Chapter 16

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Ruri: Are we close?

Yuto: Yes.

Yuto and Ruri were on the back of his horse. She was behind Yuto, hugging him because she was scared to look down. The horse kept walking through the dense forest, then it reached the lake.

Yuto: Ok. We're here.

She was reluctant of taking her arms away.

Yuto: I'll help you get down. I promise.

She seemed to agree, because she pulled her arms off him. He got down with ease and extended his arm at her.

Yuto: Slowly.

Ruri: Phew.

Yuto: See? It wasn't that scary.

Ruri: I never had a horse ride.

Yuto: Would you like to ride one?

Ruri: Yeah, but I don't know.

Yuto: Would you like me to teach you? Next time?

Ruri: Really? You don't mind?

Yuto: Not at all.

She nodded, then smiled afterwards.

Ruri: So, what did you want to show me?

Yuto: Oh, right. It should happen right now.

Ruri: Hm?

Her face showed curiousity. Then, many small lights started to appear and make circles above the lake, making her gasp at the sight.

Ruri: Those are fireflies!

She was astonished. The moonlight had enhanced it, making the scene magical.

Yuto: Like it?

Ruri: I love it! Thanks for showing me such a beautiful view. I have never seen something like this before.

Yuto: Isn't it? When I saw it for the first time, I was just as astonished.

Both sat at the edge of the lake, watching the fireflies. She leaned her head to his shoulder, making him jump and blush. He glanced at her. She had her eyes half closed fixated at the lake and a smile.

Yuto: "She looks so gorgeous. But... why does this seem familiar?"

Ruri: Yuto?

Yuto: Hm?

Ruri: I don't know why, but I feel like I've done something like this before.

Yuto: Oh. Really?

Ruri: Yes. I don't remember doing it, but these feelings I feel are so familiar.

Yuto: "That is weird. Why both of us feel like we have experienced something similar before?"

He pecked her on the cheek. She closed her eyes happily.

Yuto: It could probably be deja vu. "Even though it's not the case..."

Ruri: Mhm, probably.

She snuggled closer to him and he did the same. Both felt calm and in peace with their company and the beautiful scenery. A good way to escape their daily lives.

*at the castle*

Kotori: Really?!

She was walking with Yuma towards the throne room. He had told her that almost all of their friends were working in the castle.

Yuma: Yeah. A reunion would make everyone happy.

Kotori: You're right. And I was thinking where they had been all this time.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now