Chapter 31

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The sudden death of the mayor of the Synchro kingdom, Rex Goodwin and his brother, Rudger Goodwin, came as a surprise to the other kingdoms. The kings, Yuma, Judai and Yugi gave their condolences to king Yusei, whom really appreciated their support. Now they feared that the seal that kept the demons at bay was starting to break. It was certain; history was repeating itself.

*XYZ Kingdom, library*

Akari: With the sudden death, coupled with a few occurrences that happened months ago...

The older sister of the king and prince had taken out a lot of books, inspecting each of them carefully. She knew something was up when she heard the tragic news of the brothers from the Synchro kingdom.

Akari: It's said that something like this happens when a certain event is going to take place.

???: You got to work immediately?

She turned to see the source of the voice and of course, it was none other than...

Akari: V, III. And IV as well.

IV: You really don't waste a minute.

Akari: Well, this is serious.

V: I see. We also decided to look into this matter.

III: In other words, it would be better if we helped each other.

Akari: Sure. I don't mind.

And for a while, they spent the time reading and rereading anything that could shed light on the matter.

III: Hm? V-nii-sama?

V: Now I know what he meant.

III: Eh? You mean father's words?

V: Yes.


V: Father? What did you want to tell me?

Tron: You are aware of the legend of the co-creators of Ka-Ba, aren't you?

V: Yes. What about it?

Tron: They will make their appearance soon.

The young man gasped in shock.

Tron: When the dark comes out from below, the light will descend from above to resolve the conflict from eons ago. That is what's left of that legend.

V: Father... What should we do?

Tron: This is something that is destined to happen. No matter what any of us does, they will always come back to earth.

V: ... 

Tron: Chris, you and the others will know what to do when it does come back. Just keep in mind, the evil doesn't have to remain that way. If taken care properly, it will switch sides.

*end of flashback*

III: The evil doesn't have to remain that way...

V: The legend does mention that the sibling that fell to the darkness comes back to accomplish what it couldn't do eons ago.

III: So the other sibling not only tries to prevent it, but also to convince it to stop?

V: That's how it goes.

Akari: You two. What are you discussing over there?

III: Akari-san, do you think the tragedy in the Synchro kingdom has something to do with that legend of Ka-Ba?

IV: Pfft. That is superstition.

Akari: Normally, I would say the same thing, but the information in the books says otherwise.

V: What information?

Akari: This one is a journal of one of the nobles back when the kingdoms used to be one.

IV picked it up, gazing at the cover of the journal. The writer's name was on it, written in gold.

IV: Ishizu Ishtar. Ah yes, the former king's fortuneteller.

III: Really? She left her journal here?

Akari: And the contents of it are interesting. She mentions similar occurrences taking place before the war from 14 years ago.

III: Huh. Was that the only time it happened?

Akari: According to this, it isn't. The first time it happened was in year 100, the year when the kingdoms united to form the empire of Numeron.

IV: The kingdoms were united to form an empire. Why though?

V: Because the battle mentioned in the legend caused chaos all around the continent. To prevent another one from happening, the rulers of that time had decided to join forces.

IV: And here I thought it was just a legend.

III: Everyone say it's a legend, because there is no proof of the existence of the Plana.

Akari: Really? What about the village in the outskirts?

V: It isn't really known who used to live in that village. After all, any trace of anyone living there is erased.

Akari: Alright then! Next challenge will be to find proof that the legendary people of Plana really existed!

Outside of the library was prince Yuto, whom had been standing there, listening the entire time. The part with the abandoned village sparked his curiousity even more, since he just saw it himself a few days ago.

Yuto: I would like to ease my concerns by investigating that village. Shun seemed interested in it as well.

He found himself walking to the throne room. His brother, Yuma, was talking with Kaito.

Yuto: Brother?

Yuma: Hey Yuto. What's up?

Yuto: I thought it would be best to tell you that I'm going for a walk.

Yuma: Alright, no problem with me. Be careful.

Yuto: Yes.

Yuma saw as the prince walked away. When he turned his gaze back to the lord commander, the latter had a baffled look.

Yuma: What? Did I do something strange?

Kaito: After what happened in the Synchro kingdom, you decide to let the prince walk around freely?

Yuma: But if I do that, he will be upset. He doesn't like the idea of bodyguards.

Kaito: You don't have to make it obvious.

Yuma: Yuto is smart. He knows when someone may be following him.

Ryoga: In that case, I'll do it. The prince won't be able to sense me.

Yuma: Eh?! Were you-

Ryoga: Calm down, I only heard the last part.

Kaito: Why do you volunteer for the job?

Ryoga: Is it wrong to be worried about someone?

Kaito: Outside of your relatives, you aren't the type to worry about others.

Ryoga: The little guy had been following me around since he was a kid. I would be lying if I said that I don't care about him.

Yuma: Well, if you insist.

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