Chapter 63

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He blinked, seeing he was back at his world. The pendant glowed once more, light shooting out of it and the magicians from his vision appeared.

Mizael: What is that?!

Yuya: Whoa!

Standing on opposite sides, the two of them were glowing red and blue. A portal was formed between them. The light coming from it was alluring, making anyone drawn to it.

Yuya: This is my new power. And I call it... Pendulum!

Mizael: Pendulum?!

Yuya: Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear! With wondrous and beautiful dichromatic eyes, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

An orange flash of light appeared from the portal, turning into his partner monster but it didn't end there. The dragon had scales adorned with jewels and horns.

Yuya: "Even with this new power, Odd Eyes cannot compete. However, if I just tap into my own Ba a little bit..."

His partner monster glowed scarlet, the prince's Akh rising thanks to the newly obtained power.

Mizael: Oh, are you getting desperate?

Yuya: You can call it whatever you want. I know that in order to stop you, I have to use every part of me.

The other was amused, thinking how far could the youngster go to get what he desired. All the more to destroy him.

Mizael: Alright. Let's see if you can take down Tachyon with that much effort.

Using his Ba as fuel, he powered up Odd Eyes, fighting fiercely against Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon. The opponent was still amused, but seeing that Odd Eyes was actually inflicting damage, his amusement turned to dead serious.

Mizael: "So I have to use Tachyon's evolved form after all."

Just as he was about to evolve his Ka, something caught his eye from the other side of the field. Yuya tumbled, his vision constantly fading to white.

Yuya: "Not now... I have to defeat him before I..."

Before Odd Eyes' final attack would connect, the prince fell to the ground, unable to stand up. His partner monster turned to dust, leaving the field and the win to Mizael. Speaking of him, he approached the young boy, with an energy ball on one hand.

Mizael: Despite committing a crime, you fought with honor. I have to admit it.

Yuzu, who had been unconscious for the majority of the battle, started to wake up. After seeing what her soulmate's fate was going to be, she sprung to her feet, rushing to the prince.

Yuzu: Nooo!

She sprawled herself to Yuya, using her body as a shield. At the same time, a wall of fire appeared between her and Mizael, hindering him.

Mizael: Tch. It's you.

Yuzu: You won't lay a finger on him!

Mizael: He killed two people close to us. For that, he will pay.

Yuzu: Yuya would never do something like that!

Mizael: I had enough. Step aside.

Yuzu: No. Even if he has done something like that, you are doing what Yuya has supposedly done. Not to mention that he has passed out.

Mizael: Your point?

Yuzu: Only weaklings hurt the injured! Spineless coward!

The insult triggered him, as he created another energy ball to fire at her. She took out a decorative fan, opening it and blocking his attack.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now