Chapter 54

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Synchro Kingdom, standing proudly on the highest mountain of the continent. The castle is built on top, governing over the villages below. Despite being on a place with a harsh climate, this kingdom is the most advanced in the continent. However, it was facing a small crisis revolving around the death of the mayor and his brother. Yusei Fudo, the king of the country, was going through the process of electing the right person for the job. After all, the people deserved someone who could help them in the best way possible.


Yusei: You want to take the position?

???: Yes. I believe I can do just as well as Goodwin.

Jack and Crow immediately gave him the stinky eye.

Crow: And why should we trust you?

Yusei raised his hand, silencing him. Crow grumbled in response.

Yusei: Alright, Jean Michel Roget. Your contribution will help creating a good future for our country.

Roget: The pleasure is mine, my king.

Yusei: However, I will not hesitate to remove you if your actions threaten the peace.

Roget: ...Understood, my king.

Yusei: You are excused.

When the silver haired man left, Jack and Crow turned to the king.

Jack: You know he means danger, do you not?

Yusei: That is why I have to keep him close. This way I can monitor his actions easier.

Crow: I thought you fell for it.

With a smile, he responded.

Yusei: I wouldn't fall for the lies twice.

Jack: Should I tell Mikage-san and Tetsu to look into the matter?

Yusei: Please do.


Akiza was on a school, walking to the principal's office. Worry and concern were present on her face. With trembling hands, she opened the door.

Principal: Oh, there you are.

Inside was the principal and her younger sister, Rin. She was staring at the ground. Aki closed the door, standing face to face with the principal.

Akiza: I heard something happened with my sister.

Principal: It is true. Rin Izayoi, while on battle practice, hurt one of her classmates with her powers.

Akiza: What?!

She turned at her, whom looked away. It was clear that he wasn't lying.

Akiza: There must be some kind of misunderstanding. My sister would never hurt anyone.

He was silent for a moment, then spoke on the microphone on his desk.

Principal: Bring the student here.

The door opened to reveal a teacher with a kid close to her. The kid had his right arm frozen with ice. Akiza gasped in shock.

Principal: Is there a misunderstanding?

Akiza: Rin would never hurt anyone on purpose!

Teacher: That may be true, but she also turned the whole field into ice. Some of the students were hurt in the process.

Principal: If another incident like this happens again, I will expell your sister.

Akiza: Please understand! Rin has just started using her powers! I am sure that she will be able to-

Pricipal: She isn't the first to use her powers for the first time and she won't be the last. Also, I've heard you had the same problem with your own powers.

Rin was surprised to hear her sister had gone through the same situation as her. However, to hear others belittle her sister was something she couldn't forgive. She clenched her fists, ice coming from her, covering the area around her.

Akiza: I did have the same problem, but people accepted me as I was. So Rin should be accepted just like-

Principal: Even those that accepted you will betray you eventually! You two are cursed!


A strong wave of ice was blasted on the entire office, making everyone in it fall on the icy floor. The windows broke in the process. The people present looked towards the perpetrator, who was shocked.

Principal: I knew it, you are a witch!

Akiza: Rin...

The green haired girl looked around, the teacher and student were scared, while the principal was spiteful. Her body was trembling; they either hated her or feared her. So she did the only thing she could think of. Run away.

Akiza: Rin, wait!

She ran, crying. Her older sister chased after her, wanting nothing more but to calm her down and comfort her. Ice would follow whenever she ran. People in the school were either surprised or confused.

Student 1: Ice? In spring?

Student 2: Inside of the school?

Student 1: What is going on?

Student 3: We have to get out of here.

Rin made it out of the school, looking around. Going home was not an option; what if her parents would start to hate her just like the others? She stopped at the edge of a lake. The ground was frozen, so she could freeze the water too, right?

Akiza: Rin!

She panicked, her sister was catching up with her. She turned at the lake, placing her foot on the water, freezing instantly. Looking back at her sister, Rin ran on the lake, freezing with each step.

Akiza: Rin! Agh!

She tried to follow her on the frozen lake, but she slipped. All she could do was to watch her sister run towards the forest. Devastation had taken over her entire body.


Rin: Calm down Rin... Calm down...

She was walking slowly inside the forest, looking around in fear. Maybe going in a forest at twilight wasn't such a good idea, but no one would come to hurt her at least. Or so she thought.

Rin: What was that?

Twig snapping was heard, making her back away a little because it was heard close to her proximity. Something came out, scaring her enough to blast ice, but the thing avoided it.

Rin: H-Huh? A raccoon dog?

???: What were you thinking-pon?! You almost killed me-pon!

Rin: I-It talked?!

???: Does no one have respect for animals these days? We have a life too-pon!

Rin: I-I am really sorry. I didn't see you.

???: Ponta! Where did you go?

Rin: Huh?

A muscular man came out of the bushes, his eyes adjusting to the scenery.

???: There you are. Don't run off like that Ponta.

Ponta: Sorry, Girag-sama.

The raccoon dog climbed to his shoulder, with him petting the little animal. It was then that he noticed the girl.

Girag: Hm? What is a young lady like you doing out here in the woods?

Rin: Eh? T-That's...

Girag: It will get dark soon. You have to go home.

Rin: ...I do not want to go back home.

Girag: Huh?

Rin: I am not going in there.

Girag: "She seems frustrated... I know I came here for that mission, but I want to help her... No, as a warrior, I have to help this girl."

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