Chapter 70

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Yuri: You are...

???: So we meet.

Yuri: That is a strange reaction.

???: Hm? So you don't know?

Yuri: If you mean my origin, I do. Although, I had no idea that there could be someone else with the same face as me.

???: I see. Say, is it possible that you are related to the king of this country?

Yuri: Yes, but not biologically. Could it be the same for you?

???: It is. I am the younger brother of the late XYZ king, Yuto.

Yuri: Oh, so you are the one I have heard so much about. It is impressive that you took down a killer machine with your own power alone.

Yuto: I suppose so. How did you learn about your origin?

Yuri: Judai had the guts to tell me the truth, contrary to his wishes. He didn't mention others sharing the origin though.

Yuto: So he told you himself...

Yuri: Hm? Is something the matter?

Yuto: ...It's nothing.

Yuri: What else do you know?

Yuto: What makes you think I will say anything regarding our origin?

Yuri: You don't seem keen on hiding it. And even if you were unwilling, I would force the information out of you.

Yuto was silent for a moment, gazing at his look-alike. He was considering his options.

Yuto: Alright.

Yuri: Oh? Do you have an ulterior motive?

Yuto: It's beneficial for both of us.


I wanted to have a peaceful life with my family. To laugh together, to cry together, to do everything together. No matter what, our family bond would stay strong.


Manjoume: Serena is the lost princess?!

Asuka: H... How?

Mizuchi: Suprisingly, the story of the princess and the Supreme Dragon is known as a legend among the common people. The princess wished to seal away the being born from darkness and even now, she is trying to do so as Serena.

Manjoume: Just because the princess sacrificed herself to seal that monster, doesn't necessarily mean that Asuka's sister will have the same fate.


Even if Serena isn't related to me and brother Fubuki, I love her with all of my heart. Even if she is someone else...


Mizuchi: I wouldn't be so optimistic.

Asuka: Why do you say that?

Mizuchi: Do you two know the story of the creators of Ka-Ba?

Asuka: Yes.

Manjoume: What about it?

Mizuchi: It is said that they reincarnate every hundred years or so, hoping to finish what they started.

Asuka: You don't mean-

Mizuchi: Yes. The princess is one of the creators, which makes your sister a reincarnation of her as well. Rumors say that the reincarnations of the younger sibling would end up sacrificing themselves for the greater good.

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