Chapter 47

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It was a hard time for the XYZ kingdom. The sudden death of their king and the betrayal of the Kamishiro siblings had taken a toll on the people. To them, all hope was lost. Although, the end hadn't come yet. Maybe a miracle would soon come to clear the chaos.


Judai: I apologize for the wait.

Yusei: It's fine, not everyone are here yet.

Yugi: ...

The king of Standard was staring at his pink destiny charm, which still had a faint glow even after two days.

Judai: Dude, are you thinking about what happened?

Without breaking his gaze, he responded.

Yugi: Yeah. It was shocking that Yuma...

Yusei: You think he really died?

Yugi: ...No. If he did, this charm wouldn't have warned me.

He looked at the other kings, whom took out their destiny charms, which also had a faint glow.

Judai: That's right. We were told these things would protect us if our death was close.

Yusei: Wherever he is, I hope he is alright. According to the rumours, he was backstabbed by his comrades.

Judai: That must have hurt. Then again, who were the ones that turned against him?

Yugi: The blacksmith and the doctor, Ryoga and Rio.

Yusei: They seemed to be decent people. Why did they betray him?

Judai: Well, when Yuma decides to return, we have to ask him that.

The door was opened, making them turn their heads. When they saw who had entered, they got up and bowed.

???: Haha, no need for formalities.

Yusei: Thank you and welcome, Yusho Sakaki.

Yusho: The pleasure is mine.

Judai: I apologize for meeting in a place like this.

Yusho: It's fine. At least, no one will be after our trails.

Yugi: We didn't bother you, did we?

Yusho: Not at all. I know this meeting is important for the future of this continent.

The three kings and the man sat on the chairs available to them. In short, they were in a abandoned shack in the woods of the Fusion kingdom and were going to discuss about recent events.

Yusho: Unfortunately, not only that the XYZ kingdom was attacked, but we lost the king as well.

Judai: Yuma isn't really dead.

Yusho: Is that so?

The three of them showed their charms, the glows of which had now faded. The man stood still for a second, then smiled.

Yusho: I see. Then we should pray for his safety.

Yugi: We will.

Yusho: So, from what I have heard, the person responsible for the invasion is Reiji Akaba, right?

Yusei: After the invasion, Yuma sent his older sister to inform us about it. However, he didn't wanted us to get involved.

Judai: I am still mad at him. If we had stepped in, he wouldn't have to dissappear like that.

Yusho: I do understand why he kept you away from the battlefield. If you had taken part in the battle, your kingdoms would have suffered as well.

Judai: I guess you have a point.

Yusho: However, I heard that before the invasion, something else had happened if I am not wrong.

Yusei: You are right. The Goodwin brothers lost their lives at the Nazca lines. Somehow, the Earthbound Immortal Uru had partially resurrected.

Yusho: That is troubling indeed.

Yugi: Is it a sign that the creators of Ka-Ba are close to descend upon our world?

Yusho: It is. Back in my time, something similar had happened, resulting in the creation of the Supreme Dragon. But I am afraid this invasion will speed up the process.

The kings were silent. Yusho noticed they were in thoughts.

Yusho: What is the matter?

Yugi: Everyone knew what kind of person Reiji was, but this is a little too much.

Yusei: That is correct. I personally believe that someone else is behind this.

Judai: It's the former king, no questions asked.

Yusho: ...Do you think like that because of his past deeds?

Judai: As his former advisor, you know him better than anyone.

Yusho: I know, but I can't think of a reason why.

Yusei: So the king doesn't have the same reason as the prince?

Yusho: I know he did questionable things, although he would never go that low.

Judai: Really? He did give orders to execute innocent people. Isn't it possible for him to get past that?

Yusho: ...

Yusei: Mr. Sakaki, do you know where the royal family might be?

Yusho: Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find out. However, if I do find something, I will tell you.

Yugi: Thank you.

Judai: So, what do you recommend for the time being?

Yusho: I heard the king of XYZ was betrayed. So, keep a good eye on your surroundings and be alert at all times. Also, keep the princes in check. They might take the hardest hit from the enemy.

Yugi&Judai&Yusei: Understood.

Yusho: Whatever happens, do not give up. You all are our hope for the future.


*somewhere, in another dimension*

???: Nasch, Merag...

A person had placed their palm on a crystal, where the victims of the XYZ prince were resting.

???: Mizael, Alito, Girag.

When the names were spoken, small, red particles of energy piled up, creating three figures.

Alito: What now, Durbe?

Durbe: It's time we act ourselves.

Mizael: So we won't be watching like mere spectators?

Durbe: Our leader, Nasch and Merag went after that traitor. However, he used humans to get them severely injured.

Girag: What weak human reduced a Barian to this?

Durbe: The vessel of the sinner.

The three of them gasped from shock. They knew he was around, but didn't expect him to act now.

Girag: So he appeared...

Alito: Eeh? So he did this? Interesting.

Mizael: Humph. I will show that weakling my power as a Barian.

Durbe: He is currently under Vector's wing. We have to be careful.

Alito: Heh, when he sees my strength, he will cower in fear.

Girag: Just wait until he is in my grasp.

Mizael: We have to protect the Barian World from that sinner.

Durbe: Yes, we will. For the Barian World.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن