Chapter 38

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Small note: I changed III(Trey's)partner monster to Atlandis, as I later remembered that Machu Mach didn't have an upgraded form.

Yuto: Ngh... Where am I?

The place he was could only be described as the kind of place the dead would go into. It was a plateau above the clouds and there were... people?

Yuto: Why am I here?

???: I heard the call of your soul.

Yuto: Huh?

Bright light appeared before him, forming into a humanoid shape. A woman took its place. She had pale skin, long hair and green eyes. Her outfit seemed to have been made of feathers. 

Yuto: You are?

???: Diana, the Light Spirit.

Yuto: Spirit? Are you a guardian?

With a smile, she politely shook her head.

Diana: Young boy, you seem to confuse with the elemental spirits. Unlike them, I don't guard anything; I give power to humans.

Yuto: Give power?

Diana: You were fighting an enemy with overwhelming power and your soul desperately cried for salvation, leading you here.

Yuto: Here...

He gazed down at the figures.

Yuto: What are they?

Diana: Souls bound to earth. There are only two places where souls can go.

Yuto: Two places?

Diana: The Astral World, where the soul ranks up, or the Barian World, where the soul ranks down. This place is in between, housed by souls that can't let go of desires and wishes.

This was all new to the prince, whom had the face of a child learning new things.

Diana: So, young boy, why do you need power?

Yuto: I need power to save my home from the invaders. I don't know who they are or what they want, but I want to protect my people and their happiness.

Diana: Beautiful. If you want power to protect, then it is power of protection that you will recieve.

She cupped her hands, a ball of light forming between them. The radiation of it felt warm and peaceful; calming, in a way. 

Diana: You shall recieve the purest form of Ba, but be careful; if you ask for more, your Ba will be corrupted.

Yuto: ...

The light slowly flew from her hands to his, sitting softly. When it did, it released all of its energy and the prince felt it flow on his veins.

Diana: May your soul reach the heights to peace.

With that, the place broke into pieces and his vision was becoming a blur, until it was replaced by darkness. Then, he heard a sound like crashing. After a little while, he took in the surroundings. The almost beaten machine Ka was still there and failed to take him down.

Yuto: "I am back here. Was that... a dream? An illusion?"

He glanced at the mark, which was shining brighter than it ever did. The same feeling he felt when that power seeped through him had returned, reminding him that it was no dream or illusion. His partner monster growled lowly in response.

Yuto: You feel it too?

He nudged his head to his master, letting him know that his answer was yes.

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