Chapter 39

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A small note. Partner monsters(Ka), in this story, are equivalent with the normal monsters(Effect, Fusion, Synchro and XYZ), which means if e.g. Stardust Dragon is Synchro irl, in here it's normal. Partner monsters are also the only ones that can evolve. What we have irl(retrained/upgraded versions of monsters)are evolved versions of the partner monsters through evolution. More info will be given later in the story.

The seven Kas were standing in front of the former prince's Ka. Normally, anyone would think that the ones who were bigger in number were victorious, but this was different. The seven people whom were gathered there knew better than to underestimate the person who previously was the heir of the empire. It was obvious they had to combine their abilities to take him down.

V: We have to work strategically. Unfortunately, the prince has never shown the abilities of his Ka.

Ryoga: Screw it! We have no time to waste!

Yuma: Ryoga, wait!

IV: Let him.

Yuma: Huh? Why?

IV: This is the perfect chance to witness Reiji's strength. Don't you agree?

He glanced at his brothers, whom were confused at first. Then, V realized what IV meant.

V: III, we have to stay undercover so he won't catch wind of it.

III understood what they were trying to do, smiling at the idea. He turned to the rest.

III: Your Majesty, Kaito. I suggest you attack last.

Kaito: So you three have something in mind.

III: Yes. Ryoga will be a good distraction.

Yuma: Do your best everyone.

Ryoga had a blue charm on his hand, ready to face Reiji.

Ryoga: I activate Abyss Supra's element ability with the water charm. His attack is raised permanently. And with it, I attack yours!

Both Abyss Supra and Reiji's partner monster battled, none of them backing down.

Ryoga: It won't budge.

Reiji: The Ka-Ba technique at its core, is the combination of the user's abilities with that of the partner monster's. In other words, my Ka, Wave King Caesar, is powered up by my abilities.

Rio: Powered up by your abilities?

Reiji: The stronger the Ba is, the more resistant the monster becomes. Caesar has all of its stats to max level, including defense. Just an attack boost won't be enough.

Rio: Is that so?

Her statement left him a little surprised. On her hand was a blue charm just like her brother's.

Rio: With this water charm, Crystalzero Lancer raises her pierce attack. However, she isn't the only one who gains this advantage.

Reiji: Wait...

Rio: If any ally monster is water, they also gain the effect. Do it Ryoga.

Ryoga: Go, Abyss Supra!

Reiji: Tch! I activate Caesar's element ability to boost his attack power!

The blue charm the former prince held was glowing brightly in his hand. Caesar blocked the attack of Abyss, so Crystalzero aided the latter. Even then, the Ka was still holding up well.

Kaito: His Ba and Ka are incredible. He is barely moving an inch.

Yuma: He came here prepared. But we won't lose that easily.

Kaito: It seems the others are ready to swoop in.

Reiji's comrades saw three monsters moving in a odd way. This made them worried about what was going to happen next. A guy with purple hair, who was in the same boat as Reiji, ran up to him.

Yuu: My lord, we are in trouble!

Reiji: What?

IV: Don't get distracted or you will end up losing your head.

He turned back to see his Ka surrounded by the same three monsters.

Reiji: What is this?!

V: Are you ready?

IV: Just say the word.

III: Let's show him the power of the Arclight family.

Their three Kas were glowing, creating a circle around the enemy. Ryoga and Rio called back their Kas, so they wouldn't get in the way. Reiji and the others were watching in shock.

V&IV&III: Triple Chaos Curse!

Wave King Caesar lowered his weapon and the armor had cracks. Even its movement was slow. Reiji fell on a knee, clutching his chest. Yuu, the purple haired man, came to his aid.

Yuu: Reiji-sama! Are you alright?

Reiji: To think they had a secret move...

Kaito: I see. Not only their combined abilities lower attack, defense and movement of the Ka, but also damage the user's Ba. It truly is a curse.

Yuma: This is their strongest move. With it, we have a chance to fight back.

Ryoga: Then it's time to swoop back in.

Abyss Supra and Crystalzero Lancer, still with their element abilities active, attacked the enemy. The damage was greater than before.

Kaito: Your Majesty, is it necessary to use our Ka abilities?

Yuma: Since Caesar is weakened, it would be best to save it, just in case.

Kaito: Alright. Neo Galaxy Eyes, attack!

Yuma: Go, Aspiring Emperor Hope Ray!

After the consecutive attacks, Caesar was defeated, vanishing in thin air. Reiji gritted his teeth, holding the pain in.

Yuu: Get a healer! Quick!

Reiji: Sakuragi... We have to retreat...

Yuu: Don't worry. We will handle things from here.

The former prince gazed at his enemies, who were looking back at him.

Reiji: This is the first victory from your side, but there will be more.

Yuma: We know. We will fight with everything we have.

The fleet of ships started to move, changing their direction. Yuma and the rest were watching them leave, knowing fully well they would come back, possibly stronger than now.

Ryoga: What now?

Kaito: We have to check on the people. While we were dealing with him, his minions sent machine monsters on the land.

Rio: Then let's not stay here any longer.

Yuma: "I hope Yuto is alright. I have the feeling that something happened to him while I was here. I hope it isn't what I think it is."

Hello readers! I apologize for not publishing. I had to take the final exams, and we had three weeks of catching up with the necessary knowledge. Yesterday I finished with all of them, so I will be able to post more frequently. Hope you enjoyed reading and stay safe!😊😊

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