Chapter 72

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Droite: Just a minute.

She opened the door, a gasp escaping her after seeing who it was.

Droite: Your Majesty?!

Judai: Hey. Did I disturb you?

Droite: Not at all. It's an honor to have you here. Come in.


Droite: What brings you here?

Judai:  Have you heard about Yuma?

Droite: We have. Gauche and I still can't believe it.

Judai: None of us can. But I think he is still around.

Droite: What? 

Judai: He was quite the stubborn type. He refused to give up, even in dire situations.

Droite: Gauche said something similar. I guess we just have to hope.

Judai: Of course. By the way, where is he?

Droite: He's training.

Judai: ...

Droite: Your Majesty?

Judai: I received a few notices about the townspeople acting weird.

Droite: Really? I should warn him then.

Gauche: Warn me about what?

They turned to see the man at the doorway, the latter looking confused.

Droite: Gauche. You went shopping?

Gauche: Since I was on my way home, I got loaded. The shopkeeper was very generous. Oh, your Majesty! Fancy seeing you here!

Judai: Fancy to see you too. You seem to be in a good mood.

Gauche: Of course.

Judai: Did you stumble upon anyone that was a bit strange?

Gauche: Um, no. But the shopkeeper mentioned some people worshipping a kind of celestial being.

Droite: Celestial being?

Judai: Oh no.

Gauche: What's wrong?

Judai: ...I think I know what they're talking about.

Droite: Which is?

Judai: The demon of this country, the Light of Destruction.

The siblings were speechless. Judging from his expression, he was very serious.

Droite: That demon has been awakened?

Judai: Somehow.

Gauche: It's not going to be simple to destroy it.

Judai: I know. That's the reason why I am here.

Droite: You came to ask us for help?

Judai: I have. There is a small story about the defeat of the demon in the ancient times.

Gauche: True. It is said one of the creators of Ka-Ba forged a weapon to defeat the Light of Destruction.

Droite: It's just a legend though. No one ever found this weapon.

Gauche: Even if they did, it's said that it responds only to someone with a fiery soul.

Judai: That's quite a conundrum. But if it's the only thing that can defeat the demon, then we have no choice.

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