Chapter 67

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*somewhere far away*

Himika: Reiji-san.

Reiji: I hate this.

Himika: I know you do. The other countries are aware of what happened to the XYZ kingdom. If we attacked now, we would be on the losing side.

Reiji: You suggest following Vector's orders instead?

Himika: I understand your concern. However, this is all we can do for now.

Reiji: ...

Himika: I will check on the soldiers. Excuse me.

After she left, the room fell dead silent. The former prince was looking at the window, thinking.

Reiji: I know you're here, Kachidoki.

Footsteps were heard, the prince looking at the corner of his eye. The man had been listening to his conversation with his mother, staying hidden.

Isao: Will you stay silent and wait for the next order?

Reiji: ...That was never my intention.

Isao: Is there something I can do?

Reiji: Call the chief.

Isao: Yes.

Minutes later, he came with another man. The latter bowed to him in respect.

Reiji: Chief, will you help me?

???: Of course. Your wish is my command.

Reiji: I want you to infiltrate the Fusion kingdom.

???: Pardon my curiousity, but is there a specific reason?

Reiji: The Fusion kingdom is your home. You know it better than anyone else.

???: Ah, clever. When do I leave?

Reiji: I will tell you. When you see a chance to attack, let Kachidoki know.

???: Is it another target?

Reiji: There is a possibility.

???: I thought you didn't agree with the king's plan?

Reiji: I do not. But if I were to eliminate any of them, he would never forgive me.

???: I understand. I will take my leave.

Reiji: Alright.


The chief passed by Ruri's cell, hearing her soft mumbling. She was holding her hands together, praying. She felt his presence, stopping her prayer halfway.

Ruri: Will you go to attack the other kingdoms?

???: ...

Ruri: Why are you doing this?

???: Sacrifices have to be done for a better world.

Ruri: Even if that means destroying people's lives?

???: You are a naive one. The world is not flowers and rainbows.

Ruri: I know how the world can be, but that's why we hope.

???: ...I see no point on this conversation.

Before he could leave, he heard her say something that made him stop on his tracks.

Ruri: I see no ill will in your eyes. Please, you have to stop this while you still can.

???: ...

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