Chapter 23

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Yugi was sleeping soundly. A small golden item was on his dresser, the Millenium Puzzle. The silence in his bedroom was broken by the door opening slightly. Yuya peeked in for a bit, chuckling when he noticed his brother asleep.

Yuya: Get in.

The door closed. The sunrays entered his bedroom window. Yugi shut his eyes from the light, groaning slightly. It took him a few seconds to open them and adjust his vision. Suddenly, two wolves jumped at him.

Yugi: What the?!

He got scared to the bone. But they didn't attack him; instead, they started licking his face. Yugi got confused. Laughter was heard from outside the door.

Yugi: Yuya, is that you?

Said person came in laughing, clasping his stomach.

Yuya: Your reaction was priceless.

He kept laughing, making the older male pout.

Yugi: It's not funny to throw wild animals in someone's face. And where did you found these two?

Yuya: They aren't real wolves; they are monsters.

Yugi looked closer and realized what Yuya meant.

Yugi: But to summon monsters you need power... Wait...

He looked at Yuya, whom was smiling.

Yuya: I was able to summon them. It seems the practise is showing its results, eh?

Both wolves went to the prince, turning to look at the king with friendly looks.

Yuya: Nii-chan, meet Gold Fang and Silver Fang.

Yugi: Well, nice to meet you both.

He got up from his bed and went to Yuya. The wolves followed him.

Yugi: Was that surprise your idea?

Yuya: Not really.

Yugi: Then who told you?

Yuya: Sorry! Can't tell!

The prince turned away, causing suspicion to rise on the king. From the look on his brother's face, he knew exactly who had conducted the prank.

Yugi: Jounochi?

Yuya: N-No.

Yugi: Found the culprit.

Yuya: Nii-san! Don't!

Yugi: Don't what?

Yuya: Don't yell at Jou. He just thought it would be funny, since those are my monsters and can't harm others since I control them.

Yugi: Well, I was going to tell him not to think of such ideas. And the worst part is you went along with it.

Yuya: Well, he promised it would go well and he was right.

Yuya found himself grinning and snorting a little.

Yugi: That isn't funny.

He grabbed the golden pendant and put it on. Yuya and the wolves were looking at the golden object. Then Yugi went to the closet.

Yugi: Well, I have to change. Why don't you wait outside?

Yuya: Ok brother.

He took Gold Fang and Silver Fang with him and stayed out of the room to let his brother have a change of clothes. After some minutes of pacing around, Yuya saw the door open and his brother came out, dressed.

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