Chapter 24

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Yuya was on the left side of the throne where his brother sat on. On the right of it was Jounochi, for fairly obvious reasons. Looking down, the prince could see the Royal Council, all of them familiar to him. From left to right were Seto Kaiba, the lord commander and a man of steel; Pegasus J. Crawford, a great artist and full of sarcasm; Naruko Unno, a woman with fortunetelling abilities, Shadi Shin, a wise and mysterious monk and Ryou Bakura, an antique dealer with a dark past. All of them had a golden item just like the king, with the exeption of Shadi, whom had two. Mr. Sawatari was in the center, while Masumi, Hokuto, Yaiba and Shingo were in a corner, ready to watch the event unfold.

Yugi: This is the first time you attend the Royal Council meeting. Be attentive.

The words were spoken quietly to Yuya, whom in turn nodded. The king turned to the Royal Council.

Yugi: Any questions before we start?

Seto: Pardon me, your Highness. Why is this klazomaniac back in here?

Mr. Sawatari: You!

The three in the corner, excluding Shingo, were giggling at Seto's ironic comment.

Pegasus: Heh he heh. First time I agree with Kaiba.

Jounochi: I wish these two would take it more seriously...

Yugi: I would have summoned two of you, but this is a good chance for the prince to witness the real purpose of the Royal Council.

Ryou: It can't be helped but cooperate.

The king turned to the man looking up at him.

Yugi: Mr. Sawatari, you will see why I have refused your request to be elected as mayor of this kingdom. Mrs. Naruko.

Naruko: Yes your Highness.

She walked to where Sawatari was, standing in front of him. She placed her hands on the golden necklace around her neck.

Naruko: Hmmm... The Millenium Necklace tells me that you will abuse your power and position. Actually, even now you are trying to do so.

Mr. Sawatari: I don't believe in your magic or whatever it is! If this is how people rise higher, then it's bullcrap!

Yuya turned to his brother, whom had a grin of satisfaction and he knew why. Even the prince noticed the man swiftly went to defend himself, which is not bad in actuality. But he jumped in, as if a secret of his was revealed.

Shadi: That is not how people are elected. This is a test for you; if you are worthy of being a mayor.

The attention went to the monk. He was gazing at the old man with a stern expression.

Mr. Sawatari: Test?

The monk looked up at the king.

Shadi: May I?

Yugi: Yes, go ahead.

Naruko moved away and Shadi took her place. He showed to Sawatari the golden scale.

Shadi: The Millenium Scale can weight the good and evil within a person's heart. In short, it judges people.

He then took out a small feather, placing it on the right side of the scale.

Shadi: This is the feather of truth. It always stays on the side of good. You see the scale is balanced?

Mr. Sawatari: Y-Yes.

Shadi: I will ask you questions and depending on your answer, the scale will weigh on the left or on the right. Don't worry, the questions are simple.

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