Chapter 32

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Yuto: Shun, was it alright to leave Ruri like that?

Shun: I have a bad feeling about that village. If something happens, at least I want to keep her out of harm's way.

This time, Yuto and Shun were riding on their partner monsters. From above, they could clearly see the abandoned village.

Shun: You said your sister and the palace staff said something about it?

Yuto: Yeah. Apparently, the story is vague. It's rumoured to be the place where the legendary people of Plana lived.

Shun: I have heard that name before. It's said they had the ability to fight off corruption, which made a person succumb to the darkness of their heart.

Yuto: Only they had this power?

Shun: Plana is the name of their power, hence the people of the Plana. The origins of this power are a secret though.

Yuto: That altar we saw before might have the answers we seek.

Shun: I believe so too. Speaking of the altar, I can see it.

Yuto: You're right.

Shun: Dive down Rise Falcon.

The metallic bird did as told and was followed by Dark Rebellion. Both monsters landed, letting their masters get down. The village was just like the last time they had seen it.

Shun: Let's see what is so desperately hiding from us.

Yuto: Off we go.

???: So this is what you were hiding from me? An expedition?

Both got startled by the voice. Once they recognized it, both looked at the other from the corner of their eyes.

???: What now? Cat got your tongue?

The older male turned around swiftly.

Shun: Ruri, I told you to not come.

Ruri: Why? I don't see any threats. Besides, I can take care of myself.

Shun: No you can't.

Ruri: Do you doubt my abilities?

Shun: Your abilities still need development.

Yuto: You two, we may have a problem.

Both siblings turned at the prince, whose sight was set at the altar. A green sphere was being formed, then a human bird came out of it, giving a loud screech.

Ruri: Kyah!

Shun: Gah! Yuto, help me out!

Yuto: Yes! Go Dark Rebellion!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon and Raidraptor Rise Falcon prepared to attack the monster.

Ruri: No! Stop!

Another human bird monster appeared, protecting the opponent. Both partner monsters halted the attack.

Yuto: Ruri?

Shun: Stay out of this Ruri!

Ruri: No! Don't attack him!

Yuto: Huh? Why?

Ruri: This monster serves as a guardian, right? He is just doing his job. We have no right to harm it.

Shun: Ruri, that monster is trying to attack us.

Ruri: But striking back won't do any good.

She stood in front of the boys, her partner monster going back to her.

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