just wanted him to-"

A knock on the door disrupted his train of thoughts.

Yusei: Yugo? May I enter?

Yugo: You may.

The door was opened and the face of his older brother came into view. Yusei went to his brother's bed and took a seat. He seemed calmer and so was the other.

Yugo: So, are you here for the same thing?

Yusei: ...

The prince noticed him being hesitant for a second.

Yusei: I didn't get a chance to ask you why you did your secret project.

Yugo: ...I wanted you to be proud of me.

Yusei: To make me proud? I never looked down on you, Yugo.

Yugo: I thought that if I did something useful, maybe you would see me more than a child. Maybe... you would get interested and we would... spend time with each other.

The prince's voice was trembling. He was scared that his brother wouldn't accept his reasoning and reprimand him. But instead, he felt warmth.

Yugo: "He's... hugging me? It's been so long..."

Yusei: When you said I didn't spend time with you in your childhood, you were right. Even now, I feel guilty for not being there for you as much. I hope you can forgive your brother.

Small tears were formed in the corners of the prince's eyes. He was happy to hear those words.

Yugo: We just have to try harder. That's what you always say.

Yusei: Yes, you're right.

Yugo pulled away from the hug with a smile on his face.

Yusei: Although, what you and Rua did caused massive damage. You two have to help on restoring the field.

Yugo: Will do! I wasn't thinking on running away.

Yusei: Good. Maybe you'll get a reward for your contribution.

This made the young prince excited. Like he said, he wasn't thinking on running away from his problems. And getting reward for fixing his mistake was temptating.

Yugo: When will the restoration start?

Yusei: Tomorrow morning. Just so you know, you two won't do it alone.

Yugo: Phew, that's good to know.

The king smiled. After all, they had reached an agreement.


Setsuko: So, what do you think?

Rin: I don't know, I'm a little nervous.

Setsuko: I understand, I've been in that phase as well. You'll learn more about your powers, no?

Rin: Alright, I'll try.

Setsuko: Great.

The mother went back to sewing clothes. The front door opened, revealing Akiza with bags of groceries.

Rin: Big sis!

She ran to help her with the bags. Akiza thanked her in the process.

Rin: Big sis?

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